Mah white race

>mah white race
>poo in da loo

Explain yourselves americucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump wins

I watch this every year
The machine(one in grey) definitely threw it so he could tie with his friend

Worst Indian Super Bowl yet

can remember how to spell words but cant remember to poo in loo.

>I watch this every year
>the Spelling Bee
Holy shit. Kill yourself.

so that justifies some poo in the loos cuckolding white america?

The time spent memorizing dictionary pages could have been spent on something much more fun, fulfilling and productive. I blame the parents. Either way who gives a shit. Good for them. I hope they enjoy their trophy.

they're barely launching their scatsat, let them have this one.

Look at their blank emotionless faces. They were probably taught to spell since birth. After all, they're going to be the best tech support they can be!

I give a shit. Why? Because an Australian news site has a picture of two indian kids winning a trophy for academic achievement, in a 'white' country.

Are you Americans so apathetic you don't give a shit about your race loosing to these brown skins?

I don't get spelling bees or american football or peanut butter, why does American culture sucks so much?

we have better things to worry about as do you.

If u had to spell "jaganapanathan pajeetmanalakshmi poopoolooloo" every fucking day spelling would be easy for u too.

Even the rule is shit
>If both made mistake, they both still win the trophy.

Instead of having only 1 winner

At least they can spell losing


>why does American culture sucks so much?
What culture? There are probably bakeries in Europe with more culture than 'murica.

Gotta have something to shit in

>i missed the Sup Forums shitposting


havent poos won every spelling bee for the last 50 years? let them have this, they dont have much to be proud of

Its a spelling bee, not a smelling bee.

Spelling Bees are only a thing in Anglo world because of the fucking retarded pronunciation.

No. I literally don't care.

What's the point of spelling if you can't use TP?

Rain Man was pretty fucking smart too, but he was still a retard.

Everyone's entitled to their guilty pleasures, user.

It's a prisoner's dilemma, user. The only correct choice is still to play however, and to win. If you choose to lose and your opponent doesn't, you lose completely. If you try and win, and your opponent doesn't you win.


holy shit they are fucking disgusting looking

I am so thankful every day not to be a fucking poo in the loo shitskin

can you like, imagine coming fresh out the shower, looking down, and seeing your body is literally browner than a fucking turd and still reeks of curry

omfg hahahahha thank the fucking lord I am white

Contest confirmed for rigged.

>He doesn't know that a maximum of a third of a French word is pronounced at one time.

He didn't go full retard though.

I thought they made it so there won't only be one


the spelling bee is only really entered by autists and immigrant children whose parents want to show off to their families at home

How unoriginal of Asians and Indians, rote learning words they'll never use.

How about doing something creative.

At least with sports there are thousands of kids getting scholarships, it's just one or two of these every year.

The sad thing is English is their second language and not what they speak at home.

mfw poo in da loo do teh english better than me

immigrant work ethic + immigrant parents making their children study 8 hours a day from age 3

atleast non-indian immigrants make their children devote all their time to actually useful shit which is why you don't see gooks as much as poo in loos in spelling bees

This is similar to (simple) mental math competitions where Indian kids use a visualized abacus method to preform quick calculations. It's almost on the level of a parlor trick because it doesn't require a deep understanding of mathematics or being able run complex math models mentally. These champions rarely (never) go on to became great authors or contribute to mathematics in meaningful ways.

There's plenty of real Indian geniuses that have made real contributions to maths/literature and can do actually impressive feats. No need to spotlight these kids wasting potential playing memorization games.

Well, that and after going through so many rounds, they don't want to tell the kids "Sorry fuckers, you both lose now leave."

Also, when 2 people win, they both get the full amount of prize money, it isn't split.

spelling bees mean nothing. modern technology has created a situation where nobody needs to know the proper spelling of any word. spell check will tell you if its wrong and google will tell you what you should have typed

just dont type mitochondria

I also watch math olympiads. Problem?

Sup Forums always brings up IQ in every other thread. Doesn't mean shit, especially when someone like Bobby Fischer had 176 or something and did what? Play chess.

>can win a spelling bee
>worships toilets instead of using them

india you are not a smart country


it's a skill that is quickly irrelevant once you have written a few papers. honestly, being able to hear a chemical formula and know the elements is a more useful skill we should teach.

>he time spent memorizing dictionary pages
they do more than memorize dictionary pages they also take ur tech jobs

>wasting hours literally reading the dictionary so you can beat other poo-in-loos at reading the dictionary

Almost worse than US Policy debating





is sadiq actually poo in loo? thought he was syrian or iraqi or something

It's just a spelling bee. Sorry, friend, but I'm fine.


Butt = unwiped

Yeap, his parents are Indian.

White Americans want Mexicans to learn English. Meanwhile white Americans suck at English.

Whats the point of being able to spell if no one can understand a fucking word they are saying.

I'm sorry senpai

please take me as a loyal servant

Jyst for (you) love

butt = leaking


It's well known that whites mature slower than shitskins. This gives them more time for their brain to mature and they become comparatively smarter when they are fully mature.

Wait. Spelling Bees are actually a thing?

I thought they were made up.

Only lowly grunt work is given to poo in loos in the tech industry.

>what is the intelligence bell curve

With 2 billion shitty Indians running around, a couple are bound to be intelligent.

>play chess

his greatest achievement was btfo of jews after they invited him to one of their satanic child sacrifice sex parties


stop being insecure James

Pajeet apu inlu it a very loving man and will treat you very well when India is a superpower in 2030

you can't rote learn 200k words... they learn word roots and other morphemes then piece it together with the info provided by the judge.

>Only lowly grunt work is given to poo in loos in the tech industry.
CEO of Coca-Cola also CEO of MasterCard are from India.

also microsoft and google

Hi Rajmukesh!

he outskilled gommies at chest putting them to shame

its spelling not math lol

Vinod Khosla CEO and founder of Sun Microsystem. Born Delhi, India

White parents aren't obsessed with pointless academic achievements and would rather see their kids succeed socially so they can thrive in the business world.

Peanut butter is fantastic, shut your damn whore mouth.

It's rote memorization, the insectoid races are better at that, it's not a secret.

Spell in the loo

Useless talent. We have google and spellcheckers nowadays to assist you in spelling. I'd rather dedicate my time mastering the art of NLP, rhetorics, and copywriting. Used correctly, it can manipulate thousands of people.

I noticed Donald Trump uses NLP whenever he speaks in public. NLP can make you become a president of a nation. Spelling can't.

He's a muslim retard. Throw him in the loo and shut him in

I thought you guys reserve vitriolage for adult women?

PEPSICo not coke.

Also Cavium, Cognizant and NOKIA(i think)

ahggrr fuck. Disregard. suck cocks etc.

I haven't slept in 38 hours.

>I haven't slept in 38 hours.
Woah! you'll have permanent brain damage, Dan. Fuck off to sleep.

Who's Dan? and I can't. I have a 9 hour shift in a little over an hour.

mate you'll fucking die
you need to sleep
take a day off or something

No. Need money. Must pay rent. Food costs dollars. Sleep later.

Must work hard at porn shop putting on smile for perverts.

hes paki..dont listen to poo..always want to claim all shitskin theirs

Is it because the moon landing was fake so there are no flags there?

>Spelling bees
>Not dictations
Why aren't dictations a thing in the US anyway?

why aren't they a thing in France anymore ?

They still are?

No, that's the Highlander.

>no negative notation
>don't lose points for wrong punctuation or accents

So you're saying that one more Indo-European language has a fucked up spelling? That's some nigger tier shit

>no negative notation
Huh, what's the point?
Wew, you got a 0 instead of a -3, good job!
>don't lose points for wrong punctuation
You can't get the punctuation wrong since they always announce it anyway.
>or accents
Calling bullshit on this one.

> spelling correctly is an achievement worth a trophy in America