To hell with videogames. I’m gonna spend a day on Arrakis

To hell with videogames. I’m gonna spend a day on Arrakis.

I thought it was an odd book. Hear they are working on a movie for it again. Will it get blacked?

I hope not. Some things are best left on the printed page.

Muab'dib! Muab'dib!! The Fremen are ready to claim the Universe from the corrupt Emperor, the villainous Harkkonans, and the dirty Tleilaxu!

books were so amazing, first couple any way.

one of the few times I remember reading something so vividly described, I actually felt the writing altering my state of mind and actively creating the writers' universe for me.

the only other time I recall was book 4 of the thomas covenant stuff. i re-read it recently, trying to build up the stamina to read the third trilogy he made, which I wasn't enjoying as a fresh read (read the originals over 25 years back) and it didn't work the same.

but when I was 11-12, reading those stephen donaldson books and dune, man, I'll never be in that state again.

>godspeed OP, today you are not a fag

Fear is the mind killer

Oh shit they turned it into a book?


It was a good story but... I generally dislike any book that has so many characters and made-up words that you constantly need to look up in the glossary. I end up either getting distracted from the flow of the story, or try to just skip the weird words and miss some of the finer points.

That's a good book. I'm going to try and read them in chrono order by the three prequels first leading into the original booms


The David Lynch movie features the most sand nigger extras ever on film.

It also has Jack Nance from Eraserhead.

Lynch is a weird motherfucker.

He makes a really fine movie though. Truly, one of the few directors I can't name a bad picture from

>dune movie is terrible but

This looks like a Facebook post to show girls how smart u are

Well, it's not bad in my opinion. Moreso, I believe it just a product of too many cooks spoil the broth

Good old dune, my favorite franchise that most people aren't aware of or are only because of david lynch. Kinda depressing because no one I know had read dune

I'm spending today in the Four Lands.

Read all the originals and then read the ones by his son....different but still pretty good. The original 6 though...that shit changed my life

I read all of the white gold weilder books at least thrice each

The Spice must flow

Good choice user, this is a great book. I've read the sequel and I got a little bit into the third one, and it's alright. The first one is, by far, the best.

There are a lot of made up words and characters but it's still pretty easy to follow if you have semi-decent reading comprehension skills. Just make up a pronunciation for all the quasi-arabic words and stick with it - as long as you get the meaning behind the word, how you pronounce it in your head doesn't matter at all.

Wheel of time is where it's at, give me Jordan or give me death...

The truth!!!

Iron Maiden fan?

Too bad the whole story is derived from a rape...

Go on....

Most stories are.

>too bad

pick one. I was 8 when I read book one, and had to have it explained to me by my mother.

Great series but the ending sucked

So is the Kite Runner.
That doesn't make it a bad book.
Virtue signalling is going great to get you nowhere on Sup Forums, you fucking pansy