Hey user, do you think capitalism i a good thing?

Hey user, do you think capitalism i a good thing?

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it's human selfish nature
so no

What would you propose to replace it?

>inb4 some star tek utopian nonsense

yes, it allows people to work for what they get, spend their money how they choose, choose what brand to buy, choose where to work, encourages innovation and price competition. Everyone wins except those who are too dumb and lazy to actually contribute meaningfully to society.

The idea is good. It means that people are rewarded for their efforts and contributions.

In practice? Well we've seen the negative sides more often then not.

Capatlism like any other system is great on paper. In practice it only needs one person to be greedy to fuck it all up.

Yes, but not the corporatism version we see taking hold. Without proportional compensation for effort/servicea rendered society will stagnate.


Thats like asking if AIDS is a good thing.
As long as you are on the right side of the dick its your are not that fucked

Total war. I think i would enjoy it.
A sad thought..

What are you fellow German doing on this site?

Lovely metaphora

implying the trend our global capitalism takes is representative for capitalism in general.
there were a number of attempts with property taxes in the past.
guess what happened...

No, socialism will win

Sort of defeats the point doesn't it? War I mean, isn't all our war a worse state of affairs than the current flawed version of capitalism?

But socialism has never been successful, name one instance where socialism has been shown to be productive, stable, and long lived.

Only if you're on top.

How many jews will die in the coming war?

Imagine all the carping that Socrates and Aristotle had to put up with about their untested democracy.

Socialism will never win.


cough Venezuela cough

It's the best option currently out there, but it still sucks, tbh. At least it hasn't killed as many as communism, socialism, or nazism.

"Socialist' as in Marxist-Leninist? Cuba. Highly educated populace with a decent standard of living given how much of a shithole it was before socialism, disproportionately influential in international affairs and world-renowned cheap and effective healthcare.

Now you name ONE instance where socialism wasn't immediately attacked from all directions by imperialist powers.

How is a country where 80% of employees work in the private sector socialist?

As a whole, yeah.
As it is in America, not so much. If capitalism hadn't bled it's way into every political leader, I'd be 100% for it, but now capitalism makes the money behind a choice more important then the ethics or positive outcome.


>If capitalism hadn't bled it's way into every political leader, I'd be 100% for it
Under capitalism, the state will always serve the interests of the capitalists. This has been true in the US since even before the Revolution. You're asking the impossible.

>Decent standard of living?

Are you taking the piss? Only those on the right side of the totalitarian overlords have a decent standard of living. The average school kid has to do forced labour in the field when they aren't in class.

> cuba
> a good example of socialism working
If you're genuinely serious, and not baiting, kill yourself. Seriously, there's no hope for you.

>Only those on the right side of the totalitarian overlords have a decent standard of living. The average school kid has to do forced labour in the field when they aren't in class.
t. CIA world """factbook"""

too few.


Where tf did you get your stats from, It still runs on socialist principals regardless and it's gone to complete shittery

>types on couple hundred dollar computer or phone about how capitalism sucks while drinking your Starbucks
>praise socialism

Go move there if it's so great, faggot. Oh wait you can't because they still stone faggots in 3rd world countries. Perhaps the only thing they got right.

>it's gone to complete shittery
1. It was a shithole before the revolution. Socialism has improved things somewhat, but it isn't magic. Cuba isn't a first-world country.

2. It's been under constant US embargo since the revolution, unlike its neighbors it's completely unable to have any trade with the world's largest economy right next door.

That said, despite everything Cuba is still a nice place to live by Latin American standards, and the M-L system has worked quite well. Pic related. Also read this:


If you don't like Wikipedia search "Cuban Medical Internationalism" on Google Scholar

So you agree that it isn't a good example of a success story then.

>Go move there if it's so great, faggot.
Nah, I think I'll stay in the country where I grew up and my friends and family are.

> because they still stone faggots in 3rd world countries.
Source on this happening in Cuba?

exactly, so why would you try to fight human nature?

Theres a reason capitalism is the only form of government that has brought unparalleled growth and development of the human race.

The pursuit of wealth is what drives the human race fowards.

If the world was run on communism this very website and 90% of the technology we use in our day to day lives wouldn't exist. We would literally be living in the 1920's for the next 400 years.

>blaming the US for them running their country into the ground

Lovin' the logic.

at least thats what the media wants you to belive: just work hard enough and youll end up a millionaire.
and part of it may be true, but there is a huge catch:
capitalism is literally the reign of money.
it corrupts everyone.
whoever is on top will be corrupt.
and whoever is corrupt wont snitch on others for being corrupt.
so the people on top pay each other for their assistance to make themselves more and more money. and where does that money come from?
right, from the poor guys on the bottom, who got no money to bribe any officials in order to change laws/regulations in their favor.

Venezuela seems to be doing fairly well despite the CIA's close attentions. The bizarre shortages of consumer commodities there seem to be caused by one particularly nasty capitalist that the government is too decent to have offed.

scheiss gamb ist scheisse

>> because they still stone faggots in 3rd world countries.
>Source on this happening in Cuba?

Okay so they haven't stoned the gays but they were incarcerated in forced labour camps in an attempt to rectify their deviancies.

If you think cuba is an absolute failure because of an "embargo" and not the fact that they tried to adopt a completely communist government, then you are literally retarded

cause every fucking one has equal chances and opportinities to reach their goals

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.
– Charles Dickens

It's not how many "dollars" a Cuban "earns", it's what the Cuban cost of living is in relation to that income.

I'm saying that it IS a success story. Despite the embargo it has high living standards, great healthcare and outsized influence on the world stage. Did you know that Cuba deployed troops across the world several times to help other countries fight against capitalism? It did that all on its own, without support from the USSR or any other country.

>the embargo don't real
>I'm gonna keep blatantly lying and saying it's a shithole and a failure
>despite blatant evidence showing otherwise
The absolute state of rightists

That's more because it's a socially conservative Catholic country than anything else. If they had tolerated LGBT you'd be claiming shit like "they went against the will of the people and forced degeneracy on them".

Capitalism is an excellent economic policy. Providing incentive, working with human nature, more.
The problem (especially in the US) is when capitalism becomes a government policy. That leads to an authoritarian oligarchy, which is the direction things are currently heading.
So overall the best system is democratic capitalist, as long as the two remain separate.

Du Hurensohn wieso benutzt du dieses Bild hier?!

Scheiß promium Hure!

>We would literally be living in the 1920's for the next 400 years.
i think you yet have to grasp the concept of "literally"

also the development of the human race is clearly steering towards self-destruction, which cant be a scenario any living organism would enjoy.
>bottomline: dont trust your nature too much


>So overall the best system is democratic capitalist, as long as the two remain separate.
This is literally impossible.

Nah sorry mate but the cubans we fought in Angola had Russians with them and support.

Ban in 3, 2, 1

>try to fight human nature?
That's not what's going on. 'Recognize the excesses of human nature and attempt to control them for the common good' might be a better description of the Social Contract.


It's glaringly obvious you're some communist sympathizing faggot who isnt a day over 19.

Take down that poster of Stalin if you want anyone to take you seriously.

You talk about "blatant evidence" yet the blatant evidence is literally EVERY country that has attempted communism in any way shape or form has turned into a abymall failure.Open a fucking history book.

Get out of your pit of denial and join the real world you teenage faggot.

Communism doesn't work, has never worked and will never work.

Capitalism is a great thing ... for the capitalists.
For the workers, it's better than feudalism, but that's about it.

well, no, a retard won't become a math professor

Nope. Technocracy is the only way.

sex traffic tourist destination... probably not an economic success story

L0Lno, you credulous, starry-eyed idealist

I know exactly what the word literally means

And i'll say it again, we would LITERALLY be using typewriters, steam driven tractors and gramophones if communism dominated the world.

>blah blah ad-hom blah blah
>blah blah empty generalizations blah blah


double-dubs don't lie

Marxism encourages individuality and transgressing social norms
pic related

Stalin wasn't communist, Sparky. His very nom de guerre should have tipped you off to that.

The word propaganda literally has no meaning anymore because of people like you.

Someone calling you a fucking retard is not propaganda.

>Thinking that any form of government utilized in the shadow of WW2 and within the absence of the internet is desirable or relevant today.

Times are a changing friends.

Where does he work. Like I'm very curious who would hire that.

What I have learnt in this thread:

1) Socialism is the best no matter how badly it has been, you need to ignore the extenuating circumstances.
2) Capitalism is the worst no matter what, there are no extenuating circumstances.
3) People safe in their capitalist societies are very eager to praise 3rd world basket states but are not willing to live in them.

As a Southern African I can tell you we here in Africa have had enough of your "socialism experiments". We need social programmes but not socialism, without captialism we will never see wealth.

Typical problem in communist country: food shorrtages lead to bread line
Typical problem in capitalist country: calories are so cheap, the poor are obese

Some parts...
The idea of letting a free market dictate price has worked out much better than socialized price control.
But the core concept of capitalism is flawed. Accepting a contracted wage without any profit sharing influences a a system of wealth redistribution FAR more damaging to the middle and lower class that any heavy tax system ever could.

Mfw Che would shoot that faggot in the street if he ever saw him but he thinks Che was some sort of beacon of liberation and freedoms

>Stalin wasn't communist
One of a long line of communists who communists say wasn't communist.
Was Mao? Lenin? Pol Pot?

Bin vom pr0 als refugee geflüchtet. Nur noch englisch lernen, dann gehts ab !!!

>said the faggot that has never worked a job that left his hands so dirty they didn't want to jack off to cuck porn.

Blames Lenin for Stalin-caused famine
Says Stalin, head of the communist party, wasn't communist

>do you think

of course it's a good thing. it's not capitalism that's the problem, it's corruption.

corruption exists in all systems.


I wouldn't pick that issue to be your standard-bearer inasmuch as every country is a sex-traffic destination -- the difference is in the cost of admission. Cuba has other, more serious, problems that you might have pointed to. And yet those problems can all be traced back to the country's authoritarianism rather than to its so-called communism.

meanwhile you're the one that has this comic saved on his computer.

Well North Korea calls themselves a democratic republic but obviously that isn't true.
Idiots love labels and flags.

>Be murican
>get high quality instruction, for a price
>accept job for 100k y in the silicon valley
>oh we earn soo mich we will be really rich!
>pay taxes, rent and cool car and student loan
>yee we're so rich l-look how much we earn every year!

None of the above. Those were all autocrats. You seem to have been brainwashed by your "educational" system. Knee-jerk thinking is not real thinking.

so when he chews food it falls out the side of his face?

It has the highest standard of living in the region and saw the greatest rate of growth in the region. So pretty good. And they're a small island with little other than tobacco and sugar to go on.

Son, if you don't have shit you don't like saved to fuck with people you don't like on Sup Forums, wtf are you even doing on Sup Forums? having a civil conversation about politics? What a faggot.

Also, you didn't refute your job history, so let me ask you, why do you have such nice things when your hands are so soft comrade? You're making the people look bad, you know, you don't need that much, and you should really do something about those soft non working hands.

Montessori schools don't follow Maria Montessori's methods.
Trumplethinskin isn't a Republican even though he's the head of the Republican party.
You learned to doublethink very well. US school system, I expect. It is dangerous to believe in labels.

Free market economics works.
Oppressing your working class under a non-negotiable wage, in a non profit-sharing system is grounds for a disaster.
If you think the plebs and normies are to blame for shitty productivity and entertainment, then you aren't paying attention.
Stockholders ruin everything. It is a system of redistribution. It funnels money straight to the affluent class that have never worked hard at anything in their life, but think they know how innovate.

Fuck off you spastic

>capitalism is the only form of government
capitalism is an economic system,
not a form of government, retard

wtf falsches board man, ab zurück in den Keller mit dir >_

I get it now. We should only pay attention to the "true and good" communists and remember that the flaws in capitalist society is only the fault of the ideology and not imperfect people. Got thanks user

the nordic model. capitalism with a healthy dose of social programs and safety nets.

So you mean no.

Earlier today I made a point about advocating for regulations that promote the health of the markets, such as net neutrality, makes you a conservative. A person can be both a capitalist and a socialist.
Fundamental libertarians do not beleive in taxation or vital services and infrastructure that keeps goods moving and people healthy functioning members of society.

It's excelling right now.... literally right now.

You read too many cartoons, user.
Go outside once a day.