Horrible wooden Mary Sue actresses thread

Horrible wooden Mary Sue actresses thread.

This bitch is for real a shitty actress. She or her mom or both must have sucked some serious jew dick to get that starwars role.

Lonely basement dwellers thread?

I wouldn’t be surprised

Am i the only who finds her face extremily punchable?

This. Staring wide eyed and with a gaping mouth at everything is good acting apparently

Ugly as fuck and can't act.

Here's another ugly as fuck "movie star" who can't act, Maggie Gyllenhaal.


i'll stand in that line

Looks that way.

Why the sudden autistic rage? Did she say something negative about Trump?

Aaand Im going to be lynched

haha yes neckbeard general

my favorite thread on all of 4chans

Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne were competing against each other to fuck HER. Why?

oh look, tasteless reactionary basement dwelling faggot thread

quick, all you tasteless reactionary basement dwelling faggots get in here!

Looks like a dyke with that hair.

Implying that every thread on Sup Forums isn't a lonely basement dweller thread? Nothing you can possibly say will be new or even damaging to the mindless horde that dwells here, so why do you try?

Meryl Streep

MASSIVELY overrated and only got parts because she sucked the dicks of leftist directors and for her ultra Liberal anti-American views that Hollywood adores.

Nah, I agree with you. I never really liked her.

They no doubt watched her piss scene

her daughter is hot tho.

google it,nice images

You're right. Yesterday she gave me a blowjob in the lockers. In fact she gave everybody at gold's venice a blowjob when I was there. I know she got a boyfriend but that does not matter. She continues to give blowjobs to everyone. She gives the best blowjobs.

100% agree

I wouldn't call her ugly. She just has grandma's face even though she's only 40. I find that hot but I can see how others would be turned off by it.

Nice tits, not much else though

It's not like we liked her for her keen acting ability.

We just want to put our penis in her mouth.

For real this bitch is the most over rated actress ever. Has 1 facial sxpression

We've seen so much of her acting amiritr?

oh look... another idiot that learned the term "Mary Sue" right after A New Hope

They learned the term but not actually understood what it means

U mad or something? Stop shitposting

Do you know where you are ?

Ugly cunt

daisy is actually a gaping maw of teeth disguised as a human. one day she will reveal her true self and consume the world.


You mean this entire site?

It’s the only logical choice, they’ve got to defend daddy.