Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I'm feeling down

please make me smile

Other urls found in this thread:

google.nl/search?client=ms-android-tmobile-nl&biw=360&bih=310&tbs=isz:l&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=PvcdWtinKIGUsAeu6JyQAg&q=taylor swift rolling stones t shirt&oq=taylor swift rolling stones t shirt&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...1535.2563.0.2737.


Tits of gtfo, it's a simple rule.

Two peanuts walked down the street. One of them was a salted

This. Look, you didn't have to use that pick as a thread starter but you chose to. There is a stricts "Tits or GTFO" policy enforced here ..*unzip*

I love u


Missouri misses you

I just took 6mg of xanax and a beer
Tomorrow ( in 7 hours ) i have a 'school ' trip
How fucked I am? Lol

i like your nose mine is bigger and i dont like it

i hope that makes u feel better

More likely than not you should kill yourself


post nudes and I'll talk with you

Thanks baby. Here's another.
A man was arrested for stealing a truck full of Campbell's soup. The judge wanted to be lenient but it was the man's third strike so the judge had to put him away for mmm mmm good.

yo just draw a joker style smile and you wouldn't even have to rely on us. dummy.


Hi. I like your shirt. Wanna be friends ?

once upon a time my hand couldn't make it into your pants to make you feel better. sorry, OP, you're on your own.

hey rose

That's tswift you idiots

I have the same theory.

Hi Taylor
Why you feeling down?

As for OP actually being Taylor, who knows but the picture actually is of her.

Yea no shit it really is, those lips.

Try this

This is Taylor Swift on the op's pic, kek.

you're a woman how can you feel down, you have won life the day you were born.

Sayori is a cute girl, but you're cuter!

Somebody google search that image and see if it's OC or not. Might really be her

Yep that pic is not OP

google.nl/search?client=ms-android-tmobile-nl&biw=360&bih=310&tbs=isz:l&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=PvcdWtinKIGUsAeu6JyQAg&q=taylor swift rolling stones t shirt&oq=taylor swift rolling stones t shirt&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...1535.2563.0.2737.

luv u taytay

Ya see

at least you're not a nigger, bruh

It's a few weeks old