Good music for existential crisis?
Good music for existential crisis?
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Take it easyyyyy user. You'll find yourself. Start relying on the daily joys rather than the occasional excitements. Peace over pleasure. Have a great day!
Bleak Week by Dandelion Hands
>You'll find yourself.
But I know what I am. I know what we all are.
I don't
Enjoy it.
Well then dope! Outside of political ideologies and hate, we're pretty fucking cool.
>existential crisis
>not metaphysical crisis
pleb detected
i was feeling OK when i entered the thread and then i read your posts. they're trite and stupid. now i'm really angry. you're not helping
Why would I concern myself with the external when I'm unable to cope with the internal?
Bojack Horseman
Rick and Morty
any cartoon basically
Shit, dude. You might as well have told me to take drugs.
Not that I'm not going to take drugs and watch R&M, but the request was for music and its music board and you recommended cartoons.
I'm aware, but like thanks for an actual opinion lmao I've been typing shit out like this for a few days now and nobody has criticized me negatively. Pretty incredible honestly.
And not to say I don't mean it, it's just that I really could give less shit's about Sup Forums's deconstruction antics. Emotion should always be over intelligence. People wouldn't have existential crisis' if they weren't so damn smart.
Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty
Right Away, Great Captain! - The Church of The Good Thief
heh I couldn't think of anything.
maybe this?
vague intelligence is having an existential crisis...
true intelligence is working past it and seeing things for what they truly TRULY are (and being damn pleased with it)
Either channel it into something constructive or distract yourself with mindless sitcoms.
You shouldn't seek music to validate yourself.
Listen to because the internet. The whole album is an existential crisis happening in regard to the mental state of a fictional character
I don't seek music to validate myself.
I seek it to bury myself. Other people's artistic expressions bringing about feelings similar to those I feel give a sense of familiarity and understanding which make it easier to cope.
>It's not to validate myself, it's to validate myself!
You'd have less existential issues if you tried some introspection and acknowledged your own issues instead of writing them off by rewording them. No wonder you have issues if you take an observation as an insult and them admit to it after denying it by rewording it as though it's something else. That's so retarded that I struggled to articulate it, get a grip man.
Listen to whatever puts you at ease best and take an 8th of mushrooms.
I wish that when I first reached an existential crisis in my life, I would have had psychedelic mushrooms on my person. Mushrooms help you dissolve and rebuild yourself. To help you cope with or even fix a mental state of being. Mushrooms clean your mental slate of all stress. Then the months and weeks after taking shrooms feel better and more positive because they also help reduce anxiety by a lot, from a long term perspective.
Coping is not validation, you illiterate fuck.
Looking for an example of someone else having a similar experience to help you 'cope' is literally looking for validation. Coping through being validated by external sources.
Seriously stop getting upset. You're clearly just ignorant of your own short-comings and view yourself as infallible so that experiences in life that aren't going your way are causing you to blame it on so existential bullshit. Cop on.
Shit user, you didn't have to murder him online did you?
Also op sounds like he just moved on up to high school or just finished it
anything that is made by a 14 year old with fl studio
Tangerine Dream - Zeit
that's what started my existential crises, don't go near it
No one gets away with misinterpreting my shitty Sup Forums posts without getting character assassinated, user. No one.
Music for when you have a late assignment and you're staying up all night doing it and going to work in the morning?
lol samefag is so obvious
Nope, just a casual guy posting on his phone during work. You really should get over yourself, OP.
inb4 he calls you me
Who is the Peter Lorre of music?
What do you mean, user?
Is this a still frame from an Animaniacs episode?
Looks too good to be Animaniacs. Its probably a Looney Tune.
>implying metaphysics is only external or internal
Stop talking out of your ass.
Can you be more specific? Do you want cheering up, distracting or to wallow?