
continuing what we have started edition

>kurva anyátok

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Fuck you asshole, Livonians sided with the crusaders, Votes got fucked up by Russians. Finns were some swamp Lapps.


t. tibla in Eesti :(

i have no memes to post. will work as dish washer for memes.

who you calling lapp

tibla ITT :(

Me back in service nearly exactly 6 years ago. Roast my ass.

lol that slightly smug face

Anyone East of us is a bunch of illiterate Russkies with Turkic genes and Finns aren't even Finno-Ugric, they're some kind of Swedish ass-lickers. Grow a spine and flip them all off. Our genetics is best.


i would go carnal on your ass, but i just found out there this motherfucking degenerate posting here:

i will murder that son of a thousand fathers. i promise this

you look like avarage Ivan, no offense :s

Why is Finland superior to other Finno-Ugric speaking countries? (there's only 2(?) of them but eh)

don't conquer and divide us, yank

Menny a faszba Tyrone

Soundtracks of this thread:


gaatodh burgere

>there's only 2(?) of them but eh

why burgers the biggest cancer this planet ever felt?

oh btw
i came home from norway and asked for a light outside at the airport

they were apparently estonians, and we immediately connected through the hate of russians and slavs

No, just asking a genuine question

Besides Finland, 2

Epic post

>and we immediately connected through the hate of russians and slavs
welcome to the family. now fire up that oven and lets stuff it full of slavshit subhuman.

why do you hate slavs?

Go F some reindeer


russians are subhumans but the rest seem okay

West Slavs are only Slavs.

Ingrians don't exist any more, you genocided them


i had deer pãte yesterday with rye bread. it was quite good despite being mass produced. same for wild hog pãte.

there's still some of them left. they have russianized, but they are still fug

social darwinism

>now fire up that oven and lets stuff it full of slavshit subhuman

Estonians are no better. Stop with these Sup Forums tier posts and buzzwords, ok?

We are not Swedish.

>there's still some of them left
Yeah, did you also know all the """Russians"" within our country are mostly of Votic, Vepsian and Ingrian, Karelian origin? Some of them only Russified in the 1970s and 80s.

get out. right now.

How do you read that chart?

why dont you hate slavs? i would steal their woman and impregnate them tho, but the men should be slaughtered, like the good old days, but nooo muh justice trianon



It's basically genetic distance between populations. The closer populations are the more similar they are genetically.

So because Finland is a genetically isolated area we are not as close to anyone as Germany and the Swedish areas for example.

Länsisuomalaiset = west Finns
Itäsuomalaiset = East Finns

anyádat irányítgassad bárhova is koszadék cigány, soha nem jártam abba a szarfészekbe, már szarpostázni se lehet nyugodtan anélkül hogy a kurva anyátok söpredéke megszólítana?

>why dont you hate slavs?
Only Russians who destroy everything they touch. The other Slavs are ok in my book

dögölj meg te rákos nigger

hitler was fond of hungarians, but he raised an interesting question in mein kampf: are the hungarians slavified?

i don't think so, but what is the general consensus on this question?

It looks like West Finns have a tiny bit of Nordic and Russian DNA though

hol a faszomba van a kurva anyátok?

>tfw the official liquoeur (or however the fuck it's spelled ffs, really) for Finland's 100th birthday is liquorice flavoured Vana Tallin (Eesti booze for you non-cultured blebs)

Shit's good at least

Wouldn't raise that question. Hungarians did good.

well, not you are the one surrounded with them tho

>Finns have a tiny bit of
>Russian DNA
it's the other way around tho. russians carry our dna. not even memeing on this one. the white russians are what was left of us in their respective regions

Nekem az ne ugasson, akinek az anyja kisfröccsért szopott kóborkutyát a kocsma előtt aztán egy cigány verte bele a faszát.

le ment archívba, mert senki nem csinált körtét

a warrior elite subdueing the local and surrounding population
2 phases of relocalization of slavs due to tatars and turks

so we mixed but we kept our identity while they lost theirs

There is no "Russians". Anything North of Ukraine is Finno-Ugric.

comfy thread


Gonna try and turn this Swedish flag into a Finnish one. Anyone wanna help?

it should've happened months ago, it became a cancerous place, unbearable to anyone, this is for the best

This one includes Estonians. They are not as separated.

yes. yes! everything is going as planned

first we need to make a black border around the flag so that the white will be visible

hát a kurva anyádat

>so that the white will be visible
i thought the whole point of sweden ever was to make the white invisible

a magadfajta mocskosszájú frusztrált piszkos férgeknek köszönhető, ne engem okolj amiért kimondtam az igazságot, én se véletlen hagytam ott az elmúlt hetekben

>actually a good general
wtf i love finno-ugrics now

ma ei tea miks, aga see lugu meeldib mulle


Hello brothers

why finnish folk metal superior?


yo friendo wanna buy some meth?


Dunno. I was listening to this one earlier, but there was no opportunity to shove it in here, so here goes.



Oh, look at that special girls corner.


hungarian one


Kill yourself, fucking D&C shill

Interesting to listen. I can't make out a single word, but it still sounds kind of familiar.

The word that comes at the end of most lines sounds like "kansa", which means people in finnish.

Post melancholic Uralic music



Can some Estonian tell me about this song:

Is this a patriotic depiction of your history or is it something else?



Kugu Jumo, main god of Mari people. Mari word Jumo is related to Finnish Jumal/Jumala (God).

alright border is done, now fill it in

This is true

But some Slavs outside of Russia are white and blonde too so its not only Finnic genetics


But Slavs originated in like the Belarus area right?

Different music:

I dont know

But "Finns" originated in Volga?

So is there any link then

no idea. I don't think anyone know where exactly Finno-Ugrics came from

southern surrounding areas of the urals

Make Fug great again!

814 was also a good year for us. Look at that Esthland!

damn we even owned Värmland. We need to launch a reconquista

According to science we should own nearly all of Scandinavia and some parts of modern Russia.





тoдмo yдмypт нылaш - Дapaли Лeли