Just got home from what should have been the final exam for my bachelor degree and i'm pretty sure i've failed meaning...

just got home from what should have been the final exam for my bachelor degree and i'm pretty sure i've failed meaning i'll have to spend another 3 months studying

why shouldnt i just kill myself Sup Forums

whats the point of life when you'll either fuck it up in the end or never be good enough

or you could regroup, recollect and try again in 3 months
Use it as motivation to get it right this time, doesn't mean you need to kill yourself.

You don't get success without some failure

don't do it
wait and see how you did1
if you failed just study and take it again, you've gotten this far, you't be more of a failure if you gave up now

Don't be such a pussy. If this has you down, do you think the real world will be more kind to you when you are finished? Don't pity-party so hard.

Hey, people are failures. Don't let that stop you from trying; it's the only way you can win.

stop being such an edgy cunt you pice of shit and think your way out of it. death is not a vacation and because you are on Sup Forums then your going to hell, if you don't believe in hell then there is nothingness and you cant enjoy it. enjoy it while you can

nah i needed 66% on the exam and i can guarantee i only got like 40% on it at most. It's just the fact that this is the 3rd class i've failed so close to the end of my degree and it's really fucking with me more than usual

99% of your thoughts are useless and have no practical meaning. The other 1% actually have a purpose, and that's understanding knowledge and problem solving. Wanting to kill yourself and being depressed about it is part of the 99% of useless thoughts. They don't do anything but exist in your own mind. Stop reminiscing in those useless thought and actually use your practical thought to solve this problem and move forward

It's just 3 months dude.ive been a neet for two years, it's given me some perspective at how fucking fast a month goes by. Relax

I thought the same thing myself, ended up with a 2:1 and everything was ok. My friends that didn't worry were the ones that fucked up.

3 more months? Omg you’re right, suicide is the only option. Hardening the fuck up makes not sense, an heroing the only way to go.

Your basically proposing to rage-quit life because it’s not working out perfectly for you.

Has someone been telling you your amazingly capable of anything your whole life, and you believed them?

Have you tried taking opiates regularly?

ehh, nigga, I've failed probably like 6 or 7 classes over my 4(5?) years in uni.
Literally had to take a year off because I failed too many in one semester.
I'm 4th year now and I'm trying to do shit better, but I'm still not doing that great.
It's fine to fail sometimes, you're not perfect (and I assume you're pretty young, so no shit).

actually now that I think about it, I've probably failed closer to 10-11 classes.

guess it makes more sense in context of what the 3 months really does mean to me

I'm going to be thrown out of my house at the beginning of next year and was meant to have my degree by then so I wouldn't be in a shitty place right out the bat. Whole heap of other little shit too that'd just be classed as whining. Still just a nothing problem overall that is just hitting me harder than i expected it too.

fuck I did that. failed my last class. that was a year ago. my school had a max retake of 3. I repeated calc 2 twice, and another class once. so now I can't retake it.

my life has taken a huge fucking downturn since.

true, perspective is key

considering i've been in a long distance relationship for just under 2 years now you have no idea how much i need that haha

dude I've spent 4 years studying - 2 years of which were worthless certificates, and have failed 8 papers in the last two years. Failing hard here and in dire need of reevaluating what I want in life... but there's no way I'm giving up on finishing this at least. just do it op

Whats even funnier is you just wasted years of your life for a meaningless degree, and now you're in massive debt.

don't listen to these faggots trying to talk you out of it op, you know they're full of shit.

Australiafag not a stupid amerifag. Government pays for tuition and i pay back through tax when i hit like 40k a year.

seriously if you're an amerifag wanting to go to college itd be better to just off yourself. I have no idea how you americans can live with such a shitty shitty tuition system like holy fuck

holy shit thanks user that made me cry like a pussy I am so demotivated because I just failed my 3rd exam and now the only way to pass in through the final

understandable, i'd want to kill myself if i was australian too