Modest Mouse and Talking Heads fans, is this true?

Modest Mouse and Talking Heads fans, is this true?

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If the only 3 bands you've ever heard are Modest Mouse, Talking Heads and Bachman-Turner Overdrive then this is a reasonable thing to say. Otherwise it's utter drivel.

Absolutely not. They sound nothing alike.


when will this meme stop


I don't even listen to these bands and this pisses me off


The Ground Walks, With Time In A Box sounds like Remain In Light era Talking Heads

they are similar in that both bands' vocals sound like some sort of elaborate joke

>Mumford & Sons, Coldplay, Lorde
>"haha wtf"
>...Built to Spill

>Do you remember Radiohead's song "Creep" from 1992? Of course you do. Now try to name another cool song by them. Take your time...
This is dumb

t. triggered reddithead fag

>Dude these bands don't even have a radio hit lmao

why do people do this

>Belle and Sebastian

this succeeded

fug forgot pic ///

This. Built To Spill is amazing.

Go home, Matt.

I mean I guess if you listen for it isaac brock sounds kind of like david byrne but it's a shitty hipster comparison to make in the first place, especially if it's on a list criticizing hipsters

Everything here is right except MGMT, Aphex Twin, and Bon Iver. Aphex twin made every techno cliche, and is substance over style. MGMT are genuinely talented and interesting, not to mention their isn't anything hipsters or lame about them. Bon Iver passes because of his voice, talent, and amazing folk tracks, but he is probably the weakest of the 3.

Just get off the fucking board, dude. If you honestly think MGMT, Aphex Twin, and Bon Iver are the best, just get off the board.

talking heads is literally a lame band hipsters love

holy fuck

That Lorde one was fucking hilarious, so poinltess kek:

>Her real name is long and weird, her music might not be shit but it isn't my favourite.

most of the stuff on here is genuinely bad

>the talking heads

Hes shown better taste than most anons ive seen here this month. Mu is a garbage pile and yet people still act elitist lmao. Maybe once the board isnt garbo elitism would make sense

This one too
>you're a hipster if you like an artist who performed under an alias


What the fuck?? I mean it's been well documented that Isaac loves and has taken a lot of inspiration from Talking Heads and David Byrne, but they really don't sound similar. Modest Mouse is way more emotionally charged than Talking Heads and are not at all post punk or new wave

Most people I know recognize I Might Be Wrong or Karma Police as a Radiohead song.

Everyone I know who knows Radiohead by name knows My Iron Lung at the very least, and most of them know Paranoid Android.

Yeah boyo nobody here puts their neck on the line and claims to enjoy Aphex Twin, MGMT or Bonny Bear right what a fucking patron saint of taste that oddball is

Have you seen the catalogue lately. Aphex Twin or Bon Iver would be a step up from meme rap and pop

For new Modest Mouse yes. In fact, the only reason he picked up Johnny Marr was because of his guitar work on a Talking Heads record, Isaac didn't even know him from The Smiths. We Were Dead has blatant Talking Heads and late Pixies influences all over it.

>no valid criticism against my favorite band

>haha boise
>this band isn't cool haha
what kind of septic tank of a website is this

I can only see this being remotely true if we're talking about vocal deliveries. Anything instrumentation wise, absolutely not.

What else do you expect from

this is just a list of radio-relevant alt-rock bands, move along folks nothingg to see here

Which is funny considering Built to Spill is one of the few genuinely cool bands currently active.

ok, this is definitely supposed to be funny

Whenever the next meme subculture of similar scope takes off. People describe and understand their world with labels, "hipster" is going to stick for a while just because of how wide a net the label casts.

I literally lol'd when I got to Panic at the Disco at the idea that hipsters love Panic at the Disco

Really? I liked We Were Dead. Recommend me some songs/albums?

Pretty Odd is a 10/10 album

90% of these aren't even arguments. I feel like this was ghostwritten by a Onion writer, because this fits perfectly there

josh homme doesn't deserve this

>Aphex Twin

This confirms it, this article is weapons-grade bait.

nice opinions

Give a list of artists that are """""""""""good""""""""""""" desu

>A highly mainstream group like Modest Mouse is a hipster band

The sheer lack of awareness towards music among poptimist is insane

Modest Mouse is pretty popular by Sup Forums standards, but most people only know Float On. They surely qualify by the broad definition of hipster

yeah pretty much everyone on this board is a hipster by normal people's standards

Most mainstream bands in existence are only known for being one hit wonders. The fact that normalfags even recognize the name shows how non-hipster they are

yeah, Sup Forums is like two steps beyond what most people would consider hipster music. A large chunk of Sup Forums stuff is music people are barely even aware of, definitely not enough to have opinions of the people who listen to it

ok, but thats not how most people use the term hipster
I think for most people a hipster band would be any 'indie rock' band that they are aware of, many would probably even include mainstream alternative rock bands (as this list often did)

Talking Heads suck though.

My previous definition for hipster music was just anything that could be considered underground but by this definition it seems like about 99.9% of the music produced is just hipster music

>99.9% of the music produced is just hipster music
this may be true. Remember, that surely at least 90% of people primarily just listen to terrible top 40 pop rap or country, or listen to old pop and rock music. The vast majority of music currently is listened to by a very small number of people

something something seize the memes of production

this feels like an old vice article

No because I love TH and wouldn't ever go near MM

sad choice :(

Reads like a clickhole article

I fucking hate normies

Yes but that song is obviously inspired by Talking Heads. The majority of MM's discography sounds nothing like Talking Heads.

Pleb filter worked again

AFYCSO and Pretty Odd. are both pretty highly regarded desu.

Who praises those albums?

I love them, I need people that like those ones

>their biggest hit
Was that actually true at one point?

While we're at it there's this gem from a ticketing site when I went to see Modest Mouse in Sydney last year.

Yeah, the video was popular on YouTube

not at all
they're nothing alike


Well, what would you call someone who wears shoes like this? Faggot is too general.

This list is a deliberate attempt to piss off readers and earn more clicks.

That Animal Collective one is right though.

Wasn't there a Vice article which is the same thing?