Republicans: Trump is an embarassment

Republicans: Trump is an embarassment
Democrats: Trump is an embarassment
Libertarians: Trump is an embarassment
Liberals: Trump is an embarassment
Conservatives: Trump is an embarassment
Every other country in the world: Trump is an embarassment

Trump supporters: Trump is amazing, he will make america great again, and he will build da wall :D and ban da truck of peace xD

There's no conspiracy, it's just that all of you unevolved Trumpanzees are retarded.

(last post got archived, anyone up for round 2?)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, you're still a Faggot. Trump is still POTUS.


Trumpets are literally the cancer killing Sup Forums

Sup Forums is just fine, boah. So is Trump. Best President Evah.

this is tragic

Liberals love getting BTFOd in these threads.

That's just because you're intimidated by blacks and women and muslims.

we're the majority.

They like getting cucked in real life, too.

Niggers are savages,
Muslims are a religion or rapists and terrorists.
and women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

majority of what? cunts?

Nah there's a reason everyone tells you to go back to Sup Forums, containment boards are there for a reason

>something gay about buttfucking

Trumptards are all over it like white on rice

loving trump as prez

sure, he's not perfect, but he's a lot better than the other choice/choices.

maga maga doo!

Don “the cryin con” Drumpf

Im from russia and i like trump. Can you white bois give me good resourses with rational and logical justifications that trump is bad?

> Walk into walmart
> See guy pushing cart brimming with shit
> Greeter lady says, "SIIIIIIIIR!"
Greeter lady has annoying voice
> Guy enters fastwalk mode
> I turn to face guy walking past me
> Guy is in full sprint with cart
> I get my 300 lbs of highly refined masculinity in motion
> Guy checks behind shoulder
> Sees me and abandons cart
> A half dozen people are standing around saying, "WTF is that guy chasing him? He must be a shoplifter"
> Guy goes to astro van
> I see two women in the front of the van, they look up and see me and panic, flailing arms and yelling as I stand in front of the van
> Guy is frantically pulling on driver door handle, it must be locked or jammed
> Halfway expect Benny Hill music to start playing, if I wasn't sucking so much wind from my 25 yard sprint I would be laughing
> Guy runs around back of van to get in sliding door
> I walk to back to get plate number as van has trouble starting
> Van peels out and almost hits some dude that was assisting
> I ask if everyone around is alright that nobody got hit by anything
> I help bring cart back to store to give description of vehicle and the party in the van
> At this point I look at contents of cart
> Potatoes, eggs, meat, tortillas, milk, blankets, etc. Didn't even see a 2 liter of soda as far as I can remember
> MFW I denied food to a homeless family

Happy Holidays!

Do any liberals want to comment on the fact that the last quarter gdp was revised yet again up .3%?
That is almost a perfect record of gdp growth that is greater than what was predicted.

Lots of that has to do with the deregulation.

>inb4 it's obamas.

No snowflake.

>I tried Sup Forums but it is too confusing for me
i bet it's these same idiots that want to repeal net neutrality

not for long

of the people that matter.

you're a faggot
you live with your mom
you shouldn't be allowed to post

nobody says that, it's just a bunch of cucked liberals who can't debate. You're in the minority.

You know there's a board for this shit.

This country endured SO MUCH bullshit in my lifetime. And I'm an old fucker. My first election was Carter v. Ford, and I voted for Ford.

Carter fucked this country up hugely.
Then came Reagan - ahhh. Those were the good old days. Everyone made SO MUCH fucking money - it was like manna from heaven.
Then came Bush I - holy shit, did he cock-block the entire planet. His 100 hour war bullshit, and letting the Savings and Loan companies become a mess.
Enter Clinton: Good times again, financially, everyone drives a Beemer or Volvo, but the dude was such a total lying skank - then the S&L thing completely melted down, and Clinton let the Resolution Trust Corporation make all his buddies filthy rich and the rest of us got fucked in the ass.
Here we go with Bush II now. Jesus Fucking Christ. I thought he was gonna be great - nope - again, a lying sack of incompetent shit who started 3-4 different wars and then bankrupted the country - but conveniently - helped out all his pals at Goldman Sachs.
Here comes Obama! Oh wow, what a total dipshit know-nothing, never-even-ran-a-hotdog-stand tryhard. He was essentially a nigger-Bush.
Trump WINS!! Yayyy- finally a MAN who talks like a MAN who likes to FUCK and doesn't NEED THE MONEY!!
This is my guy. Fuck off kiddo.

>of the people that matter.
he actually believes this

Fake news

I wish he was in the KKK, we need someone like that to hang the niggers aka the biggest problem in this country.

>Trump hasn't had the chance to fuck up the stellar economy Obama left us with


>Im from russia
oh now you did it. The progressive Marxists will come in here reeeeing about russia.

>This is my guy. Fuck off kiddo.
just die you old bag of bones

No, they're just useless. Except women. They're pretty a'rite as long as they keep their holes busy.



>He was essentially a nigger-Bush.
kys faggot

Old people should be euthanized

>complains about incompetent Presidents
>voted for 2 of them


>t. Brainlet

You gonna claim it's obamas economic in 7 years?


I don't know what you're talking about man

what an idiot con man

the truth hurts
you're still a faggot
brown people scare you


still salty af over one year later.
how will you handle the next 7 years snowflake?
i'd ask if you had some sources for any of your post, but you're talking out of your ass as usual.
stay mad and retarded, you transexual islamic nigger faggot.

How'd the manafort indictments go? All those charges on russia collusion.... wait they were about tax fraud? Oh well I'm sure it's all still russia in your mind.

He is in the kkk

2016 was a mistake

Bush at least had some balls. Obama let ISIS form when he cut and run from iraq.

No, if the Tax "Reform" passes, the economy will be #rekt like Kansas got #rekt

I know my shit, Trumptard. Go on call me a "snowflake."
I'm 8 steps ahead of you.

In your heart, you know I'm right. Nigger-Bush II

Hope and Change, muthafucka! Dat Change in yo POCKET!

same fag.

>how will you handle the next 7 years
will be pretty happy with ex-president trump losing his shit over the democratic president.

>I want Trump to get away with this
>I am a dipshit


Remember when we had a President that wasn't Putin's cock-holster?

you're just a dumb fucker, not simply old

sad to see someone proceed through life and never grow as a person

fucking kill yourself shitbird

>brown people scare you
they should scare everyone considering how violent and primitive they are.

>Bush isn't responsible for ISIS
>the nigger is

revisionist faggot

Yeah it takes real balls to lie in front of the American people about Saddam, user.

Liberals are cucks. . .
Trump just cucked their new world order. . . .

>supports Trump

probably you should end up in a ditch like that fat faggot, maybe grasping at each other's cockerels

Oh really. How com I see that exact same phrase on every Trump thread on Sup Forums. We don't want this shit here. Get the fuck out.

Tax reform is gonna go great. Those of us that actually know whats in the bill know it will spur the economy even more.

I'm sure some low wage earning wage cuck like yourself thinks you're more important to the economy than getting the 2 trillion off-shored by corporations because of high corporate taxes.

No, you're kind of an apologist faggot for the Bush Years, user, though oddly you seemed to be "critical" of them.

And I voted for Obama's 3rd Term like the majority of American voters.

found the brainwashed fucktard who actually thinks obama did anything good for the country.


>I know my shit,
You obviously don't.

but you're rather primitive, and brown people make you want to be violent user

get away with what? There is no collusion.

>why do I know you won't come back and apologize after you're proven wrong
>because you suck dicks for a living and the GOP loves them rent-bois

pretty much sums up your faggotry

Not an argument.

yeah pulling out of iraq early caused it. Just like we warned you it would back when you wanted to cut and run in 2004. We told you so.

wtf i hate trumpf now! should've voted for hillary, goshdarnit!

If Trumps doing such a great job, and everything is going SO well for the republicans, why are there supporters such a hate filled sour bunch of bat shit crazy mongoloids chimping out harder than Dian Fossey?

It’s like hatred is all they know.
I guess they learned it from you Dad!

Oh we already know what's in it, user.

Keep sucking that 1% cock.

There's no way you make more than 20K annually user

Shit man i have no idea what you're talking about

I colluded with your mother, in which the author engages in deviant sexual acts involving OP's mother who was unfortunately linked for far too long with a total faggot of a father, from which a chip did spawn OP

typical liberal.
can't be accountable or responsible for anything at all. endless deflection, ad hominem, and patent bullshit.
i won't tell you to kys because a long, long life will be a much harsher punishment. enjoy waddling around for another 80 years with that lump of dogshit between your ears.


This country is way better under Democrat rule, user. You're just mad that "liberals" tell you what to do n shit.

Wasn't a lie. Everyone including your hillary clinton made the case for it.

wmd were found

No I am pretty sure you should end up in a ditch like Trump

>thas a fact

Oh but I do, user.
You're a Trickle Down Economics believer. And it's cringe af.

Oh but there was.
You literally want the investigation to be dropped so Trump can continue to commit high crimes.
inb4 durr hurr hillery durr

Trump is going down, user.

What are you talking about?

No it's not.
Obama showed us that.

No it didn't, fuckwad. ISIS was formed because Bush invaded in the first place.

See, your problem is you assume that everyone who laughs at your tiny dick worldview must be under 25 and not know their shit.
And you would be oh so wrong.


Niggers and brown murder more yet i'm the savage one.

$20 trillion in debt and the worst post recession economic recovery ever prove you're a lying moron.

Oh look faggot's mad that someone actually knows history on Sup Forums.

Stupid faggot, putting all your eggs in one basket


15 years later and you faggots are still believing the horseshit.

Won't nee to apologize. I know what's going to happen because its the same thing that always happens, The economy surges.

That’s a retarded and backwards view on cause and effect.
Iraq was targetted because 9/11
Osama was in Pakistan.
Saddam, despite being a despot, kept a lid on sectarianism in Iraq and the surrounding countries.
Removing Saddam from power left a vacuum into which ISIS filled.

But yeah, Blame Obama if it fits your racist agenda...who cares about what actually is the cause


>Liberal projecting.


Obama left office with record approval ratings, a stellar economy, and a legacy that even Trump will not be able to undo.
inb4 durr CNN durr jew media durr

I can read you faggots like a book. Just kill yourselves.

>1% cock.
Did you learn that during your time in the occupy movement in between meth hits?

What else did you learn over at before it was kill?