Millennials, what we know

> Cucks
> Low Test
> Anti-white/west
> By-product of degenerate Gen X'rs
> Live at home rent free, complain about having no money
> Votes for extreme leftwing policies
> Males that hit puberty in their twenties grow wizard like beards
> Women take on useless degrees and complain about no jobs and no rights despite being treated better than any other region in the world
> Will give birth to children that will hate them so much they will become 4th Reich

Posts: what we know
>First is best

I'm not sure I qualify. Does being born in '91 make me a millennial?

This is a low energy shitpost, back to the drawing board achmed

>Will give birth to children that will hate them so much they will become 4th Reich
sehr gut

Yep. Being born between 1980 and 1995 makes you gen y.

Tell us more about how you hate working at McJob but have no overheads thanks to your parents

this really is the beginning of the end for white rule

Milennials are almost all children of boomers, you retard.

Thank Deus I'm a statistical outlier then.

Wrong, that's what it USED to be back in the early 2000's, but the definition of millenial has changed to be 80-95 births.

95 and after is tentatively called "Generation Z" or "The iGeneration"

> I'm born in 1987
> I hate my own generation

Nothing but a bunch of whiners, cucks, and children that get offended by the stupidest thing. Apparently you can't tell people you plan to start a family, or have children because it offends people.... jesus fucking christ.

The scary thing is that they are not buying homes or raising families.

I read somewhere that white children are now a minority. Don't know if it's true but it seems to be foreshadowing of the future.

Oh it's overwhelmingly true.

If you look at the hispanic millenials, they are.

The anti marriage meme is a white thing, and it is almost 100 percent related to urbanization and the degeneracy of cities.

You're projecting my paki friend

But that is what I said?

It's literally impossible to find decent white women in this day and age.

I don't give a shit about society. It treats young men like shit and offers nothing in return for hard work. Wealth is reaching Victorian levels of inequality rather than the 40s-70s relative equality enjoyed by previous generations. So yeah, I have no qualms about being lazy.

People will say "you're not entitled to anything", which is fine, but don't then expect those people to turn around and care about society and your difficulties. Let it burn.

I'm not a cuck
I don't have low test
Pro-White/Western Civ.
I have a job, I'm glad I get to stay rent free here while going to classes
Wrong. I'm voting Trump as well
Incorrect, beards are for jews and nu-males
Correct, congrats m8
Nah. I'm good as is

What incentive do I have to buy a house in a mcsuburb or raise a family with a wife that is going to divorce me?

Agreed. I'm a millennial and I'd say that this sums up about 75% of my generation, probably more among the middle classes, and among whites.

Wait till you get familiar with the generation born after 1995.
Let's just say that insecurity and narcissism is on the rise.

fuck off cunt im 1981 I ain't a millennial

1981 means you came of age as 9/11 occurred. You also weren't in your 20s in the 1990s.

You're a milennial, and there are just as many right wingers among us as there are lefties, it's just that most of our generation became politically conscious during the Bush era when lefties were shilling hard.

Born in 91
Best school in my country
High paying job
Hot French GF for more than 4 years will marry her in 2
Pro Western
> Alpha male
> My generation sucks that's why I'll succeed

We must fight subversion with subversion.
Subversion, subversion, subversion.

Network with fellow like-minded people and spread the world about libertarianism, freedom, and I guess anything else to do with being redpilled.
If you don't hit cultural marxism, physically moving won't get you anywhere - you won't destroy the disease, and you won't end the brainwashing. The leftists, the cultural marxists, spread their disease aggressively - at the beginning, through subversion.

As Alex Jones suggests, we are fighting an information war - we can't lose this war to limp-wristed, scrawny, screamy, emotional, low IQ, stunted adolescent nothings, nor to people from an area of the world where the average IQ is 80-85 and consanguinity is committed to monstrous degrees.

Is this really the trash we're surrendering civilisation to?

It's a lazy, destructive ideology that just keeps spreading - no running away from it will help you escape it. Stand and resist, and purge it off the face of the earth.

You know, do what Sup Forums does best at.
Let's redpill more people. Perhaps you're not articulate the ideas well enough, but maybe you'll reach someone who is.

Lost Generation 1885-1905
Greatest Generation 1905-1925
Silent Generation 1925-1945
Baby Boomers 1945-1965
Generation X 1965-1985
Millenials 1985-2005
Generation Z 2005-2025

They're born from traditionalist faggots like you in the first place
People who think they have high level of morality but really are idiotic and cucked on all possible level
Cucks give birth to cucks who give birth to cucks. Their """""political""""""" orientation has no more value than a meme because they're all equally autistic

>Implying the generation after won't be even worse

You do realise who owns the education system

OR you could get a job and stop being a lazy faggot

I was born in 97 desu


Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create bad times
Bad times create strong men

You must be Absolutely Dubversive

Nah. There's literally nothing good about work, the sooner it's abolished through automation the better. Even peasants under feudalism worked far less than we do in the modern age. They had several weeks off for feast days alone. But people are too indoctrinated by CEO Greenberg to wake up to this.

>not being a wageslave to pay for Jamals welfare and for your future ex-girlfriend to cuck the shit out of you

Here you are bitching about work, but you managed to punch in on time to shitpost from Aussieland.

That's a British flag dipshit.