I’m trying to get through this High so I can finally be done with this bullshit ass meth but the hallucinations with...

I’m trying to get through this High so I can finally be done with this bullshit ass meth but the hallucinations with spiders and flies constantly going around my room, I can’t fucking take it. Not expecting to sleep but how can I stop these motherfuckers’s constant Moton is the only thing I’ve that helps at all, I have the light on but I don’t fucking know if that helps or makes it worse and I can only imagine closing my eyes won’t work, tell me anything I can fucking do because I’m done with this shit, how long Are the hallucinations supposed to last anyway?? Hurry niggas

do you have xanax take that

Recite the lords prayer

Christ I wish. Will closing my eyes helps me deal with it or make it worse? I’ve been rocking around in bed/standing up swaying side to side for an hour and a half about and I really haven’t accomplished anything because idk how long his will happen. Is it supposed to end with the high?

Find something benign to focus on until it stops.

Some extra info: there are spiders everywhere especially if I focus on one stop and some shadow figures in the corner of my vision. When I close my eyes the knats storm but I haven’t gone for long so I’m sure it gets worse. The swaying from side to side kind of helps to stop them materializing which is the only tihing I could think of

I try to watch videos but all they dlo is spawn in front of me, does anyone actually know how long this bullshit goes on for? Once that’s done I can ride out my last meth high in relaxation but right now this shit is killing me, I get these worse than anyone I’ve heard about

i mean ive had hallucinations all my life and ive taken alot of hallucinogenics and ive never been scared of the shit i just always know its not real and im always happy when it happens so just have fun with it

Anything helps- willpower tips, whatever and I still fucking need a time frame. I just want it to stop

probably not until you fall asleep tbh

I get serious touch sensations from the spiders though. Like to the point where I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if it was real. How long did yours last though? They started after a singe fucking day and have been mostly infrequent until about two hours ago and I’ve had to nonstop move

from lsd 6 hours shrooms 2-4 hours regular hallucinations on and off for about 20 mins at a time

Sounds like you enjoyed yours but mine are terrifying in every way and every time a spider gets on me I have to brush it off, it’s driving me crazy just keeping them at bay without knownig when it’ll stop. They can come out of the wall, ceiling, morph out of my hair or just pop up and I have to keep nonstop motion to not completely panic, I physically cannot deal with the sensation of an army of spiders crawling on me whether I know they’re fake or not

Spiders are cool though. Just imagine they are friendly spiders.

If you ever talk about spiders again, I will not hesitate to kill you.

Believe me nigga I don’t wanna see talk or have them fucking crawling all over me, I can’t even leave my bedroom because it creates more space fort them to appear. I can’t try a mental battle of any kind first off because I’d most likely lost and second off if I try I’ll have to stop moving which is also a no. Right now I’m getting some psychedelic patterns on my door that I don’t mind, if it wasn’t life fucking shits I’d be wonderful. Talking with you guys has helped some but I still don’t understand why I can’t find a. Since stre with even basic average times for this shit

this thread scared me off meth

The light’s on, endless waves of spiders and bugs unlike last time’s intermittent. Light off, shadow people which are debately worse. Someone who’s acthslly knows how to stop this or allow me to rest without being immediately assisted by shadow people or bugs find this fucking thread pretty please

oh fuck dude, that's the best fucking part, i don't much care for the first rush, i shoot for the 6+ hours in when everything is nice and relaxed, gently slipping into hallucination

G O O D this is only my second time using and third day so I shouldn’t have any of this shit but meth does what the fuck it wants for its moderately good high. Fuck u meth shit will go strait in the toilet if I don’t find it a new owner

dude do something nice and chill like ketamine instead

Tried ketamine the first time right before meth 2 days ago 12/10 will do again if I get out of this same/alive(basically the next 20 min

yeah, don't do it, the worst part is that it is pretty much as bad as you hear, yet it makes you feel pretty much the exact opposite of what it's doing to you >.

god damn, iv meth is some good shit

Has no one here experienced terrifying vivid hallucinations that physically touch u? I find that very hard to believe and can definitely not keep this up for another 12 hours

yeah, everything was fine with my eyes open, but as soon as i closed my eyes monsters started running into me

It’s worse in a different way no anger what I do, right now there are motherfucking spiders growing out of my phone. If I had Benzos I would pop at least 4 xans and hope for the best but I have literally nothing but more fukin meth

i'm still watching you

Glad someone is watching over me

where do you live? where i am, i can just go to the hospital and they give me some benzos and a quiet room. i trip balls and chat to the lovely nurses for a few hours :3

Man just chill out, try to take some deep breaths. Aint none of those spiders real. As long as you don't start pulling your skin off you'll be fine :^)

I think I’m past the spiders, now we’re onto the shadow person over me when light is off and the fucker come thru the wall with it in, I have stopped giving a fuck tho I’m relaxing, can’t wait to sell that piece of shit substance to a happy redneck somewhere

Good. You don't wana be some meth head.

Fuck this shit one use has set me back a decade

just masturbate

tbh selling it is just going to complicate your life further, you're better of throwing it away, if you really don't want to use it again, so you have the lost money as another regret.

Sense reason and virtue
All things OP lacks

Just woke up without hallucinations though nigger idgaf

Pop a xanny, make your problems go away

Why don't u go into a proper detox clinic? Call hospital and tell them the giant spiders are about to eat you and you are going to shoot them with your shotgun. You will get all the help you need, I'm sure!

go drink liquor, or take some benedryl.

It will stop once you come down and get some sleep.

unless you are really unluicky- then you end up with permanent methamphetamine psychosis.

what a great drug!

try swimming

Pray to the most high God. He shows his glory and grace through redeeming the weakest of us and works His greatest miracles through such people. Open your your heart to Christ, repent, believe and you will be saved.

Cutting your penis off is the only way,

Kneeegrow please, I beat the hallucinations in 5 min when I put my mind to it and rubbed my dick raw fapping and also fell asleep, Meth is officially pussysbit

Eating benzedrex rods did this to me, reminded me of deliriant trips, but with less alziemers and i could still move, so it was kinda fun.

Also laser pens and flash lights kill hallucinations
Happy hunting

Kinda wanna refill my body on meth again purely because I’m able to jerk off full force and not nut until I want to