So women explain how you are opressed again?

So women explain how you are opressed again?

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Because, dumbfuck, you can basically go anywhere in the world and not have to listen to some homunculus mongoloid breathlessly wheeze to you why you should go on a date with him.

No i just have to listen to ugly bitches telling me how i'm "fat shaming them" and that i should realise my privilege.

I'm pretty sure that those two things aren't mutually exclusive. You can coddle someone at the same time as oppressing them. Also not every woman has the same experiences, because they're all individuals. So, some may be more oppressed than others, some not at all.

And some men experience oppression thanks to womens crusade for "gender equality" we just dont winge about it.

Men in todays society are more opressed than any over woman ever was due to the reticule they receive from being 'emotional' and considered a 'pussy'

>Men in todays society are more opressed than any over woman ever was due to the reticule they receive from being 'emotional' and considered a 'pussy'


That's literally all you guys do. Especially ones not being oppressed. Lol you faggots complain every single time women get lead roles or want to gave a "girls club" viewing or some other shit.

The only time women get lead roles is if they complain and use their gender as a green card to progress in the hierarchy

Go back to your Sup Forums threads you leftists and leave your armchair.
Using the word "faggot" nice way to back up your argument about opression, judging by your response time im guessing your not the smartest cow in the field.
Men are comsider guilt before innocent in many cases and women take custody of children even though they might not be fit to look after the child compared to the father.
But no continue complaining about the "patriarchy"

So stop fat shaming ugly bitches.

I would if they went for a walk once in a while.

This isn't the Sup Forums i remember anymore...

You can bitch about women all day long, but it's not like you want a world without them.

You're no prize yourself, you know.

You came here to yell about women and feminism but you've got no legs to stand on.

Sup Forums has always been trash.Quit being a little bitch.

>proud of his freedom and being American
>men in America are guilty before innocent, it's a shithole

Maybe you should fucking leave if you dont like it here faggot

want a revolution?
just stop considering wife material any non-virgin woman.

in other words, destroy the PussPrivilege by valuing Used Goods worth zero.

This very likely a fabricated story, considering the news source is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Is this the glass ceiling?

Just because no straight 20/20 vision male without insecurities wont spend any amount of time with you.

Fuck women tbh, hope you all realise what gender you are and where you belong in the social order real quick.

Yeah. Because every country on earth has the same, laws, rights, and culture as yours so feminism isn't necessary anymore.

If society went by where people belong, retards that can't spell words like realize whould be beneath the women.

says the one who spelt would wrong...

It might be necessary in saudi arabia, but i never see a feminist going over their to moan.
Here in UK it isn't needed

People aren't goods, faggot.

There's no such thing as a pussy privilege.

What are you really worried about?

A bleach joke?
In 2017?
No, you SHOULD kill yourself

feminism is an excuse to show the world your tits and gain recognition for not eating the right foods and exercising.

Let's pretend for a second like a woman's opinion of you doesn't matter.

Fuck I wish I had white bitch privilege.

Complaining about feminism is an excuse to show the world that you've got nothing to contribute.

It doesnt if you dont ask them before you stick it in

and what do you have to contribute?
a high bmi and a craving for chocolate

Become a cop. Shoot people all day with no consequence

the Mail isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch, tho agreed it isn't considered trustworthy by a lot of people. Theres plenty of these stories if you google them

can't find this specific one tho.

Dont bring cops into it, we'll get all the apes in here.

I wish i was born female
Damn my penis, damn it to hell


it's spelt like that in UK, like center/centre

Why do you want to be female?

Stick what in? Your 3-inch cock? Or your unsolicited opinion?


you can change gender.

3-inch? you'll be lucky to get another woman in your life.

Who's going to fuck you then?

Not the same my dude, being trans is like being a fake gender

I am a femnazi because no one will fuck me

skinny chicks i guess :(

>women take custody of children even though they might not be fit to look after the child compared to the father.
>Sup Forumstard thinking they have any kind of informed opinion on who’s fit to be a parent

You are a faggot. Just look how long your butthurt reply was.

You're a dumbass, look how short your reply was.

We've talked about this many times but it's hard to find a way of making feminists fight against this sexism.

It's a huge, throbbing, issue for me when women act like that because it devalues people fighting against atcual issuse ie. Honor killings, fgm, arranged marriages.

Yeah simple awnser is they are.

Just not in first world countries.

Welcome to the club.

If dudes can literally stop trying to fuck us starting at whatever childhood year's old. Thanks.


That's exactly how women feel. Good job.

I don't care though, I'm a faggot, a homo faggot

As long as I'm a homo i don't have to care about anyone else

You care about me?

tumblr is trying to take over, we must resist, WOLVERINES!!!!!!!

Always. But is your fight the same as women?
Have men tried to fuck you forever constantly? Since you were twelve?

None can do that.

Tumblr Tumblr Tumblr Tumblr Tumblr Tumblr
Tumblr Tumbrl

Sure don't like that tumblr
aw jeez

If you care, please stop replying since I'm feeling sexually harassed, intimidated and obscured by evil human tagging.


>all your base belong to us

why not? your a munch of frumpy self loathing kike fags who need to an hero as the creator of tumblr doesn't even like you cancers.

Biologically, yeah.
There's adoption though

Lurk moar.

it's a cancer that atracts cancer and it sems to have lost it's appeal and lead the cancer over here and i'm pointing this out you dumb nigger.

it's immpossible to tell between satire and reality anymore so excuse me for not getting the joke.

You're not excused.
You're deported.


Are u gonna post femminism fails or wut?

>that i should realise my privilege.

If you would only realise your privilege user the world would be a better place.

Why can't you just realise your privilege?

can I post commie fails as well?

I heard he killed his wife so nobody gets the money,

we don't care about third world countries user

hope that faggot will be wrongfully accused



My professor was not amused when I, sitting in the front with the other white males, suggested that people who wanted to succeed in life should make sure to arrive to class on time and get seats near the front and pay attention to their lessons to perform well.
He was less amused the next day when he tried this on us again, this time with the trash can at the top of the stairs near the niggers at the back of the room, and in their fighting to stop each other from making the shot they knocked the trashcan down the stairs where a white person caught it and started passing it around the front where we all took turns dropping paper in the basket.

mole rats are fucked up. they are cold blooded mammals and they make tunnels and live like insects.

>im guessing your not the smartest cow in the field.
>guessing your not
>your not
I'm guessing you're a faggot

go ahead

>The court heard Roberts pointed the knife at Mr Benitez before telling him: 'I'd rather kill the person who's f****ed me up the most - you. I know perfectly well what I'm doing.'

>feminist double standard in a nutshell
dont you see its her body, you fucking bigot? she has the right to do whatever she wants with it, and I bet her bf sucks hahaha!
oh and btw if he cheats he totally should get his dick cut

No women is oppressed, they just choose their partners solely on wealth and try to figure out what went wrong when they sleep around and get caught

>Is this the glass ceiling?

More of a glass floor, surely?


>Yeah. Because every country on earth has the same, laws, rights, and culture as yours so feminism isn't necessary anymore

Show me one country (that isn't some Islamic or other 3rd world shithole) where women are significantly disadvantaged in the legal system in favour of men...

Fucken thought not.

They're also cancer proof and live like 30 years which is a totally outrageous number for a rodent. Things are probably master race and we just don't know it.

If women could stop dick teasing to get want they want starting at whatever childhood age, that'd be great too.
Don't worry honey. Not long from now, no man is gonna want you.

They're right you stupid pig shit, if in your warped perception of reality where women have all the power, who's fucking giving it to them?

Hint you stupid fuck, it's the group of people that ISN'T THEM.

Oh look, it's that irrational argument where you provide one counter-example as evidence that all opposing ideas are false.

I couldn't care less about female oppression, I just hate stupid arguments.


Always helps to wear a pink unicorn shirt when being sentenced. Makes you appear harmless.

13 and 13? There is no fucking coincidence here!

*belch* morty

Show me one country where giving women rights doesn't start a progressive slide of abdicating personal responsibilities until libcucks are rioting in the streets for a return to anarcho-communist Islamic thirdworld shitholism.

I saw this one crime watch daily report where this pretty looking girl plotted to kill her doctor husband to get his money... She only got 4 years in prison and eligible for release only after serving 1 year. Kek.