I just like to post my dick here and there

I just like to post my dick here and there.

Me too man. Me too

Louis, put it away.


nice didn't measure mine's a little under 6"

>I just like to post my dick here and there.

Because you're a faggot porn spammer and you want to fuck Sup Forums over with faggot spam, right?

oh hey wait a minute, you pushed the ruler down into your fat patch you fuck
Cheater, if we're playing by those rules I'm 7"

actually I think it's hilarious when my dick triggers people.
and it did so, mission accomplished

Ummmm that's the official way to measure your dick. And if you are hard there you are lying

I'm not taking the picture and doing all the work to show an anonymous person my dick size I'll never see again.
so, here we are

Mines not the largest but my gf says it's "pretty"

too much light on it making it veiny.
less light, less veins and sure

You made the thread dude lmao

It's cute.

/r/ balls


What do you think of my balls? The bumps are normal, according to google. Anyone know what the bumps are? I have good hygiene and shower daily.

please please go to the doctor
you dont want to be another victim of testicle cancer on the last day of movember

although they might be calcifications just do a check with your doctor

They are achylitus sevuli. Otherwise known as "bad bumps". Not a very common std, it's actually extremely rare. Reason being, it originated in southern Thailand and was only spread to around 6 thousand of the population before being mostly wiped out by health organizations. Now for the bad news, you will probably die.

What is a calcification

Gotta let them hang to get a decent view

I have them bumps :(