I'm changing my vote from leave to stay. oldfag poo in the loo here. born and raised in the UK.
For the last couple of months, I've been unwavering in my support of Brexit. I've read up, understood the Pros and Cons and Sup Forums to a certain extent has confirmed my position.
But today while reading the Daily Mail comments I came across the same comments time and time again. that immigrants have done nothing for this country. Despite multiple times explaining the contribution of immigrants (Indians especially) Wealth exploited form the India/ Commonwealth for over 200 years, 2.5 million volunteer Army in WWII, preventing the collapse of the NHS and local services. Generally being good citizens, adopting British Culture, not scrounging benefits, producing productive members of society etc..etc. etc. All I got back was we don't need Curry houses and Corner Shops. Now I love the bantz, but its suddenly stuck me. I'll never be thought of as British because of the colour of my skin.
I'm an atheist. So really the only thing that I do different from the average white British guy is eat Indian food at home. Even then. I don't think that's much of difference considering the popularly of Indian food across Britain. I change my name to anglocize it. But ultimately I’ll always be different because of the colour of my skin. Polish Immigrants from Europe can go undetected. they are white, so they'll be absorbed quickly and be thought of as British and I never will.
When the hordes of Syrians and Turkish are let through the gate, ghettoize areas. I'll be thought of as one of them. No matter how British I am. The colour of my skin will always be the deciding factor. When automation takes over all low paid jobs and these new immigrants start reproducing like cockroaches and civil war looms... I'll be thought of as one of them. ultimately that’s the zero sum game here. pretending its not gonna go down any other way is fantasy. I have an escape route of course. I don’t want to live in India. Luckily I have a NZ passport. So when it all goes to the dogs i can have get a designated shitting street in the North or South Island.
Thanks UK. You were always my first love, even though you never loved me back. TLDR: Immigrants, whatever generation will never be truly British and will ultimately have to side with new Turk roaches and Syrians. INB4 designated INB4 poo INB4 poo in loo
John Fisher
>I never will. You were colonized like us. You'll be fine, lad.
Elijah Walker
If you're assimilated despite pooinloo blood and by that, I mean becomed a tea drinking smug, I don't see the problem here, OP
Chase Jackson
When it all goes down they'll only consider TEAM GB is those that look like them.
Justin Cook
>Generally being good citizens, adopting British Culture bullshit mate and you know it
Mason Mitchell
Youre ancestors fought and died to save the freedom of the western world. Dont think you have to piss that away because you are brown
Hudson Allen
Now you understand why people dislike uncontrolled immigration. Now you understand why it tears at the fabric of society and destroys the host culture. You have become so disillusioned with the situation that you have reverted to petty racism, and rightfully expect people to do the same. And they will.
And you will side with the immigrants. And that is why you will never be truly British.
Michael Lewis
Europe has little to do with immigration. The immigrants that the UK got from Europe have been Polish, Spaniards, Italians and the likes.
The ghetto bitches are the blacks and muslims from the ex-Commonwealth.
Europe has been good for Britain, regarding immigration.
The EU makes the UK whiter.
Joseph Martin
No matter how British and assimilated you think you are the colour of your skin will be the only deciding factor.
I was deluding myself thinking it was going to go down any other way.
Ian Flores
>votes based on dailymail comment sections
Matthew Anderson
Have you heard of the term cutting off your nose to spite your face?
This is what you are doing here, you would rather live in a worse country just to punish some ignorant racists.
Angel Johnson
So by keeping us in Europe and ensuring a white nationalist uprising against the brownskins you're somehow helping yourself.
Just piss off already sanjeet.
Xavier Murphy
Now you understand.
It's the same choice "redpilled" gays have to make. As much as you want to support that side of politics, it will never support you. Vote in your self-interest.
Jacob Ross
Bullshit why? Have Indians ever imposed or demanded anything? Apart from being thought of as equals? Explain yourself.
Carter Sanchez
I'm purely looking at it as a logical sequence of events. And as so I'm choosing self-preservation. Tell me if you were in my position and came to the same conclusion, who would you do anything differently.
Dominic Carter
The eternal poo jew displaying parasitic behavior,Take as much as you can from us when times are good but when times are bad flee to another white nation and repeat.If you are Indian live in India then you don't have to worry about assimilating.
Julian Parker
easy tiger, NZ isnt that bad.. Plus i get to work in OZ with a visa if i want to!
Christian Barnes
to thine own self be true...dat
Easton Morris
>Getting swayed by mean words As expected of pajeets. Fuck off inferiorite
James Jackson
If the host is dying i must survive. Like everywhere I go i must rape.
Angel Morris
You have no choice.
Blake Powell
High-quality shill post.
>"I have to vote against my own interests and cultural/ethnic survival because leftists made a poster that makes me look like a skinhead if I don't :( :( :( "
Nicholas Nelson
I'm not saying that it's somehow your fault that the situation can really escalate like that, but voting stay will only make matters worse for the future generations. The moment Europe started accepting the immigrants, they fucked up bad.
It's because immigrants make even you as a native brit with brown skin look like trash. Mass immigration gives racists a weapon to lash out at anyone who isn't the same color of skin. It removes incentives for integration, and by doing so makes members of the host culture doubtful of ALL migrants, even those that were born on their soil (and look like migrants) and those that voluntarily integrated.
Vote leave if you truly respect Britain,
Christian Ward
OP, as per usual, is a faggot.
Ryder Mitchell
Yep, they are absolute filth over here too. And they use each other's licenses and show up to each other's jobs pretending to be each other.
Chase Hughes
Not mean words my friend. i am not butt hurt easily. It simply opening my mind to a new train of thought that one cannot easily dismiss
Jaxson Moore
Grayson Sanders
Oh I didnt see the second part of your post. I thought you meant you would vote for polices that were not in your interests just to mess with racists.
Why not vote exit then exit yourself?
Henry King
Adam King
>No matter how British I am You aren't british. You cannot become british, you're either born british or you aren't.
Daniel Jenkins
You need to succumb to the Brown Call of Chaos. Burn it all down, make it all brown. The poo must spread. Make Britain a toilet. Then go to NZ and do it all over again. It is the yearning of you blood.
Ian Watson
Why vote stay when i know push comes to shove that i'd be grouped together with the rest of the immigrants?
SInce i know it's all goign to end up badly i'd like to see it all happen. and leave before it erupts.
Elijah Allen
>british You mean white right?
Kayden Ramirez
So you love Britain so much a few comments in the DM have changed your minded and now you're going to help consign us to the hell of the EU forever? You were always one of 'them' in that case.
Mentioning the NHS like that was a critical mistake, more immigrants actually use the NHS than work in it, and we're all aware of the widespread abuse of it and our welfare system, so we don't owe any immigrant, no matter how well integrated, a jot of thanks for that. It gets right up people's noses when we hear the line "Immigrants built/prop up the NHS!" because it's complete bollocks and it takes away from all the millions of working class Brits and our own doctors and nurses who really did build it and who prop it up.
Christian Gonzalez
Best country in the world here.
Rich, no crime, highly educated population, beautiful nature, comfy snowy winters, not overpopulated, lowest corruption, best women, oil, oil, fish and weapons
Are we a member of the EU? Nope. Did EU tell us we would be fucked without them? Yes. Are we fucked? The complete opposite.
Vote OUT!
Bentley Diaz
>claims to love Britain and being British >has New Zealand passport so he can go shit up another white country rather than stay and help clean up Britain and earn his citizenship rather than being given it.
Julian Rivera
>When the hordes of Syrians and Turkish are let through the gate, ghettoize areas. I'll be thought of as one of them. No matter how British I am. The colour of my skin will always be the deciding factor.
Horseshit. Pull yourself together. Its a challenge, and not insurmountable. You want to be accepted as a British citizen? You focus on that. Forget about everyone else who happens to share your ethnic background and focus on yourself. Openly support British values. Make it obvious within your own local community, at the shop, at work, with friends etc that you are first a British citizen. Encourage support for your nation. Call out others on their lack thereof.
Your challenge is to make it clear now that you are British and support your country and its culture. You need to make it clear now so that when the shit hits the fan, you will have many native British people supporting you in your claim that you are an upstanding member of the community and Britain as a whole. If you are giving up now, do yourself and everyone else a favor and leave; we need help in this fight, not more dead weight, and certainly not anyone who is assisting the destruction of our countries and culture.
Blake Watson
No I mean british, retard. Can't you read?
Jack Hernandez
I do feel the poo rising within me. They messed with the wrong guy. I shit you not.
Gavin Long
WTF? I hate Brexit now.
Jordan Ortiz
>wah, I'm so special, my feelings are more important than the future of my country
Angel Harris
The ethnic British are white, no matter how much the likes of Owen Jones would like that to be otherwise. You won't ever be white, best thing to do is drop that insecurity about your skin colour and get on with being British in the modern political sense, if you really care about the UK that is.
Jacob Reyes
Fax-democracy tho.
Parker Mitchell
OP is supporting Bremain. He is already a true Britcuck, except smarter because he has an NZ exit
Aaron Cox
Poor quality b8
Adrian Moore
If I may speak for my home country: Fuck off we're full.
Ayden Torres
Benjamin Jones
I love you senpai. You seem like nice guy and a productive citizen, don't listen to the cunts on here ayy? Indians are good people.
Isaiah Cox
Imagine your car had a steering wheel attached to every seat, so that everyone in the car could drive the car together! Wouldn't that be the height of democracy?! ONE SEAT = ONE WHEEL.
Anthony Perez
You mean Filipino nurses and doctors from india and the Caribbean.
More immigrants may well use it now.. but it required those Indian doctors in the 60s to sustain it's existence.
They chose Indian doctors because they had exactly the same training as the UK. and wanted them to come over as a sweetener as India was veering to communism.
Those same indians hit a glass ceiling and were not allowed to progress, which is why so many opted to become local GPs.
They continue to prop it up. The country is facing a GP crisis, beacuse those same Indian doctors are now retireing and new doctors no longer wasih to work those unsocialble hours.
>and wanted them to come over as a sweetener Isn't shit bitter not sweet?
Brandon Anderson
>claims to be an old fag >doesnt post picture proof Get out faggot, I may be new, 5 years, but even I know claiming to be an old fag means you arent one.
Hunter Scott
I disagree about the skin colour. I've hung out with some really chilled brown folk when living in a student dive in London. People will warm to cultural familiarities regardless of skin colour. If you encounter arseholes during your day, a lot of them will be arseholes to everyone
Caleb Ward
We've already lost. If you can't beat them, join them.
Luis Cox
Why can't all "humans" with brown-shitty skin just kill themselves..?
Seriously though, you can't invent shit, you can't work, you can't be intelligent so why even live?
Just go out right now and find the nearest rope and hang yourselves
Anthony Price
you were never British to begin with and I don't see why you deluded yourself otherwise.
If a white man moved to India and started shitting in the streets would that make him "Indian"? Fuck no
Eli Myers
What do you do for a living lad?
Christopher Reyes
Nobody is forcing you to be here but yourself
Jaxon Wilson
You misunderstand. I've never had an insecurity about the colour of my skin. Ultimately it's that others will reject me on solely on this basis.
Caleb Lewis
and Indian OCI passport. I can stay there as long as i want. No Visa required.
Lucas Jackson
Pretty sure you not being british is in your blood and bone structure, your skin colour's just the most obvious sign.
Carson Peterson
You may. I'll walk in through the front door though. No boat for me.
Alexander Smith
You will never be English and stop whining about the nhs there is so much bullshit in the media concerning browns and doctors but every single hospital waiting room I have to go to is filled with foreigners and we pay for all of it so fuck you.
Ian Gonzalez
He lives in Britain therefore he is British. It's not that hard m8. Take your ass back to Stormfront you cuck head, Sup Forums a board of peace
Hudson Foster
thanks bro. I'll do what i can for queen and country, but if i'm gonna get shafted, i'll take the cunts down with me.
Lincoln Thomas
Doesn't change the fact they're full. It's a tiny ass country with too many asians and indians already. I bet you're planning on moving to Auckland too, that place is like 30% white.
Logan Bell
You shouldn't vote at all, the destiny of the British isles should be decided by the British people.
Nathan Martin
would it be a problem if we were all going in the same direction though?
Lincoln Scott
Who else is a /#Cruzmissile/ now?
Brandon Wright
i'll ask your mother.
Ryder Sanders
i'm 43.. hold on.. i'll see if If i can fufil your bait request
Joseph Foster
Indians living in the west are bro-tier. Stop with the pop in loo memes. Theyre hard workers, family oriented, don't race mix and they don't commit any crime. Overall productive members of our societies who deserve our respect the same with chinks.
Bentley Moore
The other guy said it perfectly, if you were to move to India and shit on the streets that doesn't make you indian. Only british colonies (mainly Aus and US) are different.
Lucas Williams
>these people think people like me could never be truly British or feel a connection to this land >I'll show them by voting to destroy the sovereignty of Britain their ancestors fought for!
OP is just more evidence that brexit is needed, by hook or by crook.
Lucas Foster
Gay shitskin here. Our choices are either libertarianism or going innawoods
Noah Morris
Nice blog post faggot, do it and shut the fuck up. No one cares about your easily swayed, retarded opinion based on a few daily mail comments.
Thomas Walker
Don't be so salty. If you're not a religious nut & contribute to your country of residence, then vitually everyone here will accept you. Just think f how half the country is female, and they could raise the same grievances as you about sexism etc etc. Or all the poor white males?
Brexit is about getting rid of the EU, not migration. There will continue to be migration whatever happens. But does it have to be with the EU telling us what to do?
Mason Rivera
You obviously haven't studied Brexit that much if you think it's all about immigration. It isn't.
Anyway you're voting for the globalists so fuck you, it's your fault.
Kayden Edwards
another shill thread wew
Daniel Parker
>Indian >Atheist
Good luck throwing your lot in with the invader hoards then because you're going to need it. You might have darker skin, but they'll soon figure you and you'll get it just as bad if not worse than whitey.
I had an old uni friend (third generation British Indian) who lived in Birmingham and grew up in a predominantly Indian area but the mudshit population (from other countries) started rising there in the 00s and it got to a point where he couldn't even go out alone anymore because of the random abuse, threats and intimidation for being a Hindu kafir. Moved away from Birmingham after two years ago when a group of Bangladeshi mudshits attacked him while he was waiting for a train because they asked him if he's going to convert and he said no and left put him in A&E for several days.
Police did fuck all about it and didn't want to go asking around for them for fear of it stirring up more fights and he realised the reality of life where they're becoming a majority, other minorities get it worse than even whites do off them.
You can hate on us all you like, but at best all you get is a cold shoulder and the odd racist comment. We're not the ones attacking you when you don't convert or accept their religion.
Michael Campbell
Brandon Jackson
I live in a stable therefore I am a horse!
Ryan Kelly
Oh and your fear regarding the civil war is nonsense. Go watch Children of men, there you have "British" niggers putting old German ladies into cages. You support the right side, you get an uniform and no one will confuse you with anything. No one will tell you that being a loyal British born poo in loo, who pays taxes and is a good member of society is bad. People just get pissed off at you calling yourself "British", stop buying into that Marxist propaganda and you will be just perfect.
have fun when the muslims get majority and start killing people like you i will sit at home being comfy and watch the news of londonistan. Also just so you know you are selling out the future of your children because of an online commet people like you are literally traitors and should be lined up and shoot but in the end you wont have a quick death which makes me actually more happy. I hope it happens soon so the rest of europe can see and wake up. Have fun with your future, raped wives and murdered children you illiterate, history ignoring complete and utter idiot. youtube.com/watch?v=L0IMLvlpZFY
Henry Moore
Enjoy your enslavement by the EU, I'd have thought you could at least have voted Brexit for that reason alone. The EU is a racket, a racket that serves the bureaucrats who work within it, it will never serve you (or I for that matter, a native white Briton). As for the colour of your skin, most of those with a brain here understand that shit comes in all colours, most of us have noticed 1 or 2 untermensch among the ranks of our own ethnic group. Traditionally these people would have been down mines or working in mills, or malingering in a field hospital, now they are paid to breed in a government dysgenics program called "social welfare".
Outside the EU, Britain and India, Australia and Canada could achieve incredible things together, our shared history could have been placed front and centre, that will never happen if we Bremain.
My ancestors fought alongside and commanded the Punjabi Rifles under Bonham-Carter on the North West Frontier, they flew De Havillands paid for by the Maharajas, there is too much shared history to give up on the idea of an independent Britain. The rest of Europe needs us to lead them out of this failed experiment.
Carson Roberts
>If Ethnic Brits don't think of me as British because I clearly have 0% English ancestry, then I will actively participate in burning the country to the ground
What a fucking idiot.
Angel Brown
So, even though you're convinced that it would be better for Britain to leave the EU, you're voting to stay out of spite for those who don't want their country taken over by immigrants?
Your first loyalty was never to this country, but to the one you left. This is why we should never have let any of you in in the first place.
Easton Sanchez
That's a long post.
00.02 has been deposited into your account.
Liam Ross
Proof nigger
Owen Martinez
Don't be an idiot, he's indian. 00.01
Hunter White
Bloody hell you are even older than me. What the fuck are we doing here?
Ryder Gomez
Noah Powell
The fighting hasn't even started yet. Your language is confused.
>We've already lost. If you can't beat them, join them.
[We've] So you Identify with the better elements of western culture. Good. Fight for it. [If you can't beat them, join them] Again, fight hasn't even started. Are you a coward?
If you fight and win, you win civilization. A place to raise your children to be the best they can, a place for you to live out your years in peace and pride. If you fight and lose, you lose knowing you tried, you go down with people who genuinely respect you, share your values, you go out with honour and pride.
You join them, you live among people who respect none of your values. You share only biological similarities. You die scorned by your peers, uncared for by the chaff that you aligned with in cowardice. You confirm the prejudices of your fellow man while some other poo-in-the-loo is celebrated for their contribution to the fight. Win or lose, you will know only shame and squandered opportunity.
I assume you or your ancestors moved to the west for a better life. Fight for that reason to exist for others in the future.
Adrian Bennett
Nathan Jenkins
I know this is a troll but it's made me angry
Half-flip shitskin brit here
Would happily lay down my life in glorious RACEWAR if it helps stem the tide of Chaos from invading
Vote OUT For Queen and country
Luis Nguyen
>I'm changing my vote from leave to stay. kek thats literally all it took to trigger every shariabong on here