Earth is flat look at the evidence

earth is flat look at the evidence

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How to prove the Earth is flat:
1) Get a powerful gyroscope, on gimbals so it can rotate freely to keep its orientation as you move it.
2) Take the gyroscope to somewhere that round-earthers say is 1/4th of the way around the world.
3) Look at the gyroscope. If it's sideways then the earth is round.
4) But it isn't, because the earth is flat.

Another way to prove the Earth is flat:
1) Wait until the day of a total lunar eclipse.
2) Find out where on Earth it is still sunrise during the eclipse.
3) Go there, look at the horizon, and see the Earth's shadow on the moon.
4) Notice that the Earth's shadow is flat like the flat side of the Earth casting it, instead of round like the sun and moon.

If the Earth is flat then explain mountains

kek, and checked

Mountains are just an illusion caused by perspective. They aren't real.

A cash reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can send us, by e-mail, conclusive physical evidence of the existence of the moon. This reward remains unclaimed.

OK I’ll bite. How to account for 24hr day/night if earth is flat?

OP is a faggot.

>look at the evidence.

>>physical evidence..... by email
ofc it remains unclaimed ffs!

The sun revolves around the earth, causing day/night cycles. Duh.



it's a lie from the globalists



For 24hrs a day like in Alaska or Russia? Nope

The only Flat Thing is your mind.

10/10 thred i have cancer now

Where were you niggerfaggots two days ago? We already determined that earth is a rhombus


Yes, you fuck. The sun revolves east to west, not north to south. Of course it'll look different in the north and south than it does in the west or east. You can still see it over the fucking edge through the night.


you can't use sonar to detect the moon but you can use radar. lasers would not be fair because light hasn't been proven to be physical but radar is.

>light hasn't been proven to be physical but radar is.

Since you’re clearly a moron that doesn’t understand English, allow me to elaborate. There are times when the sun doesn’t set for weeks in some parts of the world, and times when it perpetual night for weeks also. This is caused by the earth’s tilt which shows its round. How is this possible in the flat model?

Seasons, motherfucker. Have you heard of them? If you tilt the sun up towards the northern edge of the earth Russia can still see it at night when it's summer there.

These guys are pretty hillarious. I wonder what caused the huge spike in interest over the past year or so.

Their 2-hour long documentaries on youtube are priceless.

You didn't take the change in angular momentum when you move across the globe into account.

Watch any time lapse video of the stars at night time and tell me the earth is flat lol

(This was a troll proof. There is no change in angular momentum, it's a gyroscope, it maintains its own orientation independently due to gimbaling. If you try this experiment in real life, the gyroscope turns sideways slowly as you travel. But the troll can count on nobody actually trying it.)

The earth is flat and the firmament is a crystal dome with stars painted on it which spins above the earth. There are also windows that can be opened and closed, which god opened once to flood the earth with the infinite water that fills space.

That in no way explains why the sun would shine for weeks in that part of the world

what if earth was a ball

Does anyone know how the flat earthers explain why you cannot see the sun all the time with this model? How would it ever go below the horizon?

I just fucking explained it, you fucking cuck. The sun's tilted up into view during the summer because of the fucking tilt.

Please jump off the edge then...


This is the “because I say so movement” never any proof it’s just assumptions that always end with an insult. They’re like the antifa of science without the violence

Except flat earth doesn’t tilt, round earth does. Thanks for proving my point

Hey, if the regressive leftists hadn't resorted to violence, Hillary probably would have won. But they just had to go fucking rabid, because it's what their ideology is.

They're clearly not able, because they lack the common sense... or they're just trolling.

Question for you or. Are the sun and moon also flat disks?


The fucking sun tilts, you dipshit. The axis is tilted relative to the sun not the fucking earth! What, you think the north pole sticks straight up out of the Gulf of Guinea and the south is out the bottom of the world? Goddamn you're stupid. The sun moves. Around the earth.


checkmate flat earthers




The sun and the moon are lights attached to the firmament. They're neither flat nor round, they're more like desk lamps with shades on them.

That would explain it up north but not on the south pole if you use the spotlight sun model shown in the OP as the sun would have to cover the entire circumference of the disc

fuck off


ever heard of perspektive? ever looked at a straight road?

i could see how this is convincing to children.

are you also saying that clouds are flat and are all in the same plane?

And how do these move around? Is the firmament rotating with the sun and moon?


lol ... radar is a type of light.

EM spectrum just longer wavelength.

If you believe that the Earth is flat your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Welp, that convinced me. Thanks Dr. Scientist

OP's image is a faggot. The north pole isn't in the fucking middle. That's where Africa is. The world is centered around where the Garden of Eden was. Antarctica isn't a fucking wall that goes around the whole thing. Just the south side. There are north and south edges just like east and west edges, and in summer when the sun is going under and over the north side of the planet, if you're north enough you can see it at fucking night. Same in the south when the sun goes south six months later.

Explain the seasons

WOW you guys are pathetic. Logic is clearly not your strong suit as with all flat earthers. There is no tilt on a flat earth or everything would slide to one side. Remember, gravity is fake? So you can only have a tilt if the earth is round.

The firmament is a crystal dome covering the earth like a snow globe. It has tracks on it and the lights move on rails like an orrery as it rotates.

It's the sun that tilts, for the third time, you deaf faggot. You can see it over the edge if you're close enough.

Trips wasted imho

And the sun tilts that’s just desperate! Please post 1 proof that shows this. And no assumptions please

Explain moon cycles and gps then.

>the lights move on rails
The sun is a train??

ha lol....

gravity ... towards the center of mass.

How far up is this dome?

i came

What is 3dimentional space?

way up,

way up in there.

Your moms tits are flat

I dunno, "lasers would not be fair because light hasn't been proven to be physical but radar is." has some good copypasta potential.

Or move to california and build a rocket

>it’s the sun that tilts
You forgot to say “because I say so”. All flat earther arguments in a nutshell

As a pilot and some one who has been all over the world I can tell you now the earth is not flat, you lot are a bunch of morons who should be shot

>physical evidence
I'm not gonna go there and take a chunk of it you dumb motherfucker.
Just buy a 500x zoom camera.

Just put a stick in the ground somewhere and watch its shadow in the summer and the winter. You'll be able to see the sun rising in a different place over the horizon and casting its shadow in a different direction, fucktard. The sun fucking moves in the sky. Seasons are caused by the axial tilt of the firmament.

More like a tracklight. It swivels north and south through the year to mark the seasons.

It's at the lower edge of the first heaven.

No, not because I say so, because you can fucking see it with your bare fucking eyes.

Found the jew.

Look up. See moon.
Give me munyz

Exactly my point assumptions is all the proof you have you unscientifically trained buffoon. Thanks again for proving the low intelligence of flat earthers

>It's at the lower edge of the first heaven.
Oh sweet, so we just need a strong enough rocket to get to heaven and punch god!


Stand on the beach on a clear day somewhere where you can see another piece of land several tens of kilometers away. You cannot see the shore of that land, usually just the hills. Why?

earth is flat because paper is flat


My evidence is surface tension. Why are bubbles round? Because surface tension. Boom take that flat ass earthlings

ok all trolling aside, how do they explain nobody ever seeing an edge?

um yes mountains are real, how much of a dumb dumb can you be?

I, and other flat-earthers in every hemisphere all around the globe, agree with you OP.

Right. I feel they would make tours and cash in on seeing the edge of the earth. Id pay to see that shit.

>with your bare eyes
This dude stares at the sun for whole seasons to see how it tilts. Explains pretty much everything doesn't it?

Until you try to climb one and you die of a heart attack

ITT: morons arguing with morons

>lonely faggot doesnt know how to have fun

What would you benifit from knowing the earths shape?

> calls you out for making 'assumptions'
> replies with more assumptions
> ignores being told how to check and why with his own eyes
> won't even acknowledge the sun actually rises in different places on the horizon during summer and winter
> says i'm the one with low intelligence
> found the troll

That didn't work for the Tower of Babel, and it won't work for you either. The window to the first heaven of water doesn't open from the inside. And if you got there and did open it, you'd drown us all again.

Hills are bigger and easier to see than flat land. Oceans are even bigger. Perspective shrinks things that are further away, and air acts as a lens that curves light upwards since air density is higher closer to the ground and there's less interference in light's path further upwards. So when you look towards the horizon, if something is too far away, you can't see it, because the light curved up and missed, and you only see the sky.

You see the edge. It's called the horizon. You just never actually tried to walk there yourself and jump off. You just believe other people who say they went there.