Big Media Shills for Hill

Californian here.

Whenever I turn on the radio or read a headline from Google searches, they all sound desperate to bash Bernie Sanders. Full on, "Bernie isn't going to close the gap, guys! Even IF he does, he's not going to win!! We're being super cereal!!!" levels of desperate. Seeing as you guys could probably relate with your support of Trump, I was wondering if you could offer some insight. It's very clear that Bernie is the better candidate for the Democratic party and he has been gaining a lot of ground in the past few primaries and yet the media is doing their best to trash him and shill for Hillary despite her flagrant corruption.

I know there are a lot of annoying SJW's around that spout, "muh first womyn president" (most people politely smile and patronizingly humor them like children), but media companies? What the hell Sup Forums? Why is there so much shilling?

Other urls found in this thread:

There is so much shilling because there is high competition for the first and best posts in a thread.

Censored Zyklon B
Go home shill


You're an idiot.

....time to fap I guess

The real FPBP

>Have something to fap to


Anybody voting for Bernie seriously didn't pay attention to what happened to Obama.

Bernie is Obama on steroids with his "free everything" and "gibsmedats" and yet these are the same fucking idiots saying Obama didn't do anything.

When you have a left wing president, in a right wing congress, NOTHING. GETS. DONE.

Clinton is moderate. And that alone makes her better than sanders will ever be.

You sure showed OP now I'm #ShillForHill #ManEnough4Hillary

>Why are media companies shilling for Hillary?

Pic related. Checked.

This id let Hillary peg me

With your trips, I unfortunately think you're sincere in your question. Why is there so much shilling? Follow the money, user.

>Californian here

>Support those who support Clinton

"Support" those who "support" Clinton?

Wow, really made me think.

#I'mwithherbernmissile now.

>t. Meninist voting for a commie for gibsmedats

Do you not understand that he literally needs upwards of 80% of the vote in California, a state where Hillary is currently winning?

That's not including ANY other state.

Good goyim

Isn't like 75% of congress up for election this term though? I mean Bernie is everything I despise in a politician( has never had a real job, never got anything done, says he's anti establishment despite being in congress for 25 years etc) but with most of congress up for re-election, he can turn it to a democratic majority.

chosing among democratic candidates is already goyim, it's not like you can pick something that doesn't benefit the jews.

That ad is cringeworthy as fuck

the same model was also used for a syphilis ad

Most people in California support either Trump or Bernie. I personally do not know anyone who supports Hillary and I know quite a few people.

That's pretty scary, honestly.

Welcome to the future of democracy m8. Gotta hop on whichever candidate has enough money or corporate buying power that suits your interests.

It's fake:


bernie literally cant win though

He can if trumpkins are as stupid as we think and dont know when senate seat voting deadlines are.

But he's still hated by most of the Democratic party anyway.

thought commiefornia would be his stronghold

>Everyone I know personally is voting for Bernie therefore Bernie will win California

I hope Bernie pulls an upset, but come on... Soccer moms and niggers will come out in full force to vote for Hillary.

Only in the bay area

All the mexicans will vote clinton

I am including soccer moms and black people. I have yet to see one Hillary sticker aside from "Hillary for Prison 2016".

>"Herp derp the media keeps saying Bernie is done"
>Looks at score
>Bernie getting trounced in delegates
>Bernie getting trounced in popular vote
>Bernie getting trounced on dindu vote, which is the only reason Dems ever win
>"Herp derp Cali werf so many delegates, Bernie can win"
>Looks at score
>Bernie polling 15 points behind Clinton in Cali
>Bernie needs to win Cali by over 20 points
>"Herp derp Hillary can't mathematically eliminate Bernie off pledged delgates, muh contested convention"
>Supers have never turned on the winning candidate
>Supers already favored Hillary from the start
>"Muh Bernie, feel the Bern"

Bernie is hot in the Bay Area? That's a relief, I only thought he was popular in SoCal and the Bay Area was going to screw us over again.

Yea I see bernie stickers everywhere. I have seen only one person who was a hardcore Hillary supporter.

Jesus man, just lurk, dont post that can cancer shit

>Full on, "Bernie isn't going to close the gap, guys! Even IF he does, he's not going to win!! We're being super cereal!!!" levels of desperate
Why is it desperate? It's absolutely unrealistic to assume he would close the delegate gap because Hillary has more of the popular vote as well as the superdelegates on her side. Those outlets are just stating facts. The real desperate side are the Bern losers on The Young Turds or Reddit.


Clinton has her pockets full of oil money from the Bush's.
she can push a couple of million dollars worth of propaganda on California and still nothing but chump change for the general.

if she loses California even by the slightest margin it is going to be devastating for her campaign and the stablishment is going to shit rock salt

she can't buy trust worthiness

>Our country has a womyn leader so you all must suffer

Look Germany, I feel for you but Hillary is a crook.

I take it you haven't heard or read the things I'm talking about. It's almost as though certain personalities are being paid to name call Sanders every half hour or so.

Pure coincidence.

Good god that hurt to read you autistic fuck.
I think you just invented painposting.

I thought Barrier Breakers was just a joke but here's the proof:

And it's working. I'm now #ShillEnough4Hill

It's no joke at all.

Truth hurts doesn't it? Bernie is and has been on a direct course for fail and the Bern victims are too delusional to see it.

Ain't no Hill shill here, I'm voting for the God Emperor. Just pointing out that the Bern victims are delusional.

>Seeing as you guys could probably relate with your support of Trump

Trump won the minute he told Yeb! he was NOT going to apologize to his wife for telling the truth.