Dead Musicians

ITT: Musicians you're going to be pissed forever that you never got to see them perform live

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I keep forgetting that Lemmy actually died. Every time I see a picture of him it takes a second to sink in.

I saw Slayer live for the first time in 2011 just after Jeff was hospitalized. He never recovered...

youll be fine

redit: thanks for the bump!

What did he mean by this?


OP here... Wut?

I wanna be one of those people who believes Elvis is still alive except with Lemmy

For me, Nick Drake probably.

Sup Forums killed Lemmy.
Look up "he'll be fine"

it was hell be fine. they killed scott weiland, too


He was apparently terrible live, spent more time tuning than performing.

holy shit. that wall of replies tho

but they were the loudest fucking band ever

And as a player, I can't blame a nigga for wanting to be in tune


Rappers get killed all the time but he and L.A Capone are two instances where I can remember discovering them and thinking "damn this guy is good, he's about to blow up" and then they fucking died within like a year.


Murray from Impractical Jokers died?

For me, that would be David Bowie, Prince, and Les Paul.

luckily i had the chance to see him live 3-4 months before his passing
it was truly a wild experience that i'll never forget
>at music festival
>get wasted with friends before entering festival grounds
>realize i'm 40 minutes late and missed half of motorhead's performance
>jump up and start sprinting across a bridge to make it to the festival grounds
>accidentally hit a lock locked on the bridge's fence with my foot at full speed, falling down and rolling in pain (it's one of those "lock of love" bridges)
>get up, start limping and hopping as fast as possible to the entry line
>had to wait 15 minutes to get in because they busted an ecstasy dealer in front of me
>run faster than usain bolt on bath salts to the main stage
>drunkenly push my way in towards the front row, nearly get beat up by some stinky metalheads
>make it into the mosh pit just as ace of spades was gonna play
>get punched and tossed around like a ragdoll for a good 4 minutes
>totally worth it
>meet up with my friends right after, spend the rest of the night raving, make it to our rented apartment at around 10am
>only then did i realize i had a huge purple bruise all over my right thigh
>was unable to walk normally for the next few days as i sobered up, but it was totally worth it

here's the footage

It's still hard to believe that Allan Holdsworth is gone

poor guy :/


Disgusting newfag, just go away

I was a big fan of Broadcast when they toured Australia in 2010, but couldn't go to their show as I was underaged
Then Trish died a month later
Still hurts


>Will never see Peter Steele's 6'7 manly glory live.

I would have loved to see Bathory live, so sad that Quorthon is gone.

Chris Cornell :(

Could have seen soundgarden for free but i was being a lazy asshole. 3 years on and I'll never have the chance. Still did see Motorhead in 2014, I swear Lemmy stared right in my eyes at one point very intense. Hopefully I've gained some of his bass anddrinking superpowers.

batlord didn't play live

They did very early in their career, would have made it even more special to see them live given how few shows they played.

yeah true I forgot
I'd have liked to see Demolition Hammer before their og drummer died

That would have been amazing. Seeing Mayhem before Dead shot himself would have been great too.

>get an opportunity to see Eurythmics live
>friends tell me the wrong day
>spend the night of the concert in my apartment watching TV
>the next day all my friends ask me where I was
Still hurts desu


He is a bit overrated but I still wish I could have seen him perform live.

his live solos were sick