New study PROVES that white women prefer BLACK men

New study PROVES that white women prefer BLACK men.

Cumskins BTFO.

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this again?
>some fags poorly controlled study proves nothing

There are many factors that were not controlled and honestly shows nothing.

t. triggered whiteboi

If I had a buck everytime that pic was posted. Seriously get some new material you insecure nigger.


there has never been a greater concentration of cucked sadboys as there in this community

Once they go black they want to leave for a different color because they know theyre shit but cant because niged.

>If I had a buck
Go get one for your wife whitey.

You know she craves dark chocolate and you'll never satisfy her with your pencil dick.

Why don't nigger like she niggers?

Good, she's ugly as fuck.

well done niggers you get the cheap whores, the scraps left behind

>coping this hard
No woman want a little shrivelled up pink skinned white cuck fuckboy

>Go get one for your wife whitey.
You know a buck means dollar you retarded nigger?
>she craves dark chocolate
Not married, only 19yo
>satisfy her with your pencil dick
I'm at little over 7in hard which is bigger than 99% of guys. I think I'll do fine. Stay mad nigger

ADL pls go

you haven;t answered my question. Why dont niggers like she niggers ? are she niggers that unattractive ? plus niggers will fuck anything even animals.

Most recent studies actually show that most women like white men with darker features, ex; Dark hair / green eyes. Sage know...once you go black, nothing else fits

Every time you type the word "nigger," a mixed race baby is born.

>You know a buck means dollar you retarded nigger?
You know it also means a virile young African STUD that conquers white wombs right?

>I'm at little over 7in
>I think I'll do fine

This is what white women prefer

>7in is bigger than 99% of other guys
nigger you're retarded

too bad niggers claim to be 12 inches and no where near it.. a person with a big dick knows. Plus you do know people besides niggers have big dicks and are good at sports.. niggers will always be last place.

Just tell me why. Why are you wasting your time doing this. Do you honestly think you're making a difference? Do you get satisfaction knowing that someone, somewhere out there, took a few seconds out of their life to acknowledge you and give you the attention you never get from anyone else in real life, even if it means you're acknowledged as nothing more than a shit poster? Do you genuinely believe for even a second that you are deemed worthy of attention? Are you insecure? Do you feel like you're worthless in real life, so you have to come on here and spread this cancer nearly every goddamn day?

Now, I know you're going to rebuttal this with just calling me a "mad white boy" or "triggered" or whatever, because that's your defense mechanism, and it's easy to shut someone down like that when you have no real argument to present. But I'm not insulting. Im genuinely curious. Is your life really this pathetic? Fucking hell, man. Turn your computer off and go outside. There is more to life than trying to convince a bunch of faggots on the internet that you are this sex god because of the color of your skin. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

>West Canada
Your research seems flawed...
Also, why not both?

>t. triggered whiteboi

For the sake of Hugh...let's be civil about the bitches.

Nope. Im black. You're just an insecure faggot that spreads this cancer around to try to prove something. OR you're a beta cuck that secretly gets off to the idea that black men are stealing your women. But I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a bad troll and you're not legitimately this retarded.

Don't know which worse.

Tinder experiment?
>Source buzzfeed

>"i'm not mad"
>proceeds to write an essay explaining how he's not mad
whatever you say whiteboi

Why the fuck do people get mad about this?

If a white girl wants to fuck a nigger then that’s her choice, doesn’t affect you. If a white girl chooses a nigger over you, then that’s on you.

Like most black guys are saying here, if you get mad about shit like this then that’s you being an insecure faggot that can’t keep a girl.

Fucking virgins.

Not him, but If you consider a paragraph that short an essay, then you need to stay in school and develop an attention span, you gargantuan faggot.

but who prefers the lil trap whitebois?

I don't have a girlfriend but at least the police won't shoot me for walking around at night lol ur dick won't work if ya die

This. I dont know why both sides act as if they somehow "own" these women. I get it. Sup Forums is full of faggy edgy virgins who barely ever talk to women, so they treat them like property. Ha ha. But it gets out of hand when they start treating it like it's real life.

Women dont fucking you owe shit in this world, especially love and affection. They dont belong to the white race, and they don't belong to the black race. The fact that these faggots see it that way is no fucking wonder why everyone on here is edgy lonely neck beards.


Lmao western Canada. Subhumans.

Precisely. I’ve got white friends who are with black girls and vice versa.

Nobody gives a shit. Get over it. If you really want to believe in the whole “continuation of the white race” Stormfront bullshit then get a decent paying job and an attractive white woman who is happy to have your 4 children.

holy fucking shill city up in here

lol there are no white people in western canada, its all asians and indians now

why do you guys fall for these threads? like you actually get baited by this shit? christ.

Goodness of Black peoples are one of best thing the never world own