Just a moment please, user. I have to ask. Are there any dubs in the vehicle?

Just a moment please, user. I have to ask. Are there any dubs in the vehicle?

No sir! Just on my way home

no dubs here officer

Not at all sir.

What, you think I'm one of them negroes?


nope sir

no dubs but i do have these trips

no officer. Am I now free to go?

No sir. Just coming home from work.

I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle

This is a trips county

sorry sir. i didn't know feet are listed as vehicle.

I'm going to need you to step out of your vehicle after he steps out of his vehicle

Of course, sir.

No dubs here sir, I only deal in quads
Check ‘em

You lying to me boy? I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle


Officer we need you to step out of your vehicle

I would never sir, only trips

fuck off

Im gonna need to see your badge, what are you doing with those trips?

What did you just say?

N-nothing sir!

See ya copa
*speeds away

Nothing to see here officer, how's your day going?

I... Ummm... I don't this so.

You dont this so?
Are you high on dubs sir?

nothing to hide sir