Whats the most absurd, non-satire "We Wuz Kangz" theory/meme?


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That they were kings.

Racism is really Racism + Opression.

I don't know but what I do is first post is best post


There's this book "Guns, Germs and Steel."

You can still find people using it, or it's arguments in some corners of the internet even to this day.

>be nigger
>muh ancestors was flying in space ships & sheeiittt
>white men stole everything from africa 10000 years ago
>now wuz kangz n tshawwdins n sheeiitt


They are all satire, niggers just dont know that


This, the oldest running joke from God, unfortunately it's not funny anymore.


Probably the followers of Yacub 7 Ali.

Weaponizing melanin by focus sun beams in the pineal gland to shoot at white people, giving them skin cancer.

As someone who has had basal cell carcinoma, I say this quite often to joke around about having cancer.

Non satire, retard.



Theres a lot of funny shit going on here
>the "third eye" is just lazily done, would also imply that there are four eyes total :^)
>they literally used graphing paper for a background because "it looks smart" or something associated with the authority.


This specific video.


My favorite excerpt, where white people get btfo:
>The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast.

Is that spurdo's front or back?

>Sheid people

Is that an ancient form of SHEEEEIT


>their sexual organs were made the smallest
Then why asians have tiny dicks?

Niggers were kings. Just not Egyptian/Roman/Greek kings.
Nigger kings are great. Selling their people as slaves was just one of their many noble achievements.

>That's because the real german people were genocided after 1945
>The pharaoh WeWuz gave the surviving Kang and sheeeeid people

I always thought that it was satire until I randomly came across an Instagram account about it. Black people have some serious inferiority complexes.

>some niggers actually believe this
Are they even animals Sup Forums? Or just insects.


pretty rare