Was the British Empire evil?

You decide.

>150 million native americans
Its impossible for hunter gatherers to reach these numbers.

>Atomic bombs
>British Empire

Natives had agriculture, bro.

The numbers for aboriginals is through the roof ahahaha this is bull shit

Even their agriculture couldnt be that advanced mate.

I don't care. People die to make history, empires or not. It will always happen

150,000,000 native americans?

Guess it's like the lolocaust, just keep piling on the numbers so idiot liberals can have something to bitch about.

Filthy Iranian subhuman.

You will never be white you shitskin, give it up.



I'm gonna share this on social media and see how many SJWs buy into these bullshit figures.

That's pretty based



>bullshit figures.

>That's pretty based

They didn't even have fucking cities.

Hans you've completely fucked Europe 3 times in the last century because you were too afraid to stand up for yourself.

Not claiming the numbers aren't doctored, but they weren't exclusively hunter-gatherers.

We wouldn't have corn or edible potatoes, otherwise.

Kill yourself, our postwar German kill count is a little low for my liking.

Source: National Historical Agency 'Your Ass'

The big three american civilizations had populations under 800,000.

Not an argument

>Evil exists

Holy fuck, didnt notice 63 million abos. gr8b8m8

british? you mean ANGLOS

No more evil than any other empire, just a damned lot more efficient.

It's Anglos so it must be all of us including the Yanks

>all those shitskins destroyed
>didn't even make a dent

We've failed you, mother Earth ;_;

I regret not killing more italians desu

He's right you know. Us anglos must pay reparations for our crimes

Speaking as an Irishman, no they weren't evil. Cromwell was evil, but the Empire as a whole was not. They abolished slavery globally, for fuck sake.

Shitskin turk hans buttmad we beat his high score.

Then why are people getting Butthurt over the Muslim takeover? It's just history.

We have a pretty good high score but I wish we got that 6 million about 75 levels ago

Didn't Cromwell fuck up England too with civil wars? Seems like he killed plenty of English before he even got to Ireland. It is what it is.

t. Irish descent

I would never want reparations as that's nigger-tier.

Cromwell welcomed the Jews back into England after they were banned from it for centuries. The man was legitimately evil.

>t. Irish descent

There has literally been inter-british mixing since 400 BC; every Jock; Paddy or Tom is t.irish descent

And when you consider what Charles did to Parliamentarians; Cromwell transporting Royalists to the penal colonies was fucking fantastic.

Oh yea, I knew that. He fucked up hard. I read he believed they'd convert to Christianity? Don't know how true that is.

What did he do to them? Was Charles the Catholic? My history on that period is sketchy.

>What did he do to them? Was Charles the Catholic?

No he married a Roman catholic then he violated ancient customs and conventions of Governance.He went through a period of absolute rule and repeatly violated Magna Carta.

Then when he was forced to call a Parliament ; Ireland fell into civil war and the King supported the Catholic confederacy, Parliament threatened to cut his fucnding to the army and he essentially tried to arrest MP's who didn't agree with him (hence why the Queen or soldiers aren't allowed in the house of Commons [Black rod]).

Charles then rode around the country looking for support against Parliament after the MP's barred the door and the five MP's to be arrested escape; he then raised his standard at Nottingham against the people and Parliament raised a militia against him.

He signed an agreement to abide by constituional conventions then tried to raise an army against the people again to quash Parliament suing troops from Scotland so they tried him (Rex v Rex) and then beheaded him; after his son fled to France they proclaimed England a republic.

Sounds like he deserved to get rekt. I'm not a fan of Catholicism anyway though was raised with it. Violating the magna carta ain't cool though.

>declared England a republic

How long did that last?

11 Years, in which we had 49 Lord Presidents of the English council of state which took the day to day running of the Protectorate.

And two Lord Protectors (elected by the council of state and the military representatives to be ruler for life); Cromwell gave political representation to Ireland, Scotland and England and had set out 82 reforms along with support from the radical liberals for universal sufferage, freedom of religion for non conformists; restructure of the legal system and a new model army.

They had massive debates across the country about the consitution of the new commonwealth called the Putney debates; they took part in village and town halls and the army camps in which the people of England decided how the new nation was ran.

Unfortunatley Cromwell counldn't get most of his reforms passed by the Monarchist Parliament and successive Parliaments afterwards were unsuccessful; he ended up compromising so much it essentially became a constituional monarchy and he never managed to pass the reforms.

Kind of sad really, it was the birth of Liberal democracy in Europe.

>Not a fan of Catholicism
What are you, a faggot?

When do you beat us ever?