So.. I have a question Sup Forumsros

So.. I have a question Sup Forumsros.
How do you grow up? I have periods where I can go without playing computer/wasting time at computer where I am super productive, yet I also drift back to a mess... Messy room, nothing is orderly, get addicted by everything, can't muster up discipline to do anything else than the bare minimum required of me...

How do other people consistently out perform others in terms of productivity? (ie The Rock, Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet etc) It seems as if they were just born with a fucking passion and that is the only fun thing for them and they can go on... I know what they show the public isn't everything and they have bad periods too, but they are so much more consistent than their peers. HOW!?

So if any of you Sup Forumsros "Made it" in life, please tell me your thought process in daily life. And if you developed it, how?

Thank you sincerely,


Self bump

Another shameless self bump

Most of us are like this

I'm by no means super successful like your examples, but what I have learned is that both negativity AND positivity both have a snowball effect. once you feel a little good about something it makes feeling good about other things that much easier. I know it's not much of a piece of advice, but keep it in mind next time you feel good about yourself, and try to keep the ball rolling.

good question - bump
thought i was the only one

I'm 34, still play video games with my friends every day. I'm not much of a cleaner, I like it messy, drink too much booze and have zero discipline.
But I still hold a good job (sub surface welder) and have a gf.
You gotta stop caring about others and find a lifestyle that fits you. Doesn't matter if you out perform others or not. More important to be happy.,

Thanks for input,

Do you have any tips to break the chain, should you hit a negative? Because I suppose that would help to become more consistent in positivity?

I think most younger (sub 30?) people have it like this, which is exactly why I want to find out, since it will make me ahead of the curve.

>can't muster up discipline to do anything else than the bare minimum required of me
The very same reason I got into Youtube for. Always been a lazy sod, playing games and vlogs was the perfect match for me.

Need a shit ton of luck to succeed though.

nobody ever grows up completely. i've been responsible for shit that would scare the hell out of you if you knew it, and then i am a fucking total idiot and play video games and jerk off at times. it's all about compartmentalizing (i think that's a word).

If you are content with that, then of course you don't have to change. But I don't feel happy at all when I step away from the computer, knowing that I just wasted 10 hours of my life and I did nothing to further help the direction of my life.

It just takes work, if you make the decision to do better you have to hold your self accountable and everyday just try to be 1% better, and if thats too much try to be 0.1% better. Just give an honest effort everyday and you will sed that you will grow.

Looking up now, thanks for input Sup Forumsro

You have to need to work for money, at least for 2-3 years, 5 day weeks 9-5. Then something magical happens, you feel that you can't NOT work, you can't NOT do a 9-5. Same with anyone famous, they get to the point where they feel that the they can't stop working field they are in. Zucc couldn't help but continue creating facebook for hours and hours a day, most days. Same with gaming, you feel that not gaming doesn't make sense. The only problem and difference is gaming doesn't earn money or contribute to our shitty society. You aren't weird or abnormal, just shunned by people because video games are ""leisure"" not work, not earning money.

What do you suggest for accountability? I have tried so many things, but always turns out I just find ways to outsmart the accountability I set up in order to fullfil my addiction (whatever it may be at the time)

Then turn that habit into something productive.
Design, music, re sells, etc. There is a lot you can do on the computer that makes decent cash.

>I have periods

Just start out small, focus on one thing, say doing laundry everyday, or doing the dishes. Establish a simple routine and then grow from there gradually. Also i dont know how to hold yourself accountable, i like to thimk of it as a personal test against yourself.

So your suggestion would be?
That I try to bring that "need" into something useful rather than computer games / whatever I might be wasting my life on?

Hey mate I work in realestate now but I used to play wow like every fucking day. The secret is to find a commission only job and just work the fuck out of it.

Here's a tip: every morning when you wake up the first thing I want you to do is make your bed. Make your bed as best you can. That is your first job of the day. Now no matter how hard your day was you can come home to be rewarded by a fresh clean and tidy bed that you worked to make happen.

So you're talking about some sort of gradual habbit making, to not overwhelm and burn myself out?

Get rid of conflict and examine cognitive dissonance and their sources. Easy to get on with it when everything's going in the same direction. Force alignment. Love vidya though. Do what makes you happy, navigate a shared reality.

Will do, heard that step a few times from famous people too. Thanks for the encouragement Sup Forumsro

You need to create a habit. Truth is results arent instant and its an uphill struggle to pick one thing over another. Just do a little every day, make it enjoyable, and dont even think about doing it. Before i moved to this new city I was running every night at about the same time for an hour at a time. I had a whole ritual I would perform every single evening without even thinking about it. It became habitual in less than a month. i suppose it would be the same wkth other things.

How would I go about that?

I do work out regularly (5 times a week), but I suppose it isn't actually a habbit for me still, somehow haha.
What step would you take first then? Would something like what other user said "Make your bed every morning" be a good start? And then gradually add more things on until everything doesn't seem overwhelming?

Use pen and paper to examine your self doubts, your personal problems, and where you defeat yourself. Get rid of relationships with people who arent swimming in the same direction as you. As strong as you think you might be we really do influence each other and if you surround yourself with losers you will become 1 too.

Good catch.. kek'd

Create a need. Usually it's monetary needs, like a car, an overseas trip maybe. Humans tend to not do something they deem unnecessary to survival that is also not enjoyable, but also seem to stick to routine. That's why I said after your years of 9-5 shifts you wont be able to NOT do that. People who retire after a working life tend to have 0 clue what to do that isn't a daily job.

Self doubts as in my insecurities? Like if I think I don't belong in the league of Chads and that stuff?

I am thoroughly sorry for my ignorance.

Well give yourself the credit, youre doing more than most people and if working out is part of your routine than hey its the first brick in the house youre building. The bedmaking thing is a cool simple tip. And everyone recommends gradually adding structure to your life, I do too. Increasing your control can be very good for controling anxiety, insecurity, and feelings of worthlessness. Decide what pace you think is best to add habits and work out your goals& how to take steps to achieve them. Art Of Manliness has good resources on life planning and making goals.

He'll yea.

Anything negative you tell yourself that makes you defeat yourself. Personally I have the habit of saying I'm not worth my own hard work. If you dont keep that under control and realize you can choose your thoughts&actions, you will downward spiral. So identify and solve your problems.

So I erase my old needs (ie computer and loathing around) by making new?

Also, I can't just go and get a 9-5, I am a full time student atm.

But how would you go about making studying a need for example?

Gotcha, thanks Sup Forumsro. Really.

Alrighty, I have watched a little of his stuff before too. Gonna rewatch the life planning and goal stuff then. Thanks for the advice!

Alrighy, Thanks for all the advice Sup Forumsros . Gonna go through all of it and try to use it.

