Ok Sup Forums I just snorted about 30mg of Oxycodone

Ok Sup Forums I just snorted about 30mg of Oxycodone

Dubs say how much more I snort

200 more

Do all you've got. Don't be a pussy about this.

Only one more user I want you to be alright

all of it

do it all faggot

Snort baby powder instead



stop taking drugs


All of it

all of it

since you have 10s id like snort 10 more and smoke 20 more over like the next couple hours probably

do it fucking all

don't bother cause the negative effects are worse than the positive. dumbass drug

Dubs means you flush it down the toilet and text your mom saying you love her

Snort? Wtf who snort this? Why don't eat? Haha why snort


Makes the high come on faster and stronger

Majority of Oxycodone drugs have abuse deterrent properties that prevent crushing or snorting them, but when you come across a certain formulation that you can crush, why the fuck not


Come on OP choose one.

Snorting has SHIT bioavailability. You get a rush but most of the drug is wasted. Stick it up your ass or let sit under your toungue is far better. Or just slam it, you are a degenerate anyway

Keep snorting until there is 1 less retarded fucking drug addict in the world.

where did you get this? do you have a legit medical condition?

0. Dump down the toilet and stop being a loser


why did you get it prescribed, OP?

Snort another 3, now.

None of your fucking business

Winrar checksum op
Pizza delivery now

If you never take them....30g should be good. Dont trt to push it and honestly snorting isnt that great and seemed to increase my tolerance by a lot. Started of and like 15g was great..ended up barely feeling 150g...and your tolerance doesnt really go down....anyway id have a few shots and go to a bar...ive gitten more pussy from oxys then anything else...dont over do the alcohol though or you could die....or get a limp dick.

Snorting has terrible BA if you want a rush just fucking shoot it. Eat it plug it or shoot it

snort them all in one giant line