Milo gets delivered to his podium on an airlifted throne

Milo gets delivered to his podium on an airlifted throne

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nice video link fag

Those maga hat faggot carriers are really pathetic

I never thought id see the day when a gay man is carried on a golden litter and throne by right wingers.

Why do people still support this egomaniac?

I like Milo's stuff, but even I find this tacky in the extreme.

Those men carrying him are bigger faggots than he is. And he sucks nigger dick.

Lmao at this meme cringe tier shit, only a socially unadjusted alt right pussy would think this kind of thing is cool

Trumpfaggots are extremely pathetic

>that link

How's it going, Sup Forums brother?

I've been trying to sus this out myself.

They're probably just all fags honestly.

People become sycophants really easily, so it's probably that.

I used to make music and put out a few CD's, became semi-famous in my town just because I was reviewed in a few music mags, played a few large festivals etc.

I certainly was not "famous" in the going to celebrity parties and getting pictures taken off me outside of interviews sense.
Indie but still "made it" (until my divorce).

However, something weird happened. All of the sudden, EVERYONE tried to "please me" or get on my good side... people who were not in any way friendly to me (and many who were just nasty in the past). But somehow they thought they'd have "access" by sucking up to me because they saw pics of me hanging out in exclusive clubs talking to this that or the other musician who I was billed with that night.

People are just lame desu. Especially nowadays. everyone wants to be famous and get "likes" and praised online.

That's why I love this place.

You'll even tell me this is not my blog and my story backing my insight into why people are worshiping this faggot are as fake and gay as Milo.

cause he hurts your feelings

milo is our useful idiot. he has his purposes but when the revolution comes he thinks he will have some place in it, no, we will dispose of him.

we can't pretend he's anything more than a useful idiot.

I'll take cringe worthy over destructive cancerous subhumans

>people complaining about this

It's literally just a joke. It's not like anybody was forced to do this.

fucking trumpfags are a bunch of degenerate coalburning cocksuckers, disgusting.

I just love how Milo use the sjw's own weapons against them.

Yeah when he gets dumped by basement NEETs on Sup Forums he's surely going to be screwed huh

We're just so powerful :^)

I love Milo. He's an honorary American for his services to Trump and our people.

Because humble bragging and insincere modesty are horribly overrated anyway.

are those mexican trump supporters carrying the throne?

Guarantee 90% of the people who don't hate this guy are GGers

i hope your family starves when we cut off our aid to your country to build the wall, paco.

That was a really shit story, user.

The reason people go along with Milo is because he's "protected". He can say shit that they cannot, therefore he must be catered to. That's how they see it at least.

>Currently memeing Donald fucking Trump into being the leader of the free world
>Not powerful
Meme magic is unstoppable. Taylor Swift has headlines right now accusing her of being a neo-Nazi, thanks to Sup Forums. A fucking cartoon frog is gettiing articles written about him because he's a sign of nazism and the far right. Milo's entire career was propped up by Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Don't you see user? We are the Jews.

shut the fuck up you disgusting cuckhold nigger. go harras a cop monkey.

Also a lot of girls like Milo for whatever reason. And we all know that women are typically the most guilty of this kind of suck-up idol praise so it makes sense. I imagine most people are fans of Milo because they are in a way jealous of what he gets to do.

Its not like his political views are revolutionary. Really all he does is act sassy and pick on sjws which is enough for some people I guess


Cant maga by worshiping kike faggots,we already do that


"Outsiders" + Alex Jones shilling for one of the two establishment candidates

Trump won't even repeat policy proposals from January

All those sanctimonious libertarians backing Trump are fucking pathetic

>Muh revolution
Good god I can't believe you think anything like that would happen in our lifetimes. A bunch of autistic neets suceeding in an armed rebellion? Sure thing kiddo.

Where did I say anything about a revolution, Chang?

Fuck this faget, right in his Jewish ass. Sup Forums is (almost) never wrong. You fuckers need to pull it together. You used to tout Benji, look where that got you. Now this fool. Fuck Milo. Coal burning future AIDS fag.


I'm glad to say I never paid attention to this fag. Everyone who did is a troglodyte.

>it's a Sup Forums hates someone who actually delivers most of their view into the public because they're gay episode

You're not going to get that 'perfect' candidate to sprout whatever you think is right. Milo is gay and Trump has implication of jewish ties, both of them doing this much to hurt the left is already a miracle, there is no need to get your 100% pure non-degenerate spokesman because no one is.

I fucking love this guy so much. He never ceases to get leftist fucktards apoplectic with fury.

I for one welcome our new gay overlord

>that hi-point in the top right

I really fucking hate this guy and I'm queer.

The only reason you like Milo is because he's gay. You treat them like natural aristocrats and then you wonder why society is so shitty.

Christ, Milotards are he worst.

Milo is an egomaniac. He doesn't actually like Trump, he just saw that Trump supporters were downtrodden and ignored. He took advantage of the alt-rights pathetic need to be recognized to elevate himself.

He should have had boys and women doing the lifting.

whatever you say man, go find another person who is better at the job if you're so assblasted about it

Hahahahaah look at how poorly groomed and unfit those alt-right creeps are. Absolutely embarrassing to have such creatures representing America's laughably dogmatic version of conservatism

I don't give a fuck that he's a faggot. He's just like Trump: he is only relevant because he tells it how it is, no matter how assblasted the left get, and people fucking love him for it.

HAHAHAHA. Spics think that they are the shit with those shitty Hi-Points.

are you serious? the self-described "alt-right" are nothing but idiots for milo to manipulate.

a gay, coalburning kike being idolized is what we see here. into the oven it goes


this. pol is fucking dead, and overrun by fag worshiping betafags

You could pick literally anyone on the right. Milo says nothing new or unique and the only reason anyone pays attention to him is because he's gay. In today's world he's a natural aristocrat and I find that disgusting.

It's just like those random camwhores that pop up every now and then spouting generic alt right talking points in order to get the attention of Sup Forums

The faggot hasn't had an original thought in his head and he's a legitimately terrible debater.

>Also a lot of girls like Milo for whatever reason.

Is it really that hard to figure out? Women fawn over gay men, it's hardly isolated to Milo or even that uncommon.

I don't care if he's against degeneracy. He's a fag, he supports degeneracy and is just doing it for the money. Probably doesn't believe in what he's saying at all.

chanology was a mistake

>Thinking this internet sensationalism and celebrity gossip is anywhere near the level of the actual Jew

You faggots and your "meme magic" think you're being original? It's the same shit, different flavor. In times of uncertainty people always rally under a charismatic leader with considerably extreme views, and cultural memes have been around forever. It's not some new thing, it's just that marketing jews and their cronies on all sides are stepping up their game to insert whatever agenda they have into mainstream culture.

Feels like people hates Milo because:
>legit hates gay
>shill trying to discredit spokesman

funny how the Milo hate becomes prominent just some weeks ago after Hillicopter brought service from those memetic agencies.

i cant wait until he dies of aids

No, they did it willingly.

>Thats the sad part.

I bet last year half of those fn right wing goobers would have kicked his ass fer lookin kweeeer.

Now they carry his stretched out ass like slaves

>Baaaaa baaaaaaaaaa!

At least Milo has bantz, guys. Better him than one of the cringey doughball fucks who keep making youtube videos.

Alt-right is a bullshit movement anyway.

I thought it was a pretty good story familam.

although milo does need to be introduce to an oven, there's probably some truth there. just... not a lot. the truth is that the progressive left does use minorities to their advantage in order to continuously usurp power. white fags were the first to be thrown under the bus, much like milo predicted. so it is possible that he really does believe his people are being taken advantage of and wants to speak out against it.

that said, he spreads degeneracy whenever he can. unfortunately, he's making a pretty yuge mistake. while he views blacks as nothing but meat, he's forgetting that there's a percentage of people that he's trying to appeal to that only view him as ash.


>Think you're being original
No? That's why I said we're acting like Jews and not "we're doing a totally new thing". Reading such is tough, eh Paco?

has a trump supporter ever actually worn a Sup Forums man mask?

that's because they've got a fight on their hands, to see if they can turn them.

Trumpfaggots are beyond pathetic. These people are desperate to hold onto something and to make cults of personality around authority figures.

Makes me glad to know that once Trump loses and this whole alt-right meme fad ends, these losers will fall into depression, and some will legit kill themselves.

They're mostly (jewish) shills

Everybody knows Milo is based

The wall just got 10 feet higher, shitskin.

>We are the Jews.
You're adorable.