Rate and wwyd?

rate and wwyd?

7/10, nice body, meh face. Would assfuck

8/10. I would probably have sex with her while she’s in that dress, just pulling here sexy panties to the side and gently fucking her to orgasm. I would also do the same thing with her in a 1 piece swimsuit

face is kind of meh...I'd let her jack me off on her tits


Average, maybe below tbh.
Nothing. I'd ask it to go away. Seems like cunt from the expression.

7/10, I'd get a deepthroat sloppy blowjob with drool dribbling down on her tits

Was this picture seriously just taken when you uploaded it wtf
>>"Hey babe, send me a selfie. I need to impress my friends"
>>Oh right. I have no gf.
>>"Hey sis, send me a selfie."

I'd fuck your sister bro. She's a 8/10

7/10 use her all night

regardless of when it was taken I'd have no qualms fucking her right in that walmart bathroom on the changing table..let her sit up there as my cum drains out from between her legs down on the floor