Sup Forums, how do i start a convo on snapchat with the girl I like?

Sup Forums, how do i start a convo on snapchat with the girl I like?



Oh user, you don't. You just up and don't. You put it off and put it off and put it off again until some Chad sweeps her away. Then you regret everything for a while and fuck around on Sup Forums with the rest of us until you find the next girl you like, then the cycle repeats itself.

at least I don't suck toes like you.


excuse me you don't know my life

Fuck that penguin made me sad af NVM you got this mang, just be chill and if she doesn't accept you for you she's not worth your time

hey guys do you wanna discuss why bananas are an instrument? I just recently found out and I'd like to know what you think about it

but how do i open up a convo with her on snap? she's in one of my classes but we've never really talked before


Aight so is there an assignment due that you could ask a question about? Did someone (instructor or student) do something worth talking about recently? With the semester drawing to an end you could ask her something about the finals, if she knows if a specific topic is included on the exam for example. Try to find a natural conversation starter and start with that. Then just let it evolve from there

we're only a third of the way through the quarter where I am, but we do have an essay due monday I guess

what is snapchat?

i dont know

YES essays are perfect, you can choose to rag on how shitty the assignment is, or ask how hers is going. What's the topic?

Wait for her to put something interesting on her snapchat story and comment on it and go from there

We do reports every week on the rhetorical effectiveness of certain op-eds, but we do them in four person groups and she's in a different group so we have different op-eds we are analyzing

she never posts on her story

and I've tried that before and people never reply when you do that i dont know why :(

Ok and is the one you're analyzing particularly shitty or hard to work on? Is you group particularly shitty or hard to work with? Because if so you could play the "I hope your essay is going better than mine" card, if it's a good one you could comment on how good this round of op-eds are, maybe she'll agree, maybe she'll say something about how hers sucks and you can roll with either of those.

I'm analyzing kind of a basic article on gun control, so it's not really that advanced

My group has one really nerdy smart guy that's chill and two barely smart guys that are both pretty popular so my group's chill so i cant really comment on that

maybe I could ask her how her essay is going though

You could definitely give it a shot, and mentioning how basic yours is could spark a bit of a conversation as well. For the sake of transparency though I feel I need to inform you that as I write this I'm playing my like 5 squillionth hour of Skyrim not chilling at a party or something. So I'm in no way a social master, this is just some stuff I've picked up

thanks user, you have kik?

Really? That kinda works for me 80 to 90 percent of the time

Nah I do like fuck all social media these days. I'm pretty old school, I stick to texting.

Yeah, it's only worked for me like 10% of the time, feels bad

maybe i just say shitty comments


Send her this

will do user