Hey Sup Forums
I've decided to join the Navy, got a 79 on the ASVAB. Apparently I qualified for all jobs.I'm lost in life at the moment and really feel the military would set me straight. Are there any militaryfags that can give me advice?
Hey Sup Forums
Gavin Thomas
Jayden Evans
>got a 79 on the ASVAB
you are capable of breathing without mechanical assistance and spelling your name right 6 times out of 10
Ryan Brooks
Dont lmao, if you do make sure you research the job you choose before you actually get in
Jose Parker
I joined the army cause I could choose my job...you will come to find out all branches are filled with crayon eaters and fags but it's fun
Ethan Evans
What job did ya choose if you don't mind me asking?
Ryan Stewart
basic seaman 4 lyf mauh niggaz!
Leo Gomez
Yeah, he'll make general in no time.
Ryder Miller
>join the Navy
>set me straight
Dylan Peterson
Become a submariner
Alexander Ward
100 men go down
50 couples come up