Not a drop since December 2nd 2011

Not a drop since December 2nd 2011.

Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

How much weed do you smoke on a daily basis?

Two joints a week.

I eat a lot of candy, drink a lot of Coca Cola.

Would you have drank if you saw this?


Are you a friend of bill w.?

I can life without pleasing the internet.

You feel healthier? How did you stop?

Why though?
I mean, yes, it's not health and alcoholics are disgusting, but the taste is so good, one or two beers a week shouldn't hurt.
Of course, that is, if you don't live in the US, american beer is shit.

Got fired. Boss was nice enough to give me a good word if I got sober. Much healthier.
I tried to kill myself but said no at the last minute; lost 5 "friends" when I quit, but saved my life. Got many new friends, we mostly do outdoors stuff now.