Hey guys where the FUCK am I?

Hey guys where the FUCK am I?

Also AMA

where the fuck are you

Are you in a sewer?


some old missile silo in russia

Seems like you are in your own house.


Help me comrades he's coming after me

Looks like some WW2 bunker to me.

Its an underground facility with electricity.

its inside a car or a truck being restored

Its a fucking tank. HES IN A GOD DAMN TANK

in your basement, as always

Are you inside a cement mixer?

Winrar kek


A hunting blind?

You mom's rectum?

Why the fuck are you in a cement mixer?

not everyone can afford a house, user


Get me a job please I’m a carpenter and need work

Guys, it's obvious

OP is tripping on acid and thinks he's somewhere really awesome, like a Red Dwarf or something, but has actually just crawled inside his wall cavity.

