damn, he actually makes a really good point
Damn, he actually makes a really good point
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but I smoke weed for fun on weekends not because I have a medical problem
I wish I could find weed.
haha I was thinking this
did he really say that?? wow!!
Does it really make you think user?
Who gives a fuck what people put in their bodies?
>implying inhaling cannibis smoke doesn't cause cancer
Nice try degenerates.
autistic fascists on Sup Forums who are obsessed with ending "degeneracy" despite the fact that the they have never had a girlfriend and masturbate to porn every night at their parents house
I don't give a fuck if it's medicinal or not, the government shouldn't be telling people what they can put in their bodies.
Also, fuck Bill Nye, the mechanical engineering guy.
Hey, Mechanical Engineering is a great field!
Smoking isn't the only way to use cannabis, dipshit.
Damn, it really makes you think.
I like a bit of pit but this quote, speaking as a biologist, is drivel.
I never said there was anything wrong with ME, but it doesn't lend you any more credibility than a sanitation engineer when talking about anything other than mechanical engineering, such as climatology or biology.
Weeds changes the male brain to function more like a child/womans.
That's not what I said, scum. Since you brought up the subject, studies do show that any way you can digest cannabis will increase your chances of developing a cancer, since the plant contains the same cancer causing agents as tobacco. Please, continue being a hedonist by all means.
meant for
>being retarded
>and is optimal for our bodies to achieve homeostasis
no it isn't
What a retarded pothead argument... I got depersonalization/disassociative disorder from smoking weed that lasted several years with constant depression and severe panic attacks. I still support medical marijuana but the whole culture surrounding it needs to be dismantled. People just fake back pain to get it. Weed should only be prescribed by a doctor, and should be picked up at a pharmacy, not a dispensary. It shouldn't be in gummy bears, you shouldn't be able to buy bongs and stupid shit. It should be presented in a very clinical and professional fashion, the same way you would receive Vicodin or something.
Sunlight also gives you cancer, as does breathing near cars.
Also cannabis is flower petal, tobacco is leaf, only creates 10% of the tar.
Also you smoke about .2 grams per session vs 1 cigarette which is about .5-.75.
'slike saying the same engine can drive both a hummer and a kia on the same milage
>used to have serious problems falling asleep
>would lie awake until dawn over and over
>start smoking weed forever ago, daily use
>haven't had trouble falling asleep in years
>find self with no weed yesterday
>"that's fine, I'm fine"
>go to bed
>stare at ceiling until sun comes up
I like getting high as much as the next degenerate stoner, but the older I get the more therapeutic uses I find for this shit.
Thats called addiction you fucking degenerate.
Try ASMR instead.
Did somebody call?
>The major news in Toronto right now is a huge fucking city-wide drug bust
This man is a physicist. Not a doctor of medicine. He didn't say this
>"I care about you and your wellbeing."
One might even say it really makes you think.
Also reported.
No, weed users should be hung
You could make the same argument for the nicotinic receptors and cigarettes you degenerate sow.
Yes, even if it's for their own good, you're depriving people of their right to do what they fucking want with their bodies. It's authoritarian and it's bullshit.
Saying you reported someone is also against the rules, m80.
Bill Nye
Good point.
*Mechanical Engineer
Taking a few physics classes, a physicist does not make.
What did you just say?
Yes, but declaring reporting isn't cancer. Posting shit bait threads is. Also I reported you.
No, it's called society.
Are you a politician? No? Then stop talking about politics. And where did Pliny get his degree from?
Great fucking logic you shit stain.
Would you rather live in an authoritarian society where everyone is forced to be good, or live in a degenerate liberal distopia where everyone can do whatever the fuck they want?
>no argument
>no statistics
Neither is 'good' for you though. We'll use your car analogy: both produce 'carbon emissions' at different rates, but if you have different mileages, at the end of the day you can easily cause more smog with the Kia than the hummer if you drive further enough with the Kia.
Sorry, I would listen to him if he would at least have a master.
Bill Nye, the bachelors degree guy.
If by "liberal" you mean, "classical liberal", then sign me up.
Yeah, they raided a fuckton of dispensaries. People are pissed. It's kinda funny that they ended up doing this AFTER the LPC was elected, what with all the hate Harper got for his policies on weed.
So what's your stance on trannies, abortion, race mixing... Should we have the freedom to do all of these? If you say yes, to any, you are on the wrong board. Stop being a hypocrite.
And LSD can help depression AND migraines. Medicinal acid when?
According to stoners they never have conversations about marijuana with non-stoners.
Completely false, as someone who does research into the endocanabinoid system.
Why the fuck can't this old fuck fade into obscurity like every other 90's children's television show hosts?
>not living in a state with legal weed
kill self user
Fuck off. The control of all medications by the us government is tragically stifling. I was in a severe car accident breaking more than 20 bones including vertebrae ribs fibula pelvis metacarpals. The medical system has made it impossible for me to get ahold of any kind of narcotic to ease my pain at night. I now sleep up to 6 hrs a night. Yes I know the chemistry behind these drugs. Yes I know long term use of narcotics is hazardous. However, usage followed by fasting reduces tolerance and eliminates addiction. I just want a few decent nights sleep strung together during the work week and I can't. Therefore, I can't wait til marijuana becomes legal in my state.
>great gatsby
Literally discussing highschool tier garbage
Nigger, CBD is the medical component and it is completely legal to buy. Do some fucking research.
Saying you shouldn't need drugs to enjoy yourself is like saying you shouldn't need running shoes to go jogging.
Yeah maybe it's not a necessity but it sure as hell helps