Saw her in the train

So i looked up the book, and it was a feminist book about how men belittle and "supress" them in everyday situations. Since shes only on like page 3, how do i save her?

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just fucking punch her in the face and take a huge shit on the floor

You don't let her learn the hard way

Mansplain to her why that book is shit.

Probably by not taking pictures of her and posting it to the anime boards.

>wanting to save a 4/10


Probably a reading assignment for her gender studies course she's already broken and dead inside OP you can't save her.
>Give it a month tops before she dyes her hair and gains weight.

>Men Explain Thing to Me

Use that as ice breaker, pick her up, then fuck the leftism out of her.

I said hi, but she ignored me. I think shes too enthralled to notice a male like me

if she's reading feminist shit, she's already gone. beta women are broken, full of Ressentiment, stay away.

She's a feminist she hates men unless they are over the top faggots.

who dat?

Isn't that the Bond girl from Spectre? I can't tell because all white people rook arike.

Women are inherently traitors.
You don't save them, you exterminate them.

She's qt, would explain things to/10

tell her you identify as a strong feminist woman, and want to stick your huge clit inside her.

People still ride in passenger trains in the US?

But if we do that, they win.


First post is definitely the best post Sup Forums has ever seen!

I hope you didn't forget to take the space you deserve OP.

just shit on her face and take a huge shit on the floor


The look on his face compared to right girl TOPKEK

No, it's not rare.

Just mind your own business.


Ask her, politely, what that book is, what it's about and (if you can) ask specific questions on topics within the book.


A normal person would ask her what she's reading...

Ask her to explain the book to you.


fucking creepy, why would you take a photo of anyone without her knowing?

Because it's hot


>Tfw doing this on the train
>Women never care
>They just let me take up the space

They don't even seem concerned with that like it's expected of them to submit to me infiltrating their weak personal space
roacsad boulevard

Are you James Blunt OP?

*I saw her on the train
Reading her mansplain
She's beautiful
She's beautiful
She's beautiful
It's true

But she is
A feminist
And I don't what to do
Plz help Sup Forums

t. asian

>She's beautiful


user, try to explain her why the book is a bullshit.


she looks like a dude

You forceably suppress her gag reflex while belittling her with gender specific insults

leave these estrogen-based parasites alone.

You should learn punctuation