Can we have a serious thread about bananas for once...

Can we have a serious thread about bananas for once? I just want to talk at length about bananas and see everyone's thoughts on them.

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they good

What kind is your favorite?

Sorry, bud. But bananas are inherently inferior to strawberries in every conceivable way.

That's fine, but if we could only discuss the BEST of things life would be boring. We can still talk about bananas.

Bananas aren't worth talking about. Just talk about strawberries if you long for discussion pertaining to fruit.

You fucking bigot. On a completely separate note, young bananas with a little bit of green near the stem are inherently inferior to those older ones with little brown spots on them.

Does your mother know she raised a trash can?

>inherently inferior to those older ones with little brown spots on them.
You mean the grannies of bananas? That shit isn't appetizing. Just eat a young banana if you have to eat anything other than totally ripe perfection.

It's a proven fact that all people who prefer young bananas are either women or psychopaths. You nut.

You're objectively wrong.

Not the same since the 50s.

Gubmint did somethin to em

Slightly green bananas are best bananas.

When i say slightly i mean the stem is still green and the corner parts are a very little bit green. It makes the banana crisp with a little tart and sweet.

are there really anything to talk about? you're trying too hard op.

Shove those bananas up your rectum.

Filthy (((banana))) lovers.

Plenty of people are doing just fine, you just have nothing to contribute because you're boring.

I don't have a problem with the taste but it feels like having a mouthful of snot.

I only like bananas if they lose all green and just get a little bit of brown on them

Stop eating them when they're black.

If bananas were tea, bananas with slightly green stems would be green tea. They sort of taste like grass and leave a nasty film on your teeth. Bananas with little brown spots on them, on the other hand, would be oolong- sweet, mellow, and utterly satisfying.

come on, it's obvious, look at all these anons trying to come up with something interesting related to bananas.. it's a boring thread


Somebody's jealous they don't know anything about bananas. Go read a book or two, kiddo. The banana experts are talking.

I like green tea so that is an accurate description.

You gotta be careful though with the spots because it goes from candy to sand in an instant.

Bananas are weird. They taste really good but I honestly never crave them.

Did you that the bananas from decades ago aren't the same bananas that we eat now? They went extinct.

Google it.

Why don't we talk about the banana wars?

Donkey Kong is an allegory for American Imperialism, and the catalyst was bananas. Literally.

shit's banana's. So discuss, motherfucker.

you forgot know

It's kind of sad that you are so negative that you can't even enjoy a pointless thread.

It's good to buy then while they're still greenish and eat them just as soon as they are ripe - best of bother worlds. Also stem-side opening master race. Fuck the pussies who need a knife to eat a banana. Monkeys are smarter than you cretins.

yellow kind

Weirdly true. I enjoy a banana from time to time but i have never craved one.

It's true, and apparently the virus/disease that killed the last one might be killing this one too. So they may have to switch to yet another soon.

Roosevelt during the '20s was fucken huge on completely shoving his dick right into south America, he wanted the sugar, the access, and the fucken bananas. Parts of Barbados, haiti, those isolated donkey-fucker islands, the asshole was spreading american freedom all over the place and securing banana fields, fertile land, and a slave workforce to work it all.

I don't think i have ever really eaten a banana for its taste. Its more for the potassium. A taste change wouldn't bother me.

This is a true story.
When I was 14, my dad put me in a violin camp in a remote corner of Quebec.
The food at this camp was truly abominable. One day, they served us sandwiches, and everyone rejoiced because it was something edible. Our short-lived joy turned to bitter sorrow when we learned that the sandwiches were filled with some sort of mysterious green paste.
For two weeks, I survived off of nothing but bananas and coffee, the former served only in the morning. By the time the camp was over, I looked like a Holocaust survivor fresh out of Dachau.

If the Cavendish goes extinct we're all fucked.

I'm on /b, of course I have a sad life, what you're saying is irrelevant

What if the knew ones tasted like penis? Like... literal penis.


I am Bi so it would just be an edible dildo.

Apparently the old bananas tasted like artificial banana (runts candy,etc.)

what a lame fucking cunt you are, grow up

...What if they didn't taste like penis, then?

Well alrightly then. Enjoy being a downer i guess.

I live a sad life too but i am not a cunt all the time.



my favorite is banana split with peanuts... gotta have the peanuts or its just not right

I will do exactly what you tell me to do, stranger on the internet.

Honestly taste doesn't matter. Right now they are just a sugary sweet slime tube.


>Donkey Kong is an allegory for American Imperialism
>shit's bananas

i lold

Except for length much like the average knee grow

I remember learning about the Banana Wars briefly in high school. While we read about Colombian death squads, I couldn't get the image of a sentient, man-sized, four-limbed, blow-dart-wielding banana stalking guerrillas through the jungle.

I'm legitimately surprised nobody posted that before you did.

because normies

People were avoiding going for the low hanging fruit.


nigger, the nigga got devils trips nig'a



i hate filling them. always with the bananas. cunts are always buying them.

I like penut butter banan

Dat low potassium knot in your calf muscle is fucking bananas.