Is there anyway to avoid this shit when getting married? I want to have a wife and children but shit like this, and everyone defending the woman, makes me scared as fuck.
Is there anyway to avoid this shit when getting married? I want to have a wife and children but shit like this...
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Lock her in the cellar.
Never ever show weakness. They will exploit it.
Be a decent person, attract a decent woman.
Bitter basement dweller 24 year old boys deserve the histrionic SJWs that break their hearts and the 38 year old alcoholic spinsters they find on Craigslist.
There's plenty of good men out there having loyal, lifelong marriages with good women.
But yea talking on the internet about how in-the-know you are is way better
marriage contract
this mans is right
>i'm entitled to a good wife even though i'm a complete loser faggot
Good women make up a small minority of the population. There aren't even enough of them to go around for the alpha males, let alone average joes.
>leaving your wife and kids to marry your gold digging mistress
>surprised when you get fucked up
It's like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. This is the landing
This, he JUSTed himself.
A lot of loyalty for a hired gun.
There is literally no reason to have a state sanctioned marriage.
If you must be "married" go have a church-only ceremony that is in no way legally binding.
>getting married
In my opinion the culture is too tainted to make the risk of marriage worth it. Sup Forums won't agree with me on this, but I'd rather be degenerate and hook up with different girls and live a free life than be stuck with a woman that will inevitably turn against me because of the indoctrination of western culture.
That's my take on it anyway.
>Depp runs his mouth about Trump
>about a month later his wife says he beats her
>he's white so he won't get away with it
Aren't you considered to be "married" by the state if you love with someone for x years?
Also aren't there advantages to legal marriage like tax filing and hospital visits?
Yes! You have to pick with both brains. Wait at least a couple of years and you should have seen any red flags by then. You have to be able to take a step back and make sure she's not crazy. My wife can get emotional sometimes, but she has a conscience and a soul. She gets pissed off at how many women make false reports like this. I'm a lawyer and dealing with one right now. The fucking courts are not on our side.
A few 'common law' marriage states still exist. If you proclaim yourself man and wife for X years you are legally married. Wikipedia has the list.
>He's so white he won't get away with it
I thought rich white people got away with everything?
Mfw makes up false charges so she can get that pirate gold
I agree with you on everything there. Only problem is what about children? There's no better environment for them than a M/F monogamous household. It's also not worth investing in all this stuff if we have no one to pass it on to.
At least the art of the deal was enjoyable satire. It's loads better than any political skit SNL has given us the past 15 years
That's the meme that leftists will spit at you to justify disproportionate punishment for this kind of thing that whites get compared to blacks. Look at Jay Z.
>marrting a dyke
this is when he fucked up
>i got married and come on the internet to justify it to total strangers
thx m8
the real reason he got BTFO'd is because he fucked with Australias customs law
The only way to have children is by having a stable family, you night be able to pull this off if you can get a woman with modest upbringings or one from the third world. It can work but it can still go wrong as well.
It's just tryouts for Corpse Bride II
This shit is also why a lot of men do not want to marry, and keep fucking around.
Take half your shit, you have to sell YOUR house or flat, sit with the loan left while she gets shitloads of your money. You have to write a contract. The one exception is farms where you have odel.
what the fuck was depp thinking?
>ay lemme marry a lesbian woman and sign a contract, which says she gets a shit ton of money from me when we divorce
Don't be rich, women always want to take the money for themselves
my god he grows a worse beard than half the shitposters on Sup Forums
kekked, this guy is doing all he can to be on the set there too.
Seriously? She looks like I do when i sleep face down on my pillow. Her face is barely swollen and the red marks on her face are barely even red
The only way is to abstain from marriage until the laws are changed. So long as men keep cucking themselves the gravy train will continue to roll along.
Beat her with oranges wrapped in a wet towel.
It'll teach the bitch some humility. Women who are actually properly trained don't have such stupid ideas.
>There's plenty of good men out there having loyal, lifelong marriages with good women.
pol turned me on the issue of marriage in 1 day. There is an easy experiment one can do to disprove you. Just pick some marriages that you think are loyal and lifelong and let an true alphamale try to seduce the wife. I imagine you will not like the result. There is only 1 man in the world from whom there is no upgrade - Donald J Trump.
Really, she should just stop being a cry-baby. The black mass on her face isn't even that visible, she'll put Depp at his world end if she continues doing this. God, I know they'll blow this out of proportion, making each other public enemies all for the sake of fear and loathing. Depp is a dead man.
Reminder to never marry, you don't have to marry to be with someone. It doesn't solve all problems (false allegations like this are still a worry, of course) but it's a million times better when it comes to keeping your money and other assets. You might still lose some shit in a few jurisdictions but it's completely insignificant compared to how much you will lose if you marry.
Don't do it!
1. Choose well (modest, supporting, feminine, cheerful, pleasant, helpful, motherly)
2. Be a man who does man things with man friends and has a mission in life and is emotionally strong and capable of putting a strong face on even when he's not feeling that way. Women do desperate things when it seems like a man has lost control.
3. Make sure she doesn't have whore friends who are drama queens and who will drag her down to their level.
4. Have kids. Her hormone levels will actually get even better and she'll be more attracted to you if you're doing number 2 correctly
5. Spend time apart. It's not healthy for two people to spend all of their time together. Take time to yourself to recharge and insist she do the same. Get a hobby you can quietly retreat to every once in a while.
and how have you conducted this experiment
I can't understand why men want to live with woman. I would go mad.
she's an attractive young hollywood whore, he is an aging ugly bag of money addicted to meth.
Don't marry whores half your age.
>decent women exist
Underrated post
>Is there anyway to avoid this shit when getting married?
Do not get married, do not co-habitate and do not have children, these are all risks to your financial and legal security. There's nothing that can protect you against the power of the state other than moving out of it.
Johnny Depp is left handed?
1/10 chance
this one is classic. if she decides to divorce you she might get you arrested on domestic abuse charges so she can clean out your joint bank accounts before you post bail
you should probably keep a secret emergency fund, but if you had that much foresight you probably wouldn't be married at all
>yes good goy, don't raise kids
>you finances are more important
Women either divorce you because you're a poor loser, or you make so much money that it's worth it. Either way you're fucked.
You can be John Cleese, or Johnny Depp or whoever. These are rich, successful people. And yet for these women, they aren't good enough.
THEY aren't good enough. These talented, charismatic, successful people aren't good enough for the random women they bestow the grand honour of their company with.
How can you possible compare? The moment the small, most minute inkling if "what if just left?" begins to take hold, you're done.
Marriage is insane.
if it wasn't for that contract, she'd be entitled to half
Your finances are an expression of your work, when someone takes your money they're literally stealing your time, your life.
Handing over control to women of your life work, that's just stupid.
Mfw Amber probably hit Johnny 50 times and was in his face screaming at him, and all it took was one swing from Depp to end that shit
Unfortunately I haven't and to make the conclusion scientific the experiment still needs to be done on a decent samplesize. However there already exists a significant amount of indirect evidence. (the amount of marriages that last without anybody trying deliberately to destroy them)
The reason why marriages sometimes last as long as Life may very well be not because of the womans loyalty but because of the womans bodily decay (makes getting upgrades and attention much harder) and the mens loyalty.
>>i'm entitled to a good wife even though i'm a complete loser faggot
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
I don't support mgtow but there's not another option. Fucking laws, they destroyed the love.
I see what you did there, clever girl.
*there is no other.
I just thought about it a bit more, and there's a good chance that the image is flipped to how you might be thinking about it because of how cameras work, so we can't really be certain if we're looking at her left or right.
This is probably the best advice in this thread.
MGTOW is just reactionary, it makes sense until it doesn't. Maybe at some distant point in the future the benefits of getting married will return and government will get out of family life, but right now all across the western world, it's dangerous as shit to get married and as this user says Marriage is insane.
>Depp confirmed having a phone shaped fist
Even so, there's no other way to do it but to have a family with an actual good woman.
>No one would ever get into an airplane with someone who doesn't have the skills of flying. And no one would ever hop on the operating table with someone who didn't possess the skills of surgery. Yet in our age, many people jump into business partnerships, dating relationships, and even marriages without ever asking the fundamental question of virtue: Does this person have the virtue – the skills – necessary to live this relationship well? Does this person have patience, generosity, prudence, self-control, humility, discipline, etc.? These are just some of the many virtues we need to love others and live out our commitments to them.
I see what you did there, clever girl.
It was already confirmed it was fake by the police.
>le everyone's a loser but me
Nice meme Ahmed.
Reminder that she have kewish lawyers who probably told her to do that to gain more credibility.
Divorce rates, at least in the USA, have been dropping. They actually peaked in the late 70s. Doesn't help that women who get married and divorced multiple times also get counted.
I believe in hypergamy as much as the next guy, but I also believe there are more women than you think that have values and believe in loyalty. Women get stuck in dead end relationships with men who won't commit, and men like Johnny Depp knowingly marry insane women. So many genetic dead ends with niggers and Muslims multiplying like rabbits, now everyone loses.
Why would a "lesbian" marry a man?
If they wanted to kill divorce rates they should stop giving women such advantages from it. Would make them second think doing it.
I can think of about 400 million reasons.
This is a perspective that I just don't see thrown in these threads enough.
There are not enough "good" women to go around.
Molyneux talks about virtue and relationships and you know what, aside all that theistic horse shit, this method of finding people is generally what I'd advocate if you absolutely cannot live without a woman in your life.
Put virtue above everything else, learn what virtuous traits are and what aren't (being cool, sexy, hot, beautiful, popular, rich, fit, toned, or even intelligent. None of those are virtues)
Instead look for kindness, selflessness, sacrifice, principles, honesty, etc.
Quite frankly there's no women like this today, maybe a handful of ultra religious nutcases but I just can't bring myself to ever be interested in somoene that believe something so utterly stupid.
One thing society really badly needs and thats secular moral systems that can replace religious ones, as the number of atheists increase we need something to replace those morals structures.
Worth keeping in mind also that a lot of the more intellectual MGTOW channels have produced a lot of content looking at the evo-psych of women and understanding hypergamy and how it's really just in females nature to want to marry up, just as strongly as it's in male nature to want to fuck everything with a pair of breasts.
looks like she walked into the edge of a door.
Red flag 1: "She dropped out of high school, eventually earning a diploma through a home-study course."
Red flag 2: "When Heard was 16, her best friend died in a car crash. She subsequently declared herself an atheist after being introduced to the works of Ayn Rand by her then-boyfriend."
Red flag 3: "She has said of Rand, "I've read all of her books. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with her ideals. All I've ever needed is myself.""
Red flag 4: "Heard came out in 2010, at GLAAD's 25th anniversary event, and has stated, "I don't label myself one way or another—I have had successful relationships with men and now a woman. I love who I love""
tl;dr: Emotionally damaged, Athiest, selfish, bisexual. Bros, stay away from this profile. They grow like weeds on tumblr.
i have one. she can get a little boring and ill crave a degenerate once in a while, but i stay loyal cuz shes worth it
>victim blaming
While I don't like Johnny Depp the fact that he's gonna lose 400 million simply because he married someone is fucking insane.
>There's plenty of good men out there having loyal, lifelong marriages with good women.
Then why are divorce rates so high and so many men get their lives destroyed because their wives easily cry domestic violence and being raped by their husbands? Hell I saw my mother teach my sister how to fake cry when things are not going her way and wonder if this is a skill all mothers teach their daughters.
dont marry gold diggers 20 years younger is a good start
Surely, a guy with a huge fucking ego, loads of money, who gets his ass licked around everyone and is used to getting things his way, paired with his oh so eccentric persona, would NEVER ever beat the shit out of his whore. NEVER. This is a SJW feminist anti-white Jewish manhating dyke conspiracy to paint white men as bad. I tell you. Actors are know for their great mental stability and morals. Don't buy whatever the shills say, Depp is a good boy.
Is that a sign of physical abused?
Probably must think I am abused constantly, since I have poor skin and it gets red spots constantly for no reason.
sup amanda
Divorce rates might drop but so are marriage rates, what's the ratio of marriages to divorces? I bet that doesn't look good. It doesn't in the UK, that's for sure.
Not sure why you think women believe in loyalty but also hold that hypergamy is a legitimate biological trait. Seems contradictory to me, I think you worded this well though, loyalty is something men inherently understand but for women ti can only really ever be an abstracted understanding or a belief that it's morally good, it doesn't come naturally to them.
If they can fuck the alpha and get their genes yet have a beta unwittingly raise anothers child then that's what happened in the wild and it happens a massive amount today, an estimated 10% of babies are raised by fathers who aren't the biological father and do not know it.
What if you live separately? My buddy has been fucking this girl on and off for the past 3 years. They live separately and he doesn't stay by her.
sadly she probably will still get upwards of $10 million when she should get jail time for false charging this shit
>decent woman
There is NO guarantee she doesn't end up lying when there is either a ton of money or her children involved. How do you even identify a non-decent woman? By believing her stories? Women don't go around telling you "yeah, and then I told the police he tried to rape me although he didn't, lol, now he's in jail, the fucker shouldn't have talked to his ex, I just know that he fucked her, although he denied it". They will always tell you sob stories and paint themselves good, and they will actually be totally nice to you UNTIL some day one of you want to break up, and then it's on. Game time. But ONLY then, and you won't find out until then. Do you really think all these men KNEW what a lying manipulative bitch they propose to?
Of course there are decent women. Of course you could stay married all your life. But there is NO way to know that beforehand, and apart from the very obvious cases (in which only complete nutjobs would marry her) they are very hard to identify.
>Red flag 1: "She dropped out of high school, eventually earning a diploma through a home-study course."
>Red flag 2: "When Heard was 16, her best friend died in a car crash. She subsequently declared herself an atheist after being introduced to the works of Ayn Rand by her then-boyfriend."
>Red flag 3: "She has said of Rand, "I've read all of her books. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with her ideals. All I've ever needed is myself.""
>Red flag 4: "Heard came out in 2010, at GLAAD's 25th anniversary event, and has stated, "I don't label myself one way or another—I have had successful relationships with men and now a woman. I love who I love""
>tl;dr: Emotionally damaged, Athiest, selfish, bisexual. Bros, stay away from this profile. They grow like weeds on tumblr.
this cunt was damaged goods a long way back. anyone who gets in a relationship with this profile is an idiot. you can use some rules to weed out crazy white girls (that are hot)
Move to Muslim country.
"Pakistan: Council of Islamic Ideology proposes ‘light beating’ of wife for defying husband" - See more at:
Yeah, but fairly mild.
Looks exactly like the girl in the image, actually.
Hard to notice in natural lighting.
[spoiler]I am probably far more aware of it than anyone else, despite rarely seeing my own face[/spoiler]
>There's a great world of amazing women out there, just open your eyes and if you disagree you are a [insert negative anti-male meme here]
Where have I seen this argument before?
is it possible for a woman to have redflags but still be redpilled/decent? like, she has tattoos and smokes but she's genuinely a good person/mother and a conservative.
actually I was thinking about it, I think the best women might be the ones who did the whole LGBT activism veganism thing when they were young, and then realized what sham bullshit it all was
The problem is that all women think they are entitled to a 10/10 Chad Thundercock. When they inevitably don't get it, they get angry at average and ugly guys. Feminism, chivalry and western culture all taught them that they deserve an absolute top-tier man and that they, as women, are above everyone else.
looks like she wore the oculus rift for too long