Why is Islam the worst religion ?

Why is Islam the worst religion ?

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It isn't tho

Any religion whose holy scriptures approves of violence against nonbelievers bears the potential of fundamentalist batshit insane followers, and that's nearly all of them.

just look at them! Do they have the face of God's love? They want to kill you. They pray for the opportunity.

not really


Probably because worst, most backward retard people. Like, if Swedish whites became muslim, it would probably be cool and chill Islam. But if shitskins became followers of the Buddha, they would behead you in his fatfuck name.

Yes really

says the guy that has faggots, trannies, jews and niggers in his country

Not, though.
For example, Christians follow Jesus, and the New Testament cancels out all the Old Testament stuff, so Christianity's scriptures don't tell you to commit violence. (I mean, retards say they do, but they are missing the whole 'not anymore' part of the story.)

Not really a religion, but they say they are, so...

It's part of a trilogy of shitty religions
But the fact that they're all shitty doesn't mean all their people are.

Though a larger number of Muslims than the others are...

Better to have a hundred faggots trannies niggers and jew than to have people of a faith whose scripture advocates violence and people of other religions and get charged with vehement rage when someone draws a picture of Mohammad

It's easier for people to be ignorant faggots

>have two guys kissing in the streets is better than controlling yourself to not draw mohammad
like you ever even thought about drawing him
have fun with your antifa faggots and broken store windows, i'll just wait here in bongistan until sharia takes full control
i'm so happy people like pic related exist


all religions are shit. Including yours.

the last in the trilogy is always the worst

Well unless it's in the name of God than it's all fair game. Deus Vult

Look, Jesus never countenanced killing anyone. Not in the Gospels. Not in Acts, Not in the Letter of Paul or Peter or Hebrews, Timothy, Titus or John. And its not in the Apocalypse. Nor is there any suggestion to killing or violence in Gospel of Thomas or other Apocrypha writings or Gnostic writings. The Koran dose advocate violence. There is not way around that, there is no argument around that. Jesus Christ healed people and stories tell of him bringing people back from the dead. Mohammad had an army and a sword. Christian people may bomb Nagasaki and Dresden and go on Crusades but that is not a Jihad in that they are not scriptural sanctioned.that is a big difference.

>any religion whose holy scriptures approve of violence against nonbelievers bears the potential of fundamentalist batshit insane followers

And so the question was, why is Islam the religion that turns out those batshit insane followers at the highest rate. The answer is because Islamic doctrine is better set up to be interpreted for violence by fundies. There is more scripture that can be used to justify violence in Islam. The closest thing Islam has to a New Testament is the Hadiths, many of which further justify acts of violence and which are egregious by today’s societal standards. You even see notes added by authors of some of these Hadiths, that they intentionally omitted accounts not because they didn’t (allegedly) happen, but because the reader might find them hard to stomach. This should tell you something about what’s contained within them.

Nowadays yes it is. Same as Christianity. Blind faith makes you stupid.

You have them in your county too faggot.

read the bible, retard. jesus himself said he came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword.

Islam is the religion of peace. Just think back to the crusades and you'll see that even religions other than Islam have been violent

yeah, all religious beliefs are stupid and violent. that doesn't excuse islam

Because there's no room for change in Islam. Everything is black or white, acceptable or unacceptable. They believe their book is the final word of God and is not left open to interpretation. Which made sense thousands of years ago, but when you consider where we are now, it means that they're barbaric and still practically living in the Stone Age

Sharia will never happen here so long as democracy lasts. I will never live under such shit

So where's the sword? One metaphor in Matthew you're and expert. How much did he talk about using a sword?

It's not if you actually teach it properly. Millions of non-extremist, modern, open minded muslims exist.

my guess would be that islam is 1, consitently violent, Judaism and Christianity are admittedlt schitzo but at least they are skitzo consistent, Islam is all about conquering, since that was what there main prophet did. and 2. That Christianity does not, and never has, lead to the use of women as war resources, and doesn't incentivize suicide in any form, I mean i dislike all three but that's probably why its the worst of the three, also, weather people like to admit it or not, the west is at war with Islam, or Islamism, hence people don't like it.


Iron age

Matthew 5:18

>thousands of years ago
know how I know you don't know dick about islam?

If by teaching it properly you mean omitting all of the violence then yeah. They cherry pick the parts of Islam that they like and disregard the violent parts. I'm not complaining, I prefer people who do it over blind faith, but Islam is fundamentally shitty

The crusades were at least for two reasons, but there’s probably a number of things that factor into it. The two largest reasons are the Christians desire to take back Jerusalem from Muslim rule, and the second reason was to push back the invading Seljuk Turks, who had ravaged across the region, conquering Antioch and Nicea, pushing all the way up to Constantinople. The church certainly had secondary motivations, but without the enemy on the doorstep to Europe, they wouldn’t have been able to rally the numbers of soldiers needed. It can not be said that the crusades weren’t a response to the invading Sunni Muslims.

This is exactly the same thing with Islam and the Quran. The stuff that was written in there is not meant to be taken literally because it was written in a different time when it made more sense, just like the old testament and the new testament. The only difference is that you don't sympathise with islam as much as you do with christianity because you're not muslim.

All religions have parts of violence in them. It's not religion's fault, it's do with the fact that most people back in that day fought for land and resources and they still do. The brits did it, the russians did it, literally every civilisation did it. Stop cherrypicking yourself.

>The only difference is that you don't sympathise with islam

Wrong - the difference is Christianity recognised that it was becoming irrelevant with the times and the new testament exists to make it more modern and peaceful and less violent (though to compare the Bible to the Quran in violence is like comparing Dahmer to drunk college sex, the Quran is far more violent in its scriptures). Islam has no modern form because it's all or nothing and they refuse to reform it into a more modern practice.

>Islam has no modern form

Except you're wrong. There is literally more than one kind of islam, but I'm not surprised that you don't know about them since you're not muslim to begin with. Sufi islam is the kind of islam that the big majority of muslims in lebanon, egypt, turkey follow etc. and it's very tolerant and peaceful. There are also many people who tried to integrate 'islamic socialism' which is a movement to try to integrate islam into society and fit european modern standards. Muslims are trying really hard to fit in with the rest of the people but it's impossible when Israeli zionists keep trying as hard as they can to release anti-arab propaganda.

because shitskins invented it


Lol ok

>Why is Islam the worst religion ?

Compared to Jew-ism?

Egypt was peaceful until terrorists attacked it. Ever wonder why 'muslim' terrorists would be sent into a muslim country to attack and kill muslims? Because Egypt has sinai, which israel wants and they're salty as fuck over it. They're gonna keep sending their terrorists in droves on arab countries and until they take back their shitty 'promised land'. Israelis literally won't stop at anything in order to fulfill their holy book, they'll even kill billions of people for it. How come those people aren't barbaric and aggressive but muslims are?


you're views are correct. hate muslims and suspect all jews but don't get sucked into writing these long paragraphs pls it's not worth it

>why is Islam the religion that turns out those batshit insane followers at the highest rate?
The real answer:
1. Violent fundamentalists are alive and well recruiting
2. They believe they and their people have been greatly wronged by an amoral entity known as America
3. When a poor citizen in the middle east look at their economic circumstances and America's political involvement recruitment is relatively easy.

The rest of the story is standard human group think. It doesn't take a religion for people who fear for they're country, family and themselves, to do stupid things, and do it in the name of what's "right".

I mean it's funny easy it is to think all these terrorists must just be so devote that they can't NOT obey the scripture - but that's bs. People cherry pick their scriptures, no matter the religion, to suit their needs.


Jews are so fucking backwards and close minded that they'll literally blame arabs for the holocaust.

Lol, you've clearly never studied world religions. Islam is unique in that it preaches violence against non-believers.

Was that responsible for the recent attack on the egypt mosque?

Yes, it's not a coincidence. It was done on a mosque in the sinai peninsula. Sinai is a contested territory between egypt and israel, but israel can't just take it because there's a peace agreement that the land belongs to egypt not israel. so israeli zionists solution to this is to keep sending terrorists who are disguised as muslims but are really israeli army forces to destabilise the country and force them to end the the agreement. Fuck jews.

Islam is far from alone, so I'm going to pretend you mean major religions and you're only a little wrong, since you would have to say modern major religions to be accurate.

But they come from a country where this shit is normal its like a monkey intergraing with people.


Blame the jews for it. Most of the violence in the middle east is done by the jews. You don't see arabs fighting other arabs.

Did they beat the boy to death very quickly while he was in the middle of falling off the roof, or was it a really short roof and they had to go down and finish the job?

nice troll

I couldn't believe muslims would kill other muslims whilst they prayed. That is nothing like Islam, surely.

all religions suck, we're behind technologically and socially by at least 1000 years because of religion.

all it is, is a means to control the people. if you're bad you'll go to hell, so don't attack me!

You're aware that guy was a) born there and b) not Muslim, right?

You're most likely an israeli. Let me tell you this, you and your shitty little promised land can keep sending in fake terrorists on our lands, but there will come a time when all arab states will band together to blow you and your shitty country off the map. Just wait.

Questionably aggressive..


i'm a white dude in nc.
arabs have been fighting each other all over the middle east, or are you another muslim trying to tell me isis isn't "real muslim"

It's a religion of (many little) pieces.

Why would isis, a group which claims itself to be the holy savior of islam, go out into muslim countries and perform terror attacks which kill muslims? Isn't that counterproductive to what their supposed motives are, which is to spread islam? Isis was never about islam and everyone in the middle east realises this and doesn't support them. Isis is a politically motivated country that is funded and backed saudi arabia, israel and iran. Most of the middle east are innocent and have nothing to do with this group.

600 fewer years to civilize itself. Also the lack of centralized authority poses some problems but they arent insurmountable.


>Sufi tokers and the green saint

Islam brought us weed and coffee.

i dunno, attacking and oppressing aren't that different. islam sucks in general so i guess it really doesn't matter. but they were killing other muslims so what the fuck do you make of that? anyone that didn't do as they say.

Get real. You think egypt and israel aren't essentially military allies at this point alongside jordan and the house of saud? Man, muslims believe some hilarious shit about their political situation.

>islam sucks in general

Mainly cause of the amount of propaganda that is pushed out by zionist israel to try to ruin its image as much as possible. You don't get it, the jews think they own the middle east and they want to eradicate arabs in order to 'retake' it. They're actually europeans and have nothing to do with the original israelites, the original israelites were africans and arabs, not europeans. It's all just to fullfill their shitty prophecy.

they were killing sufis, who they consider to be heretical.

Idk what bullshit you're reading, but egypt and israel have never been allies in a really long time.

i dated a muslim. they tried to get me to convert and get married right away. but i saw her for a few months. i get that most muslims are good people, but as a religion, y'all need reform, and the middle east is a fucking mess. i get that the west is a big part of that however.

trust me i'm not a fan of the jews either. or any religion. so. don't feel like i'm picking on muslims only.

Who funds Isis again?

there's the problem... thinking it's okay to kill someone because they're different. -_-

It's the Jews' fault for tarnishing the reputation of the ISIS peacekeepers

Who's the chief of disinfo?


I can agree that forcing your religion onto other people can be real annoying but this is mainly a religious parent type of thing, more than it is a muslim issue. Most muslim parents just want their kids to follow the same traditions as them cause arabian muslims are really clingy on tradition, religion and stuff like that. It's not something you'd understand if you came from a first world country.

>the west is a big part

Nah, arabs don't hate USA and we don't think they're the cause of our problems. It's mainly the state of israel. It's something that you'll have to do a little bit of reading on to understand, there's basically a prophecy in their book which states that the middle east is supposed to be their land and they're supposed to eradicate all arabs and take their place. Their religion is a very barbaric and ruthless religion that encourages killing people who don't follow the same belief as you. They even said they'll let arabs live as long as they convert to judaism.

well op unfortunately it has become the victim of a radicalized generation of xenophobic imperialists whose leaders have exploited the one venerable religion for their own personal reasons to use as a kind of mass media tool capable of dictating a violent antidemocratic directive into the collective consciousness of the islamic congregation.

yeah that happens with religions, but also institutions and ideologies in general. were you trying to make a point?


Fake news

It's not that islam is inherently inferior it's just the fact that the east is about 100 years behind us culturally, if they were just left to their own devices for the next 100 plus years they would kill a significant portion of themselves and eventually settle down into useful people rather than the ignorant cunts they are right now.

Fake News.

They are now. They just keep up the appearance of being enemies in the media because muslims are easy to control using the jewish bogeyman middleeastmonitor.com/20171009-arab-states-conceal-security-cooperation-with-israel/

Fake News.

Doesn't matter what you think of it.

You literally cannot ban Muslims from coming into this country for practicing their religion.


Your article literally just proves the same shit that I've been preaching in this thread for a long time, that israel has been behind many attempts to destabilise the middle east by putting a middleman there at all times. Also

>Israeli military intelligence is providing information about the activities of militants in Sinai and are helping launch attacks.

And a terrorist attack just happened in Sinai. Pretty amazing coincidence isn't it?