The wall isn't enough

We need a moat. Filled with crocodiles.

Trump is too moderate. The wall of China was defeated by the Mongrels, so why do we think a wall would stop Mexicans?

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best post niggas

>so why do we think a wall would stop Mexicans?

Because Mexicans are fat

Fucking dumb burger niggers.
Don't you know how scared mexicans are from water and basic higiene? You don't even need a wall, just create the moat and fill it with soap and clean water

We aren't paying to clean those rats. Crocodiles are a one-time investment, and the population will explode exponentially.

We need a new canal along the border to cut out those fäggot Panamanians.


the wall of china only failed because chinks didnt had a good army. if a bunch of unarmed peasants invaded us, even a single police station could easily expel the wetbacks. the wall is only there to make hard for them to go beyond

Is the American southwest's climate similar enough to North Africa's to support Nile crocs?

North America has it's own crocodile species, look it up.


It's true though, it's the only nation that surpasses us.

isn't that the wall of the palace in tokyo ?

To anyone that wants to argue the wall situation by saying they will simply tunnel under it. Reminder that for any tall structure to be built sturdy and strong, you need a foundation. A wall that would be put forward by Mr Trump would require a deep set foundation on bedrock. Good luck tunneling that deep.

If we can dig deep enough to build the wall, they can dig deep enough to get under it.

this desu

we could even have a dry moat with spikes.
But without a moat, walls are just silly.

>the Mongrels
t. Trump voter

Aren't moats racist against blacks?

a Minefield will cheaper ?

We just used an Indian ocean, I don't know how much they charged but must've been a bit because we had to mock it up with seas on the eastern side, but USA has a lot more money than us so you should consider it.

Yes but the stupidest of the Mexicans will just get blown up; then the others will follow them.

And how do you plan to dig into bedrock without spending millions of dollars on special equipment?

You NEED to reach bedrock to start a foundation for a wall. You simply just can not dig into bed rock with simple shovels and pickaxes like they do currently.

Are you aware of how deep the soil goes along the US/Mexico boarder?

Your argument is inane.


Just for using that word the wall just got 10 feet higher.

>like they do currently.
I mean, with tunneling under the current US/Mexico boarder. Their tunnels are not deep enough to reach bed rock.

There should be a grand moat that runs along the border of Mexico and Texas. It would be called the Moato Grande

That's a facile understanding of mechanics and engineering.

It has the ring of truth and is clever enough to take hold in someone's mind so it would make an effective propaganda but it's specious and so far from true as to be unlikely.

The boaring tech used in the construction of that wall would be incomparable to the slave labor cartels depend on for their tunnel projects.

The cartels have wealth, power and influence but at their peak they fall far shy of state resources for massive works projects like tunneling into Fortress America. They're already planning to respond with a more narco subs, stealth aircraft and trebuchets but they'll be so busy fighting for survival in their walled arena that death will wind up being their premiere commodity, not drug exportation and human trafficking.

The wall is coming, it will be effective and you'll hardly notice because the spics honestly aren't that big of a problem and they aren't who the wall is meant for. It's meant for Africans and MEs. All in search of GibsmedatThanks to the work of Christian Missionaries, Africa is going to be a nonstop flood of immigration for the Northern Hemisphere until it's completely empty and that's a fact.

That's called an alligator

Nice rebuttal.

Wall + Hole

So? We can hear them doing it. If the wall is set back a mile from the border and we clear out everything in front that's an expensive long assed grave they just dug. pour a concrete plug at the border crossing and bury the fuckers alive. Maybe toss in a couple rattlesnakes out of pity.

Unlikely isn't good enough.

Wrong. They're in Florida.