I like my coffee how I like my women

I like my coffee how I like my women....

ground and well-roasted

Ground up and in the freezer.

Sweet and organic.

Strong, bitter, and black as midnight.

Cold and heartless

With no dicks in it


well i got a cup of coffee i could put my dick in it but then i wouldn't want it. suppose i dont like women like i like my coffee.

Hot and wet.

CO2 neutral and fair traded

lots of milk lots of sugar

I fuck coffee like I fuck wahmen

White and without any pubic hair

I like tea, more specifically iced tea, unsweet

thick and rich

At the end of the day. Favorite is what counts.

Cold and bitter.

Black and bitter

with a little bit of cream and sugar

Whip cream -_-

Hot enough to melt a spoon

Colombian and unethically sourced

i hate coffee

What do you like?


Rich, and filled with my cream

You like them being criminals?


In the kitchen

In the morning before i go to the toilet and shit out my soul

Without a penis

I was just about to comment "without a vagina"

Only respectable answer.

Without any cream in it. I don't need any kids