Why are you proud to be white, Sup Forums?

Why are you proud to be white, Sup Forums?

Its OK to be white

the mere fact that without white people you wouldn't be able to post this because computers wouldn't exist

cause my lack of pigmentation helps me to apsorb D vitamin from sunligth more efeciantly

Yeah, it's ok to be white.

Just... You know.. not a while supremacist. Get what I'm saying?

swastikas are indian binary is indian so no white people arent needed for computers

Same thing.

Being OK with being white is the same as being OK with white supremacy.

lol, what an ugly twat

because white girls are beautiful and it would be a crime to eliminate them.

Clearly not apart of the master race.

Yes, make sure to explicitly state that. God forbid you come across as racist, user.

so black lives matter is black supremacy?

Yes, it is, it's encouraging white genocide just by the slogan.

No. Black Lives Matter is about justice in a historically uneven playing field. It's not about black people being in control, it's about being enabled to have the same rights and privileges that whites have enjoyed for far too long. White supremacy is working to keep that playing field uneven

Can one not be proud of their own race without wanting to genocide another? Are we supposed to be a bunch of self-hating cucks?

are whites to blame for the entire continent of africa being a shit hole?

uneven playingfield? why is it that non black ppl of color do so well in the usa? do whites only hold back black africans?

Go scream white lives, or better yet, all lives matter at a BLM protest and see how much your life matters to them. The "protest against protest" shit doesn't cut it because the whole thing is just one big emotional appeal. Niggers would rather scream about the evil white police shooting them and the man keeping them down than address the problems in their own culture.

So you mean to tell me there isn't a difference between the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville vs The Baltimore Riots?

Who is that

did u know that blacks in the us murder more blacks every single year than the kkk did in its entire existance.

White people are God's true chosen people.

I have starry blue eyes and long beautiful blonde hair. Girls and guys would kneel before me

>being white in the current year
Wow, just wow.

im proud to be white because white sections of town dont look like they have been hit by an asteroid.

Yeah of course

their slogan should be black lives matter ... sometimes.

no i don´t give a shit.
it´s coincidence my parents were white.

its stupid to be proud of anything except for your own achievements.


git gud

obvious trolling


It's ok to be white. Not ok to be a rightard degenerate from Sup Forums who seek out other degenerates of different colours and try to agitate you to be one of their degenerative breed, because there are other idiots of other colors.

Even more, being anti-white is just as bad as being anti-black anti-yellow, etc. And the anti-white discrimination is a major thing right now.

It doesn't mean you have to fly swastikas and praise that adolf schikelgrubber joo.

I identify as a blonde caucasian man even though i have asian parents. Yes i am proud being white and having my privileges

Being white is NOTHING if you DO NOT FOLLOW CHRIST!



this type of threads indicates just how much issues america has.

what a fucked up country.

>My white Jesus validates my race

You do realize Jesus is from the middle east....right?

Ts-s-s-s don't tell him that living life as a human in the middle east under the hot scorching sun while being outside most of the time preaching will make even the whitest snowflake heavily tanned.

>queue the stereotypical foreigner weighing in on the situation with his ever so righteous opinion


It is fine to be white, but taking pride in your race (any race) is simply retarded. Take pride in your accomplishments not something that is outside your control.

That's the thing though, even without a tan, Jesus would still not be white. I mean, I'm white myself but even I know our lord and savior isn't the same ethnicity as me. :/

Ever been so boring that your race is the only thing you have to be proud of?

Im not proud of anything. Im not ashamed, either, and im sure as shit not guilty either. Every nigger, spic, cracker, abo, kiwi, chink, pajiet, and russkie gets equal rights. Anyone who thinks theyre more important based on this list are shit and are shit. It's okay to be white.

Facefuck leftist qts

Agreed. But trash talk EVERYONE for doing that. Whenever blacks or gays go for pride parades it is encouraged by the media, whites on the other hands, who are responsible for the world progress - you get to be called a racist. Even if you're a fucking socialist.

There is a clear anti-white bias present.

>There is a clear anti-white bias present.


Those who can not create, destroy.

The spirit of the white man is one of perseverance.

You can make some of us hate ourselves, but our spirit will live on in every success and victory in all of human history.

White is Right.

that's your girlfriend with nigger cum on her face, rightard?

And eye for an eye is really bad for detroit business owners. Blacks have more opportinity than a white fellow who hasnt ever done a damn thing against them


justsayin'. I'm not here to defend fucking pol/lack retards. I'm against all racist. And the most there is is anti-white racism right now. That what sparks popularity of retard pol/lacks.

>white people still on /bee/


>proud of something you didn't do.
OP is obviously not white.

Sometimes you just can't tell if people are serious or trolling. I'm betting he actually thinks that.
«it's ok to be white» is pretty smart bait by Sup Forums
It's a phrase that sane and normal people should agree with, but plays with the sensitive whiteness subject that SJWs love to shit on
So it's pretty easy for them to bait out actual racists and enablers.

All in all, a non issue.
It couldve worked but no one remotely famous picked up on this, and no real outrage happened other than some on local levels.

Shows that you don't have to lose hope or join Sup Forums just yet

Zozzle, this is fab!

You can be whatever color you want. It's not okay to victimize yourself whenever you see fit.

It pretends that blacks contributed more to society than they did and that the statistics about them don't exist.

per capita is kinda a big deal

Whom is the victim that has to pay for said black's degeneracy? White people, usually. be it by being the direct victim of an act or taxation, it happens.

Being Lazy Matters

Troll -10/10 Try harder

lose the swastika nigger

proper response, but its an autist and not a troll... maybe, the meta-trolls get deep into character

> even privilege
Most of white privilege is things our ancestors had to build up and work for, usually in the immediate present. That makes it not a privilege and more of an inheritance.

libtard detected, go back to your safespace and/or kill yourself

>everyone who hates nazis is a liberal

race is imaginary
fite me

average white suburb.
single family homes made of timber and masonary, a car parked out front. various local shops and schools near by. A distinct absence of rape gangs or having to chase down local animals for food

average black suburb.
housing made of mud , thatching. in better neighborhoods corrugated aluminum roofing. If you are lucking you have a ditch out back wide enough to accommodate all members of the family having to poop. Rape gangs are roaming, and food must be chased down. Also lions are still a threat.

average latin suburb.
houses made of mud/block. Adobe roofing if wealthy, corrugated tin roof for poor. May have central running water from near by plaza. Rape gangs not a probably as sex is openly for sale in exchange for chiclets.

average arabic suburb.

average Japanese suburb.
robots and shit. we should all aspire to be them.

Average south east Asian suburb. See latin suburb, but with rice and snakes.

i dont like nazis, but im not triggered by swastikas.

It's OK to be w00t

Fuck off kike, in a world where social contracts pushed by civic nationalists seek to undermine and harass whites for simply seeking an upturn in society... we need every citation of white culture available, because part of the "social contract" is an ironic regard for the "other" that is a lot like moving standards out of the way so moon crickets won't have to work correctly.


Ironic considering the swastika comes from Indian culture.

Am I a Nazi oh great oracle of the internet?

> Trump fan
> listen to Stefan Molyneux
> I like guns also, but don't know that guy
> I make jew references IRL
> I like Tucker, but don't listen

Otherwise, I can't stand Kekistan's humor when it goes off the rails. Anime isn't my thing. And I only recently learned the meaning of Deus Vult, not a fan of crusaders but fuck mudslims.

>implying that hitler didn't make it great


>implying that I am not Cartman and you the ginger of life, salty over my deeds

Are you from tumblr?

>When you believe you are the master race, but you lost the only war you ever fought.

Are you a newfag? Because you sure accuse like a new fag.

>the ginger of life

Nigger what?

>when shit happens

He mostly fought other whites, so... you are probably a progressive nigger or 2nd gen spic trying to claim all of society in a passive-aggressive way.

Less nazi more /r/thedonald

Its stupid to be proud of your parents achievements

face it.. no one loves you and you burn in the light of truth

Stefan M. is base, but hanging around Conservatives too long eventually has those establishment cucks show up and start pretending money=good=action when action=good but money is needed to act... etc It is an annoying projection of a parental complex that borderlines on autism.

Spot the lonely nigger

Or antifa

>when you are literally retarded


you seem to know everything about being stupid

fuck you both, the 2nd was kek and the 1st was right.


Why are you proud of something you have no control over?

Pride is for achievements, and even then it's a fault.

These threads are fucking retarded.

I'm not proud to be white, because i have done absolutly nothing, to become white, I've been born that way. Thats no archivement to be proud of. But I'm grateful, to be white, because that's like playing life on easymode.


It's fine to be white.

It's not fine or acceptable to be a fucking stupid nazi, neo-nazi, white supremacist or national isolationist subhuman.

If you have ever waved a swastika flag on US soil, you deserve death.

because white people are the only race with anything to be proud of. we invented the modern world and everything in it - including the concept of social justice. mexicans literally didnt have written language or the wheel. same goes for africans. try contributing to humanity and we will let u be proud too fagets.

Also oc it's ok to be white, unlike being a nazi or an antifa (which is not ok obviously), being white is not a choice.


Also, you've got to love the drooling imbeciles who can look at people goose-stepping, throwing Hitler salutes and waving swastika flags and say "hurr durr they aren't Nazis, that's just leftists attacking people and labeling them unfairly. The Fox News and Breitbart dun told me that."

Stop pooing in the streets

White genocide isn't a thing. Cute try though, retard.