What disabilities does Sup Forums have?

What disabilities does Sup Forums have?

I myself, have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Other urls found in this thread:


I got a thing where my skin turns kinda greenish if I stay wet for too long

it doesn't hurt but it means I cant go out in the rain or use public showers or play sports because everybody freaks out

I'm on the spectrum

Me and my autism rights group are working to get Sup Forums off the Internet as of now.

None, my mom actually cared and care for me, so she didn't drink or smoke while pregnant, sorry you mom hates you user.

Autismo schizophrenic epileptic insomniac neet with a healthy dose of agoraphobia and severe depression having recently been widowed by the man of my dreams who would carry me on his shoulders and make me feel like a normal human being.

Its 10:05am, I've been programming all night learning UE4 just to make the game he'd never fucking shut up about whenever we laid in bed together because I'm technically skilled and have basically infinite free time.

I can't solve some stupid AI pathfinding optimization problem.

A year ago I didn't even code at all.

I feel like a total moron and I long for death.

shit, that sounds like a rough time user.

Pregabalin and oxycodine help tremendously, as does caring for his grieving mother.

I'm a good girl but I can't handle another two years of it. She's functioning better than I am now and I need to debrief and clear my head.

Moving out some time in April in with an old college friend. They kinda mother me like crazy so I think it'll be good for me. Get myself straight. Eating real food instead of just soylent out of sheer laziness and depression.

Gonna check up on her at least once a week after I'm gone but I have a feeling it won't be long. We're very close so I'm dreading going through all this shit again.

Maybe in a year or two I'll ship my game. Who knows?

Well, uh, good luck with it.

Screenshots? I’d love to see new ideas.

I'm fat and lazy.

Ayyy i got tachycardia too. No obvious cause of it or anything. Doctors blamed it on school and shit, but i still had it in the army for 2 years, and still do... Normal heart rate is around 110-130 resting, and when active it shoots up to 180-190

Erb's palsy, scoliosis, general anxiety, and either schizophrenia OCD or autism. My psychologist hasn't told me why I'm on antipsychotics and I don't want to ask.

not related to fat sometimes. I am really thin, and used to be even worse. Kids at school used to ask if i'm anorexic... And i still got tachycardia

post pics

where are you at? I know some orgs that could help if you're nearby. not solve everything, but take some of the load off.

solo game dev isn't an easy job, there's a lot who burn out before releasing. It's good to have a goal, but I'd make it a long-term hobby goal rather than your life aim. you're going to need to be able to take weeks or months off just so you can face seeing it again.

going to wait until its done and polished, or dump a shit-it-actually-compiled-0.1-alpha up on a website and update incrementally?

What I experience is swirling of the ground and walls when I stare at it as if it had the consistency of syrup but was constantly swirling and flowing. If I stare long enough without blinking and keep my eyes in one stop my vision fades entirely to white or black depending on the light level of the room I am in. I've never let if fully take my entire vision because my eyes hurt too badly and I had to blink.

Not sure what in Odins name is going on but I'm sure it has something to do with that fever. I have never done any drugs including marajuana or any hallucinogen like LSD. Help plox.

Got a brain tumour, I don't know if that is a disability or not but eh

OP here.

My postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is hereditary, same with my fuckin chronic tinnitus.

Help me plox. I posted an Asian nutcrscker

UK. Its more a hobby really. I don't expect to hit market within at least 2 years. I'm experienced with 3D modelling and animation as my primary pastime so I figured this was the next logical step. Unreal Engine is really accommodating

I'm a bit obsessed with polish so I want it in at least a fun enjoyable playable state before I publish and I think I'll hold back and include some kind of story as I'm already exploring narrative options.

I'm pretty comfortable drawing characters and artwork so I figure between the gameplay I might have some visual novel style cutscenes, idk.


rn just getting used to the engine, seeing what weird movement I can get away with.

He dug giant robots, so that's what I'm making.

plz forgib framerate in a lot of vids, am record on potate. No final assets or visuals until I've solved the basic gameplay.

Damn, that actually looks pretty fun

I shit the bed, on purpose.

Asperger's Syndrome, Depression, perforated disc in my spine, crushed finger, circumcised, Tourette's Syndrome, Alpha-One Antitrypsin Deficiency.

Excessive compulsive masturbation disorder. I have that.

That sucks man.

I'm legally diagnosed as a sociopath.
Been to jail at age 14. Killed a neighbor's dog because I wanted to. Their daughter saw me covered in blood with a baseball bat. She screamed. I Walked back into house, threw my clothes in the washer and took a shower. Police arrived and arrested me. Judge gave me probation and sent me to theropy. Told the psychiatrist what I felt.
I was tired of their dog coming to my yard and trying to get my attention. Neighbor's kept ignoring it. So I thought I was doing it a favor.

>Be me now
>started a environmental group at my college.
>group full of beta fags. atheist. Far leftist.
>atheist as easy af, they believe anything else but god. Use that empty room for me.
>use marxist's ideology. They buy that shit up.
>convince them that they owe me money, and make them feel they are the bad guy.
>end personal relationships with group member's bf or gf.
>Convinced them they only need me.
There is a bitch in my group thats pissing me off. She's on to me. Check the LA times this week. Might go full Charles Manson on her.
>Inb4 AHS CULT fags

Diagnosed with Autism and Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Basically, I'm antisocial enough that I get paid for it.

I wouldn't do that to my own family :^)
But some bitches need to be put down


fucking adhd with severe autistic traits

I never had sex.
I don't have the potency for it. I never masturbaited but When I watch bestgore vids I did get an erection of a women being beheaded that looked like my cousin.


I have a slight lisp and sometimes mumble. People pretend they don't notice but they do. I hate it but can't do anything anout it.

Social phobia
Panic attacks

Luckily enough I'm living in Scandinavia so I'm a paid NEET for life.


Cerebral palsy in the house

whats it like to have that OP?

- anxiety
- depression

- maybe something with delusions/halluncinations/paranoia/PTSD cuz ive been doing a lot of impulsive shit and theres so much noise in my head

Sup Forumsro you got the shit hand dealt to you
Sorry to hear

I have ADD, insomnia and Panayiotopoulos syndrome

love that kid of eyes on anime girls, that could be the name? down eyes?

how'd you get diagnosed, where you from?

I had a positive tilt table and my heart rate is regularly above 120 when standing but my doc thinks it might just be anxiety.

however i dont think anxiety can cause ya heart to go up to 160 when you're just standing up and not panicing.


It doesn’t affect my life on a daily basis much, but it still can keep me flat on the ground for multiple minutes at a time.

Only the mental kind.
and a shit-hauss spine. but apparently "lol ur tall" is enough of a reason for me to be in pain 20 hours of the day.

I have extreme pooturdomastia foetens

You know what user, Let me know if you need help with anything at all. I'm trying to get into game development myself and I'm pretty touched by your story... I can't begin to imagine how hard it's been for you, to lose someone you love like that... good fucking lord. I subbed to your youtube channel. I'm curious what ideas you have for the combat of your game; I love the speed.

My group does majority of my college projects.
>been called out one time.
This bitch says I put no effort into anything.
>heard she was going through depression after her mom was killed in a car accident.
>reach out to her ex bf. Told him that she's spreading rumor that he is gay.
>a week later heared he spread her nudes.
>she was found in her dorm OD on Vicodin.
>walk in front of school memorial of her as a sign of victory.
>that's the type of effort I put in.

San Diego.

My doctor literally just said “Yes, you have it, there’s no diagnosage required.”

Yeah, we both love ACFA and Zone of Enders. I want it to play a little like both and I'm looking at Macross for inspiration. Got the fighter behavior all working.

A lot of this is now just up to producing decent AI and gameplay around it.

I have ADD, insomnia and Panayiotopoulos syndrome

You definetly took to many and to big cocks up your ass.

I'm going blind!

arrhythmia. have to make sure my heart beat doesn't get to erratic. I exercise but can't for long, scary games and movies are not recommended. 9 different pills per day. it's a dance with death everyday.

I got a small fuckin' dick yo

Unlucky dude

Charcot-Marie-Tooth a neuromuscular disease. I can't walk, lost all feeling in my right leg. My hands are so weak I can barely open containers. lost all feeling in my pinky side of my left hand. There are times I have difficulty breathing and feel like I am drowning. My friends and family don't know how far my disease has progressed. They know I can't walk but that's it.

>inb4 “Katawa shoujo”


Nothing personal kid :^)

Psssssssshhhh, nothin personel, kid.

>chronic fatigue

That and with my high blood pressure will likely highten the issue.
Grandad went blind in his thirties so that'll be fun
Eh, I could be blind now.

Shit, well, you gotta stay strong and make the most of what you have right now

yeah user, pretty fucked. I love doing outdoorsy stuff like fishing, hiking, gardening, washing my car. Now I can barely wash myself.


First or second edition ADD?


I always keep notes of everyone one in my group. I record conversation;. keeping their darkest secrets. I use them to my full advantage. Their insecurities are their weakness. If they get out of line I recite their "dark" chapter. The look on their faces. "How can you do this?!"

You gotta treat people like dogs. Teach them tricks. If they get out of line, give them a reason to gtf back in.

This isn't really very successful. Anyone who does this long enough eventually runs into someone with less to lose than themselves who then proceeds to dismantle them. Its no coincidence that most sociopaths statistically end up physically crippled by injuries they don't want to talk about before they hit their forties.

This is one method I use.
Someone alway has something to lose.
This isn't a movie. You just gotta keep digging. Family is one. Just like that girl's dog. She didn't spend time with it until one day I decided to play baseball with it and she saw me. She just lost something she didn't realize she had.

Schizoaffective mixed typing. (manic depressive schizophrenia)

A pretty debilitating panic disorder as well

Mildly dyslexic, ADD, Depression, Anxiety, Furfag

Me me me me me
I dont say 'the love of my life died' i say 'I me myself and i have been widowed (woe is ME) by the guy who made me me me feel so and so'
Roasties will roast
Female solipsism is a bitch

>postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
what the heck is that?

I have slight Trypopphobia and slight trypopphilia

i am not gay even though want to at least bi

just because you read about a serial killer doesn't mean you are one.


don't post any paradoxes

Not much used to have crippling social anxiety but I fixed it.

Cringey edgelord m8 I'm pretty sure what you actually have is autism

I completely lack depth perception

Neurocardiogenic syncope, I faint a lot easier than most people do