Greetings from tumblr you Nazi scum ;))

Greetings from tumblr you Nazi scum ;))

fuck off gernig

Hello Communist scum ;^p

fuck off we know your just a troll

get out

Yeah this'll be over in a day. Motivation isn't exactly a trait common in fat lesbians from a site of circle jerking about how much your life sucks and how it's everyone else's fault.

global rule 4

Tumblr is asking for it...

Time for Tumblr raid 2

You're triggering me, because your flag implies there are only 3 genders.

oh no its a tumblr raid, what are we going to do


I am waiting to send you dipshits back to oven.
Every one of you gypsy, nigger, gay, tranny cunts.



Dump em. Gore too

Oh no, the Tumblr fags are here, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO, fuck outta here

nice feet





uhh... hi. sup?

Hey you are the one who accidentaly posted on Sup Forums.
I want to ask first why? And second why Sup Forums?

lucythrowaway4chan tumblr com

Lucy made a post explaining it.


its a fake account....

Did you just make a fake tumblr account to try and instigate a raid with

sounds like that











>doesn't know how to sage and continues bumping the thread
