Be me, 22

>be me, 22
>low paying job but pays more than 9/10 of my friends
>gf has same job
>not enough to move out/save anything/invest
>live with dad still
>me and gf want to get married
>gf's parents VERY conservative
>dont want us to get married until financially stable enough to move out and live on our own
>hate job and friends
>only things that bring me joy are my gf and my dad
>cant find a job that pays more or offers more hours
>only 200-300 a week
>medical bills stacking up from a liver virus
>literally cant pay them on top of phone bill/car insurance and money i owe to gfs parents for vacation
please... where can i find happiness?
>pic related only thing im proud of about myself

>filename says pic is from tumblr
it really is a beautiful looking dick good length to girth ratio the circumcision scar just kinda vanishes. Wider in the middle than the base. It's a dick I'd use in sfms if I still made them.

>most of my friends hate me for "stealing" my best friends gf
>he broke up with her
>probably 2 weeks later i break up with my abusive gf
>me and current gf fall in love within a month of all this happening
>we are literally inseperable now
>best friend thinks we were fucking while they were still together and me and my ex were still together
>pretty much everyone in friend group on his side
>only 2 friends that knew/heard the whole story
>rest of friends think i just fucked my best friends gf out of nowhere
>im too pussy to talk to best friend about what happened
>we still hang out sometimes but i can tell he harbours resentment for me
>this leads to almost no social life besides hanging out with my gf every day
>she makes me happy but i miss having friends
should i talk to him even though its been well over a year?
do you think that could help?

i uploaded it to my tumblr then saved it from my page, ill post more if that convinces you

I don't really care who it's attached to man, just saying.

i work in industrial construction, been in it 5 years. on average i make about 30/hour plus per diem. there are plenty of companies that hire zero experience kids without needing more than a highschool diploma. helper/apprentice jobs start out around 16-20/hour. take a look into companies like Jacobs, CB&I, KBR, Turner Industries etc etc. average work week is 50-70 hours. overtime is pay X 1.5 . i make about 1.8k per week after tax with per diem included into that.

ive actually been to work with my dad, he works in construction, mostly framing, and that isnt a job i can do... i know i sound like a piece of shit but ive been to work with him 3 times now, 12 hour days and its just too much for me, i come home sore, dead tired and feeling like shit emotionally because i felt like i wasnt doing anything right... my dad even said "i was too smart for that line of work" so he wouldnt let me come back to work with him. I know i sound like im a pussy or something but i guess thats just how it is

I honestly very much appreciate you taking the time to respond with helpful information but im just not cut out for that line of work, thank you though

i just like showing off my cock so check this one out

eh, not as aesthetic

ill keep trying then

losing interest first picture had the illusion of thicc this looks more average

can you cum down my throat sir

maybe it was the perspective? idk, i have plenty more

I'm done here
going back to /gif/

tried pushing dick through screen, doesnt work

id let you fuck my butt hard and cum in it, and all over it
can we frot sir

post dick, if youre a femmeboi then prolly

oh well
i can just look at your fucking massive cock and jerk off to it

thats just how it be

tbh i dont think youd even fit in my mouth, my mouth might be too small..


With an attitude like that you will absolutely stay stuck where you are forever. What distinguishes successful people from the pack is literally the slightest spark of tenacity. There are legions of dudes on your level not willing to extend themselves even through the first week of adversity, and you'll forever be competing with the 80% of the populace who thinks in this way for the 80% of trash tier jobs. Absolute grit and some luck will take you above that noise floor, but changing your job will not help if you don't escape the paradigm of laziness.

In the construction example, yes it's hard work and yes you're sore. No you won't be good at anything for the first year. That's why newbies have a bad rap on the site. However if you stick it out for even a month or two your skills and your physical condition will improve. After that time you'll look back and laugh at how shitty you were. Congrats, you've learned a marketable skill and have gained experience at something. You've built a house where people can start a family, or a plant that will build their next car. You'll have something to be proud of.

Construction is just one example, but you can apply that logic to anything. The common theme is that everyone goes through a period of uselessness and weakness before they're good at something. It's the perseverance that separates the helpers from the foremen, and so on. Once you get your own house in order, the girl drama and social bullshit you mentioned will sort themselves out. You need to get yourself to a better place and your friends will either have no choice but to listen for a moment, or you'll have made better friends on the job.

Resist the trap of Xanax and easy ways out, just work on growing a pair and doing what you have to do to build a future for yourself.