Why aren't you a vegan yet?

why aren't you a vegan yet?

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Cause a juicy, rare ribeye is just too damn good to care about what happens before it gets to me. It's not that I don't know, I know but don't give a fuck.

oh and same goes for bacon....... too damn good to care

Can't be vegan where I live.

Because bacon is fucking delicious.

vegans seem to be retarded.
atleast this one is

I'll eat you and your child dear mom.

that was the normiest shit i have ever read.

yet it's true.

Because hunting is a crucial part of keeping the natural fauna down to reasonable levels. You know so them boars don't ruin that vegan crops of yours...
I get paid by the state to hunt.

Also meat is fucking amazingly good.
And hunting is fun.

Omg that cow is sucking the other one's dick haha


these pics r gettin me hungry

There's nothing wrong with vegans, as long as they keep their shit for themselves. And yes, you are a problem. Faggot

>I'm a mom not meat

You are both meat and I have killed a lot of cows all ages.
>t. working in the meat business

that thing is not a mom

and yes, it is meat

I honestly believe Vegan's hold the moral high ground but red meat is incredibly fucking tasty


Wait... are you vegan because you love animals or because you hate plants?

Don't worry, you can be both!

well mom and meat don't cancel each other

because we are obliterating life on this earth.
im not some disconnected overly coddled fuck who thinks life is a happy safe place... you're a delusional cunt. look at history... look at it...


people dont give a fuck... and the only reason you can afford the privilege of your retarded philosophy is the rape of the earth....

and dont even fucking try and paint your self like a native American or Buddhist monk... you drive cars you shop in stores you're using a fucking computer...

lead fumes fill the streets in witch you walk.
millions of years of earths genetic heritage are being irreparably eviscerated and you think shopping at your local bohemian degenerate store changes shit?
fuck off faggot.



the poorest countries in the world are mostly vegan and/or 90%+ vegan with some vegetarian substitutes.

unironically kill yourself OP
fucking subhuman. worse than a nigger

I'm not vegan because the only reason that cow is a mom is so I can eat food.

really like where?
you've been sucking dicks kiddo.


And? I'm not from a poor country but I live far above the arctic circle in northern Sweden.
The local shop can only take in a certain amount of green and in winter when the roads snow shut there is no new deliveries for weeks, sometimes months.
Only thing that lasts is meat, lot's of frozen meat.


The whole problem I see with the cessation of livestock farming is what the fuck happens to all the livestock? They've been selectively bred for long enough to domesticate them, what, do we just let the cows wander around... where, exactly? No more livestock farming, the acreage dedicated to it gets dedicated to something else, what the fuck happens to the cows then? Put them in zoos? I agree the system needs reformation, but ending it entirely seems foolish.

because i'm human and not a faggot

I bet you eat pickled fish you monster.


There's a lot of appealing to futility going on here I see. You should spend a day not being a nihilist and your perspective would change for the better :^)

My diet is 85% vegan but not through choice

and i fucking love beef


I hunt my own food. Mostly deer. I kill the mature ones only and my bullet the their heart is a way better death than most will get. From one hunting trip I can have food for months. Shot a moose once...that was pretty cool. Those things are fucking huge

>implying that retard knows what those words mean

I have no issues with vegans, i have issues with faggots like you that want to shove their way of life down other people's throats as if they were the holiest of them all. You're no different than Jehova's witnesses, or girl scouts....fuck off.

If you eat vegan only I’m cool with that. If I know you’re a vegan within 10 seconds of meeting you I fucking hate you.

>They've been selectively bred for long enough to domesticate them, what, do we just let the cows wander around... where, exactly?

Not our problem, if they can't fend for themselves, then that is the way of nature. It's a more ethical solution that keeping them imprisoned for generations to fulfill a desire and not a need.

Here I must disagree. Hunting is not crucial of anything.
Put time and efforts to raise it and feed it, than kill it and eat it - totally fine for me. Not a vegan. Quite the opposite - I don't eat things that don't have mother :)
But killing wild animals on other hand... Buying a $500 rifle and $5 bullet doesn't give you the right to kill a born free animal.
The balance of the nature has nothing to do with humans inferiority complex.
Don't kill the predators and there won't be vermin.
Kill an wolf today - expect boars next year. Kill the boar - wait for the wolves searching food on your door step. Don't bring the nature's course in the conversation. Humans are the deadliest disease on the planet.

Fuck off nigger, i never will be vegan, meat is tasty as fuck.

Why should I ? I don't get it...

Sure is dipshit in here.

>because we are obliterating life on this earth.
>millions of years of earths genetic heritage are being irreparably eviscerated and you think shopping at your local bohemian degenerate store changes shit?

Futility :^)

>If I know you’re a vegan within 10 seconds of meeting you I fucking hate you.

Knew a guy who was a marathoner and a vegan. Everyone knew within a minute of meeting him. What a piece of shit narcissist.

He was also around 6 feet tall, weighed 130-140 and was sickly and pale.

>why aren't you smart yet?

>>humans inferiority complex
nice argument btw... you're a genius.

oh great, this faggot and his faggot thread again.

meat is cheap and a good source of protein i don't have enough money to be eating vegan shit

fuck your "argument from fallacy"...
your "better" just means delusional bullshit.
I get to eat, I get to be a part of nature.
you're as natural as that fucking cow.
you don't eat a god damn thing that's indigenous to your heritage.

you're fattened up on soy just like the pigs in the farms you hate.


with out creatine you're just a sedated passive tax slave. You think you're changing the environment or you have some perceived
moral high ground...when infact you're being manipulated by good folks like Eric Pianka.

How much do you spend a day on your omnivore diet? I can easily spend less than $5 a day on my vegan diet, and that includes my splerges on foods that I don't need like junk food, spices, etc.

Too late, all predators have already been wiped out in big part of the world. Now we have no choice.

For example if we didn't keep the moose population down here in Sweden within 20 years the forest damage would cost nearly 2 billion per year. And then there is boar..
And other animals.

don't tell me what to do niggerfaggot

You are talking like it hasn't already happened..
Most natural predators in 1st world countries has been hunted down and exterminated a long time ago.
Wolfs were killed off in the 1700's here where I live. Nothing left. So if hunters stop maintaining the balance now all of nature is fucked and your precious animals will suffer when they start starving over ever shrinking habitats and increasing populations.

>fuck your "argument from fallacy"
It's YOUR argument buddy :^)

If you had any experience with boars raiding your vegetable garden, you wouldn't say this dumb hippie shit. A wolf doesn't take down a group of wild boars, you mong. The hunters do. Go back to your inner city area and shut up.

Because I'm not a faggot.
Going to have a quad Baconator today for lunch in honor of you OP. Every time I see this thread.

certain animal populations require to be managed by humans otherwise they would pose an environmental threat to both humans and other animals. take american wild hogs for example a hybrid species that breeds uncontrollably and causes several millions in damage each year despite massive hunting efforts . they also pose a serious threat to local wildlife as they compete for the same foodsources and severely damage fragile ecosystems .

what you fail to see is that WE ARE THE PREDATORS! we replaced and outperformed every single apex predator on this planet in almost any ecosystem here on earth.
also humans arent the deadliest disease on the planet just the most successful predatory species evolution ever produced.

an omnivores diet includes a vegans diet and at 5$ a day you're eating thousands of toxic compounds and missing most of your nutrition.

an organic non GMO diet of meat and vegetables in Europe or North America.
(made at home, so additionally about 3-4 hours a day) would cost you about 19$'s a day.

please tell me you don't realize how toxic it would be to buy sprayed foods as your main caloric source... i need a good laugh.


For wolfs to maintain the boar population where I live we would need tens of thousands of wolfs...
We shoot between 10-25k boars per year and they still wreck our crops and everything...

oh sorry, I thought you knew what you where talking about.

Argument from fallacy is the formal fallacy of analyzing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false. It is also called argument to logic (argumentum ad logicam), the fallacy fallacy, the fallacist's fallacy, and the bad reasons fallacy.


I get 250 kg of meat for the cost of a .308 plus drop fee so add the potatoes I grow. 1 dollar or there about.


This, I can feed my entire family (2 kids and wife) for less than a couple dollars.
When me and my buddies go hunting we always bring home deer and pheasants.
00 buck is even cheaper than rifle rounds so add in the fact that my wife grows her own vegetables and the cost of eating is almost down to zero.
We don't have drop fees either, open hunting here.

>an omnivores diet includes a vegans diet
A vegan diet is no animal products, not just vegetables, so you're objectively wrong there.

>and at 5$ a day you're eating thousands of toxic compounds and missing most of your nutrition.

None of my shit is toxic nigga. I can read nutrition labels, I don't buy shit that I don't know what's in it.

it's not about how much you spend because different people need different amounts of food, i can buy 1kg of mince meat for 5GBP which is 250grams of protein which would cost a shit ton of money if i were to eat fucking vegetables






OH WAIT!that is how.

i bet you think being sexual with girls is bad.

You’re a dumbass.

Implying that being something that literally half of all animals that sexually reproduce are... somehow disqualifies you from being eaten... what is the food chain?



That’s.. just.. like your opinion man.

Humans and hunting is natural, unless cavemen were nothing but cis white scum who killed the planet!

Good for you. I'm talking about the rest of 1st world society who doesn't hunt and get their meat from supermarkets.

And btw, you can't get all the nutrition you need from just meat. If you're only taking calories in from meat, say hello to heart problems.

Hunting isn't a problem. Eating meat isn't a problem.
Too much people is the problem.

We are predators. It is nature's will that we prey on physically and intelectually inferior grazing animals.

I like meat retard stop thinking your better because you don't eat meat faggot

vegan diet is no animal products... so you think you live on air... go on.

hahaha nutrition labels you are fucking so poor omg classic.

because they list the heavy metals right? xD
because they list the pesticides right?
because they list the genetic modification to resist other wise toxic components right?

But im sure you know better than the double phd in genetics and computer engineering from mit... because you have dreadlocks and think your from fucking India right xD

Atheism is not a religion, and not eating meat isn't a diet.... you done making a fool out of your self yet?

because I'm not gay. anything not human is potential food. the only sensible reason to be a vegan is that of the environment and that's not even the best option to help. vegans are too pussy to eat food that once lived. I can't wait until the world end so natural selection kills all you pussies off.

>animals have feelings, it's immoral.
I don't care if it is. it won't make me stop eating it. I'd eat dog if I were to visit Thailand too because I'm not a pussy. meat is meat. it's already dead so I don't give a shit. it's not my fucking kid its a random fucking animal. it didn't even know it was fucking dying when it was because it's too retarded to do so. a person with down syndrome is literally more intelligent than any animal in the world and that says a lot. animals feel the pain they feel to make sure they don't die because they are inferior carbon robots, programmed to evolve then die. they are not complex enough to understand the world as humans do. they are to primitive for it. to feel bad about killing them is as retarded as feeling bad for killing the fish after fishing them, stepping on the spider because he was creepy or cutting down the tree because it was blocking your view. stop being a pussy and think about things that matter instead of overthinking shit.

Moose populations have been dropping the past 10 years. Hunting moose is a moral no no. Unless your an indigenous canadian above the green belt... Which your on Sup Forums, so no.
Stick to deer you nigger.

no son, you're the disease.
but thanks to smart people everywhere... we will be rid of you very very soon.

enjoy your GMO sugars ok kiddo.
also please don't get vaccines they cause autism.... not round up... vaccines... right? xD

so much fucking copypasta in this cancer thread

I get my food from the shops, eat mostly traditional Swedish food (lot's of meat and fish) and pay around 4-5 dollars daily.
A 1 kg bag of meatballs that lasts 4 meals costs 3 dollars, the rest is super cheap.
And that's just one example.
Don't see your argument.
My sister is a vegetarian and pays at least 4x my daily budget on food.
Going vegan costs even more considering you can't eat anything with milk etc, brands charge more for special diets.

I'm in Sweden, where the moose population is strong and healthy and the state holds yearly moose hunts.

I've tried to make it clear to him that socially he is that prey and he doesn't get it.

>i can buy 1kg of mince meat for 5GBP which is 250grams of protein

You can get the same amount of protein from peanut butter for the same price at walmart :^)

Methane is worse than carbon. The cattle industry is the main producer.
Cow farts are dangerous. Stop eating beef. Eat chicken and deer.

And one of those things will make me vomit.
>tip, it's not the minced meat

I'm not a vegan I just think we should do something about emissions.

Same thing goes for Norway

Yes but i'm not talking about muslim countries here. North America. Where men live.

Recycle the cow farts

Go get shot mr burger.

Who the fuck eats female cows?

Cow is a mom AND meat.

I no longer eat pork because I can't justify eating them anymore. They're about as intelligent as chimps, and they're loving pack animals. Don't give a fuck about beef or chicken, because those things are basically walking meat potatoes with a minimum spark of self-preservation.

You don't have to buy into that vegetarian bullshit, but I hope everybody reading this is willing to genuinely consider showing mercy towards the pigbros.

Everyone? Cows don't produce milk all their life, the second a dairy cow goes dry it's off to the butcher.


Is that about the same time you let all the immigrants in?

>My sister is a vegetarian and pays at least 4x my daily budget on food.
Your sister is a dumb bitch m8.
>Don't see your argument.
Because you don't want to see my argument, you are pretty set in your ways.

I also pay around 4-5 dollars a day on my vegan diet that covers all my nutritional needs.