I have an announcement that will change the course of Sup Forums forever. I need a large audience. Report in comrades!

I have an announcement that will change the course of Sup Forums forever. I need a large audience. Report in comrades!

Other urls found in this thread:


reporting here

ok tell us


Another user
Reporting for duty

What r plan

Hurry nigg

wat is it


Reporting in for the 3% chance something of substance will happen

Sieg Heil

also this

3% is optimistic

Don't tell them with words. Communicate through interpretive dance.

OP here. Just want to have a good ole spiderman thread with my Sup Forumsros.

Also I am a huge fucking fag

tell mi

Ok user, say whatever gay shit your going to say so I can leave.

open bob

reporting in

listening even tho i saged. your clock is ticking fucks stop being given very quickly. also by saging i didn't bump this thread

/x/ reporting in

Telling us you're a fag isn't a big announcement OP

I can assure you that there's at least 199 other anons watching.

i have been browsing this website for the past 8 years waiting for this moment

This better not be another one of your bait treads OP....

Inb4 absolutely nothing and it's just someone looking for attention.

Come on OP, make substance happen

nice dubs user is this reallly u OP?

OP here, if you live in New York State, don't go to school tomorrow.

Some of you guys are all right..


I cant fucking wait to go to school tomorrow!

waiting for op

You all lost it.

That's nice

Chosen one here

What the fuck? Again?

So sick of the school shooting meme


go get em OP

set a target within your sights and strive to hit it!

thanks 4 the warning m8 have fun in jail

>internet explorer

Nice stock image m8

The reverse image search on the guns pic is clean, but could easily have been taken at a gunshow.

Ghost reporting.

fucking newfaggot



go and get your moralfag on.

never know what hit 'em.

Reporter in

404 incoming

So this faggot
Is trying to troll and this faggot
Is trying to troll this faggot

being a retard is not trolling that is just being retarded

I'm not surprised if they just nuke the thread-
like they did with furries.

U won’t do it Faggot

Time stamp or bullshit

this. No stamp, then I'm going to school tomorrow.

underage! leave!

Why the fuck am I not in America

You know the feds are going to unironically come investigate you now and you'll probably get some prison time. Your parents are going to be pretty fucking pissed m8

Cause of school shootings??

Bump because interested in what happens next

nothing happens lol

OP is found by FBI?

You don’t go to Ithaca right? I have a term paper due tomorrow.

Legacy’s browse Sup Forums?


What is it faggot

I’m not a richfag, just a smartfag. Merit scholarship

Nice XD

You won't do it faggot

They can probably tell if that picture was taken, and/or where/when it was taken

Bi-racial half-nigger here.

hey y'all

You faggots know what a hash signature is? Op done goofed

Barely bi-racial not-nigger here

I think I'm actually 1/32nd nigger. Maybe 1/64th.
Micro-nigger. But one drop of nigger blood makes you a nigger forever. Kind of like being a vampire.

>3% is optimistic

This is what I was thinking.

Op is kill?

Dude shut the fuck up about my mom ok.

I was in this thread :^)

linked it on here

who is she?

I'll tell ya who she is - she's all things to all men, and maybe to some lucky woman too.

Don’t shoot up Cornell, I busted my ass to get here, take your general cho ass to a public university if you want to shoot up a school

imagine being this new


can't dodge the Rodge


What is it,?

>I go to the college OP plans to shoot up
nigga what?

no like what would yew do 2 me mum mate

Could you PLEASE stop distracting from the real issues at hand?
Trump just denied the holocaust and Obama tries to steal the Bitcoin and you fuckers are sitting here waiting for the Yoghurt to ferment in your dickholes?


Don’t be a Faggot

>Dude shut the fuck up about my mom ok.

Vampire chicks are hot

You never heard of college
>being this stupid

I'd take her out to a fancy ass restaurant and treat her like the queen she is. Then of lavish extraordinary gifts upon her, Tiffany's, H Samuel, the absolute best of the best.

I mean barely bi-racial as in skimo and white, nothing nigger in my shit

omg that sounds amazing !


It would be a grand old time.

brand newfag