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I'm up $200,000

Nice just bought 100k for real this time

Pump and dump

This is actually going to double to night, CEO tweeted about some news releasing in 2 days

is this the next bitcoin?

>people literally invest in digital curriencies
>people literally invest in something that could lose its worth overnight or in a worldwide power outage

man, humans are some dumb shits, that's for sure


let people think it's a pump and dump so I can buy more lol

>actually thinking this is how digital currencies work


COVAL is the real bitcoin

so you wouldn't lose all your money if the whole world was to witness a power outage?

have fun getting your regular money from banks if the whole world had a power outage

and banks actually give you your miney in cash when there's no electricity.

cryptocurrencies are like banks but decentralized

The vaults dont open without electricity

>retards on Sup Forums only have regular money
>Sup Forumstards don't invest in properties and physical objects

how retarded are you people?

>good luck in paying for daily groceries with a house/gold bar
ib4 sell the house/gold
>good luck finding a buyer if all the banks are down

>having a garden
>having friends who own farms

not having a garden in the age of shitty vegetables is just asking for shitty food. also, it's pretty obvious that bitcoins aren't used to do some groceries so crypto currencies are as retarded as gold bars when it comes to mundane stuff


I can't wait to see this whole bitcoin bubble explode

I'll laugh while thinking about all the losers who lost fuckloads of money


A lot of those losers have 50 times more money at the moment than they had a year ago, 500 times more money than they had 3 years ago. Keep believing the banks and your government, happy slave is good slave!

>worldwide power outage

Cool because those are common and actually happen

I really hope that happens too because literally everyone that I have met that considered buying that shit was the most smug fucker alive

sure dude, just wait when you'll lose all that and more when you will be selling your fucking couch to cover your debts

even if it's not a power outage, that shit is never safe

>tfw some retards decide to crash the bitcoin servers or delete money from the accounts

If you're a Telegram user, you can get free bitcoins just by joining channel: t.me/BitCoinGetBot?start=Mzk3NzczMDQ0

He's right though. It isn't like the bitcoin miners suddenly struck a gem vein or anything, all that increase is coming from other people. When the shit's cashed in, some people will be left holding the bag.

Maybe in the last couple of months the idiots are entering the market, who might do exactly that, but most people I know who have done this for a while only put in the bit they could miss. They already pulled out more than they ever dreamed of having. But each to his own, there's happiness in servitude.

Where can I buy this?
Why should I buy this and not LTC?
And what’s your PT for end of 2018?

i'm not saying that some people didnt profit, I said that it is a bubble, it fits perfectly into definition of scam, and it will explode beautifully, sending lots of fuckers to poverty. Fucking Buffet said it is bullshit, but hey, what does this dude know

If you really believe in bitcoins, why the fuck are you "cashing it in" for fiat currency? The bitcoin/any-other-cryptocurrency to dollar exchange rate should be completely fucking irrelevant if you really thought decentralized money had any actual usefulness.

Earn Bitcoins while visiting websites, the so-called Bitcoin Faucet: faucethub.io/r/1366054

honest to god, am I missing something here or is it highly likely that this bubble will DEFINITELY burst? there's so many indicators but people keep insisting that it won't. I understand that many people have made great profits off of this but this is a disaster waiting to happen, isn't it?

>isn't it

it's guaranteed. If a dude came to you and said "hey mate, pay me money, we'll increase it by 5000% in next two years", you'd be at least sceptical.

But when it is "digital currency", that was mainly used in dark web in its origins, than suddenly lots of fucks bought it no problems. Yes, some people earned quite nicely, but it's like this with every scam. 10% get profits, 90% will be poor beyond comprehension when bubble finally breaks

Investing it by pending it with tards like you who believe in fiat and sell you tangible shit you made with virtual coins. I'm not saying to go balls to the wall all in on bitcoin and never pull any out. That would be dumb. Spread the risk just like anything else. But not jumping on the gravy train for a pretty sure gamble is quite stupid. It's not casino black or red with advantage for the house user, it's something that's been around for a while and it's easy to jump on board, recover your initial investment within a month, pull it out if you're so scared about loosing some fiat and then keep riding the gravy train until it halts. Which it will at some point, but not in the way of it imploding, more in the way of the market maturing and becoming like any other currency/stock market with smaller and more regulated gains, more interesting for people who have already a shitload and use it to store a percentage of their wealth. Make your own decision, but ignoring this has been extremely dumb as current prices show, and this gravy train is not going to stop for the next year(s), so jumping aboard with an amount that doesn't hurt your economy would be advisable.

You are missing something and you're right. A load of the coins and tokens are shit, others are promising. It's under development, but the future of money is digital money. This is like the early internet, with Bitcoin maybe being Yahoo and not Google, or it might be Google, or Ethereum might big Google. Anyway, a load of shit is being thrown at the wall at the moment, people are buying it and some of it will stick. It's the future of money, the landscape might change but the coding that is being done right now will be the basis of all money in the future.

The money in your bank account would be gone too if there were a "worldwide power outage." You don't know what you're talking about.

I like how people somehow use that "world power outage" bullshit in a discussion. Yeah, like it would happen just like that that whole world would go black, like it's the easiest fucking thing to do. It's not even remotely possible

It's not. If this is the future of how money is going to go around the globe, in digital currencies that are not inflatable, then the worlds currency market entering cannot do anything but show thousands, tens of thousands of percentages increase. This is the mere beginning.

Beginning of spectacular collapse? First of all, it is not said that that money is bound to go digital. I know, I know, we all have credit cards, they are way easier to use, way more useful etc. than regular money, but keep it down folks, if you think that governments will just like abandon real money, then it is a bit naive.

Inflatable value of bitcoin was always bit stretchy to me. I won't lie, I don't really understand those purely technical aspects of bitcoin, but as far as I know, the supply is already fixed. I'm assuming that that supply is amassed on some huge servers, clouds or whatever. If that is the case, and I think it is, then there surely is no problem in making additional clouds/servers.

Governments all not that crazy about bitcoin either, they give warnings quite regularly to not use them. Not because they are somehow threat to the non digital money, not because 'they want to control what they can't control', but because they are aware that it is simply a trap that eventually will harm those, who stick their dicks in it.

Also I'm pretty sure, since it is digital, than someone will eventually hack it, harm it or whatever. As far as I'm concerned, hackers are quite ambitious people

the amount is fixed so they can literally change the value anytime they want. if they expand, it's an inflation waiting to happen. it's literally made up shit. someone simply just wrote that shit and people are paying for it. It's insane

Bitcoin cannot be inflated. Maybe in 20 years time, when your average household computer has the capacity of a supercomputer, and teaming them up combined with AI could lead to something the world has not seen before, but by then the market will have taken a different direction. There is a clear demand for non inflatable currencies, and governments and banks are not offering those atm. If digital gets the percentage that gold gets in portfolios then we're in for a massive boom and it will be normal to have it as a part of your wealth in a way you normally spread your risks. Don't go balls to the wall. This is the future, just like 'that internet thing' wouldn't leave.

The value does not change because 'they' want to change the value. The market dictates the value.