Trump has endorsed a child molester?

Trump has endorsed a child molester?

Can't say I'm surprised.

hes also raising taxes on the middle class

I guess she was a spoiled bitch and a tomboy as a kid.

Yeah, what kind of nut might think that a mainstream media outfit would lie about a conservative who is about the take a critical Senate seat? That’s crazy talk.
Alabamans are told by their urban betters that the media’s claims about Moore were “scrupulously reported” by the Washington Post, as if that conclusory assurance somehow makes its reporting unimpeachable. Gee, if the people in the Beltway are impressed, then all you rural rubes better abandon the West Point graduate and elect the socialist. Because, you know, it’s scrupulously reported.
Sure, Fusion GPS (the group of ex-journalists that manufactured and promulgated the fake Trump dossier) had unnamed journalists on its payroll – gosh, the WaPo and the rest of the media sure aren’t curious about who they are – and yes, WikiLeaks revealed journalists working for Democrat campaigns, but it’s super paranoid nutso crazy to think this Moore thing smells fishy.
Heck, no one covers the backcountry of Alabama beat better than the Washington Post, certainly not the local Alabama media that has covered Moore for 30 years and never gotten wind of this bombshell through Moore’s multiple elections! How dare you inbred hicks not immediately accept at face value every single thing the mainstream media says about him!

he will be re-elected Trump hes just the best president ever and well hes not a nig or bleeds every month
so ya its good to be White


Shit thread, creates shitstorm

dubs looks like he wins a 2nd term

Moore admitted to "asking the parents" for permission to nail their young girls

He's a pedo, Trump supports pedo.

Can America hurry up with the civil war so all the libtards get btfo, please?

not even taking this slavic bait



I don't want that jew's sloppy seconds


fuckin moar m8, those lips and tits make me diamonds

Conservatives have always been pro-pedophelia, it just wasn't proper to talk about it

The catholic priests and muslims have been having sex with children all through out there history and now its more public that protestants support pedophiles too, their god did have sex with a 13 year old to make jesus after all.

Pedophelia and conservative religious beliefs just go hand-in-hand, its a part of the conservative way of life


>guy gets banned from local mall for creeping on underage girls
>women goes to washington post with fake story and they expose her for making it up
>roy moore admits he dated a lot of young ladies and admitted to dating 16/17 y/o's at the time
>his signature with a weirdly sexual note in the yearbook of an accuser

If you're defending this man it's because you don't want to believe it

If you don't know the definitions of words you use, you can't be in the argument.

Untriggered for the moment OP?
Don’t stray too far from your fav safe room lest reality springs a surprise on you.

Oh look at me and my morals. Let me go on Sup Forums and judge others.

12 year old ivanka is pretty hot

This is correct. Moore is not a pedophile there is no evidence of that. He's a hebephile


100% he already did

Because banging 14 year olds is perfectly acceptable when you’re in your early 30’s. Got it

most republicans are. they support Roy Moore without batting an eye. they want to lower the age of consent.

so do evangelicals. these so-called Christians love pederasts and pedophiles.

The GOP's embraced NAMBLA, "furries", fags and pedophiles.

Obama touched me.

There now he is a molseter as well.

one word. PIZZAGATE. yes its real. yes there is hard evidence. probably dont go down that rabbit hole if you want to remain sane or maintain a positive outlook on the world.

Wrong. Did you get that from CNN?

Taxes could go up in about 10 years for the poor fucks. Congress is on the hook for that to be fixed prior.

Trump is literally a God and I would do anything for him. Everyone that disagrees with me is by default a shill.

Seeing liberals get triggered makes me so happy. It brings me so much joy. Before Trump was POTUS my life was meaningless. Now it has meaning.

He is Making America Great Again and anything he does is right. Nothing he does is wrong.

Am I doing this right? Do you guys accept me?


>one word. PIZZAGATE. yes its real.

Does your nurse know you're using the psychiatric ward's computer to browse Sup Forums?

dude if u seriously doubt that every single older male with money and power isnt a pedophile then youre fucking retarded.

You just know he's fucked her, and probably still does.

Same goes for her brothers. You just know it.

Have you seen the way this guy talks about his daughter? He literally said if she weren't his daughter then he would rape her. Idk how the fuck did Americans vote this disgusting human being into the office but he represents America pretty well.

If you are asking if we accept you as a faggot, then yes.

this is so classic

>youre crazy pizzagate is fake news. evidence doesnt mean anything
>crazy conspiracy theorist

ya dude its not like theres ever been huge pedo ring busts withing very powerful rich circles of people oh wait nvm just go back to your fucking cable t.v and social media ok


>pegged Trump
yep, i bet he like a bit of that as well as getting pissed on

>You just know he's fucked her, and probably still does.

I don't think he still does, but I bet he molested her when she was a kid. He went on Howard Stern and literally said she was a piece of ass and another time said if she wasn't his daughter, he'd be dating her. That's a totally normal thing to say, right?

Every Democrat on earth wants to flood America with violent smelly brown men who literally worship a child molester.


Don't let your kids around this guy.


>just go back to your fucking cable t.v and social media ok

Right, you have "special" insight into things that other people just don't get, because you're so brilliant. What a delusional fuck you are. Go find some more bat shit crazy conspiracy theories to pump up your ego you pathetic brainlet.

This is very obvious deflection/projection.

Didn't say that.. just that no one is actually accusing him of being a pedophile

Honestly I'll be accepted as anything as long as I can belong somewhere bro.

Since GEOTUS got elected I've been trying to share memes with the kids at my school but it doesn't really seem to work. They just call me weird and ignore me. At least here people like memes.

this you?

did i ever say i was brilliant? no i just have an ability to look at evidence literally anyone can do it. youre the delusional brainwashed fuck and u dont even know it. its sad really. u have no desire to know the truth youd rather just chill in your ignorant pile of piss and shit that is your brain. kys.

>urban betters
stay mad kid

sure kid
stay mad

ya could someone have this guy arrested??

You're a goddamn stupid fucking nigger, aren't ya? It doesn't matter what -phile he is. He is/was sexually involved with underage girls. That's all that matters right now.

sure kid
stay mad kid

stay mad kid

sure kid
stay mad kid

when you're not sure...

Women want to be with him,men wish they had his money. Stop fantasizing about your President and just suck his dick already?


turn that the other way though. Conservatives would lie and cover it up to get him the critical Senate seat.

no surprise at all

so mad
stay mad kid


>madeup BS I read on some fringe tinfoil hat website while eating my own feces.

Fucking die already.

must suck to be lonely

Haha yea stay mad kid! Assblasted!

stay mad kid

haha stay mad
still president

you just claimed you did


lets see hmmm, no official court seals or other identifiers of authenticity.
looks like it could have been made by anyone.

typical low brow response.


do you think he fucked her due to loneliness?

interesting take on it, thanks

Fucking Furries

should I post more?
there are screen caps of him attempting to sell pictures of his little sister in the thread.

do you know who that woman is?

wow we have a word twister

>le stay mad kid XD

did it happen today?

He's asked partents to date a 17 year old. That's legal. Sure he was 30 6 months later age would be 18 and no fucks would be given. Sure outs mildly creepy he liked them a bit young but from all accounts but one that already fellen apart he never did anything. ..

haha, this is what trumpcucks do when they feel threatened, they repeat the same phrase over and over again like it's a substitute for any genuine arguments or facts

It's a beautiful thing to see

Trump endorsed a pedo today

> any genuine arguments or facts
thinks his crying is an argument

he has all the words, the best words



Birds of a feather...

But, is anyone surprised? The GOP deserves Moore. Think about it, when Moore wins:

No more ''black culture is tolerant of criminal behavior''

No more: ''The liberals are endangering our children!''

No more: ''We're the party of morals and family values!''

Oh, and the American South will always be rightfully mocked for being a backwards cesspool. This is coming from someone who lives in D.C.

Signature turned out to not be his threat story fell apart fast. The 16 and 17 year olds he for promission to date. And according to them nothing Happened. Mildly creepy maybe but coming from a b/ tard and to hit up the teen post its down right funny.

poster appears to lack the intelligence for rational conversation.

poster appears to be rambling something....

Clearly, it's not ''proof'' and it's ''subjective.'' This is a legitimate defense of Moore. Throw in some God and Jesus, with ''Christian'' values and you've got the a child molester in the Senate.

But, remember...LOCK HER UP!

>I don't understand words
>Thus, rambling.

Smart. That MAGA hat might be on too tight.

poster still rambling.

aww can't handle real life.
must suck to be you.

so do I

They've been doing this to themselves.

All of their problems come from themselves.

Immigration is because of Christian colonialism.

Drug epidemic is because they targeted black/brown while they let their own families become addicted.

Women are turning on them because they want them to stay in their place.

GOP doesn't understand human nature they just try and control it or force their own morals onto people


sure kid
stay retarded

dude what's your point? That's it wasis legal with the 17 year olds but you don't like it? Or that its fake with the 14y old but should count?

>Trump has endorsed a child molester?
Trump endorsed Biden?

ah the shallow victory.
you must be an underachiever