Ask a Laboratory Corporation of America employee anything

Ask a Laboratory Corporation of America employee anything.

Have you ever had someone get confrontational/violent over the results of a drug test or HIV test?

What sort of work do you do?

Once before. They were trying to pry the results from the technician on the same day.

Probably a LARP but whatever, ever fucked anyone at work? Any work crushes? Funniest story?

Basic clinical operations, but for patients physicians are too lazy to do in their offices or just don't have the equipment necessary.

Someone once set their lunch to cook in the microwave for 13 minutes. The tupperware had this black mold on it of which I can only assume to be what used to be food. It stunk up the whole location for two weeks. I tried to bring air fresheners to mask the smell. Didn't work.

Ever caught someone using fake piss?

That's a terrible story. Sounds like a boring place to work at.

Yeah. They tried giving me shit but I called their employer on the spot.

It is.

When employers require drug tests, how often do you screen for THC? What state are you in?

Somewhere Southeast. Zone 4. Usually, it's 10 Panels and THC is always prevalent in the panel.

Anybody try to bribe you for a passing drug test? Did you accept? Also the obvious question: is there a way to pass a test while pissing hot? Other than the condom of clean piss

Piss packets and fake piss.

No, but some people genuinely try to bribe the front desk people to have them put higher up in the queue.

How do I pass a hair follicle drug test

Are you single. Phlebotomy and lab assistants are hot

don't do drugs

No, actually. I'm engaged.

>Laboratory Corporation of America
Tell us how you got your job, user?

like everyone else, online. I have a few years of phlebotomy under my name.

>Piss packets and fake piss.
That shit actually works? You guys can't discern fake from real, or does the employer paying for the test usually not pony up extra to verify?

They just pay for the shits. I try not to let it pass, sometimes it's noticeable, sometimes the test will require monitoring.

Well congratulations! I hope you guys make each other happy!!

How much do you make?

A lot. Years, son.

Thank you!

Nigga this is anonymous give me a number

What would be the best way to pass/fake a piss test if you have done drugs and would fail?

by not doing drugs

>if you have done drugs
come on man be a person

I also worked for LabCorp, only for 3 months. All I did was log samples in and smear piss on Petri dishes.


so you're a tech?


youre terrible at this AMA thing.

HEY DUMBFUCKS you know the OPs job? He could just be a driver you dumbasses.

He really is fucking awful

should i mention I'm in my 40s