Can you prove God does not exist?

Can you prove God does not exist?

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Can you prove he does? No one can prove he does exist, but one could see how religion began. A bunch of dumb idiots didn't know water grew crops so they came up with an imaginary person to worship. Christianity and more modern religions were created to control people. If you're a king and you rule 100,000 poor peasants, they're less likely to overthrow you if they believe they'll be compensated when they die. If you're born poor and want a better life, it's very easy to tell some gullible man in charge that God speaks to you and you to him, then the man in power gives you power and you collect money and you're no longer poor. That's not really evidence either but it supports the idea that God's not real

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>deflecting so they don't have to answer

thats evidence he does exist

>deflecting their arguments so you dont have to answer

>this is what happens in a spiritual power vacuum

>double decker deflection

The answer is no. You can’t disprove something like that. That doesn’t weaken the argument that God probably doesn’t exist any more than It weakens the argument that leprechauns don’t exist. Burden of proof is on the person making the extraordinary claim.

Which God?

in the old days some user would have already posted DD or something similar/worse.

the extraordinary claim is subjective

Russell's teapot

So omniscient super beings are ordinary?

to some people, yes

Since we are all taking the bait...

Of course none of us can prove God doesn’t exist. Yo do something like that there would have to be some agreed upon tools or measurements that determine if he exists. Believers would never agree to something like that.

Hmm perhaps they shouldn’t have that much trouble proving them, then, unless the specific perception required to engage in this magical being is... not ordinary.

Proclaiming that some mystical entity exists but is outside our understanding/comprehension is a pretty fantastical claim, objectively.

to them, they could "prove" it to you by telling you about something that happened to them that they credit to their God

Just saying you personally experienced something doesn’t constitute proof. Maybe you could argue that it constitutes some kind of anecdotal evidence, but not proof. People experience things all the time in their minds that may not exist outside of their own brains. Besides, anyone from any religion could report experiencing spiritual connections. Who is correct? If you argue that it is all the same god then you have gone against most theologies and still failed to actually prove anything but instead engaged in wild speculation.

God exists only to serve as an anchor to our reality. It is a harsh and burdened world, it helps to find yourself in the clutches of something greater than yourself. In the vertigo of countless stars and a universe inherently neglectful, would it not help to abide by a creators law? Even if that creator never existed.

How the heck would we know his law