Wat snek is this?

wat snek is this?
its in my house in sydney aussie

that's Larry
give him a cookie

look at it's eyes, that's how you can tell poison/nonpoison. that pic is shit so i can't help you without a better pic. and i'm not aussie so you probably don't even have the same indiginous snakes that i have. we're more copperheads and rattlesnakes here


looks like and inland tiapan

could be a spotted black or blue snake.

you cant actually be series...


taipan, possibly shedding. do not approach.

i suppose you are down for the series....

its head was caved in.....

wat u mean about the eyes. like if they look mean its poison?

Show him your snake, OP. Maybe they will be friends.

i think you are right, shitballs ive been treating it like it was an overgrown worm

fuck man, im on a phone and that's a shit quality picture. discoloration starting at the head is usually shedding. and shedding snakes are dangerous, doubly so for extremely venomous ones.

>inland tiapan, wife just killled it, she didn't know it waz:
Often cited as the world's most venomous snake, the Inland Taipan is far from the most dangerous

and what exactly would you be able to tell from its eyes?
>inb4 pupil shape because that tells you zero about it being venomous of not...

mean ones are poison dumbass

Lol nah, King Brown is most venomous

Nobody is eating the snakes you fucking retards.

No step on snek!

It’s not king brown it’s common brown and sorry chum, 2nd most venomous, black mamba is #1.