Does anyone here know chemistry? I'm curious if I could make lsd just by learning it or if that's even necessary

Does anyone here know chemistry? I'm curious if I could make lsd just by learning it or if that's even necessary

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lsd is very hard to make.
i mean graduate level chemistry knowledge and still difficult to make. its not easy.


What about DMT?

because u need to graduate before you can make lsd

Learn how to brew it und pour it in the lake.
Like a 1000 liters.
should be fun to watch the whole town trip.

Search on how to make lsa

DMT isn't that hard to manufacture, a friend of homemade it in a dorm room

Very easy to make

DMT is an extraction. synthesis isn't that hard though. if you're asking these sorts of questions you're the sort of person who should just buy the drugs already manufactured, frankly.

About $100,000 worth of chemistry equipment, a big enough basement or shed, and years of schooling..then youre good.

You need to get yourself a copy of Alexander Shulgins PIHKAL


Just grow mushrooms and trade it for lsd

LSD and shrooms are fun. Dmt is fucking serious. I was a full blown atheist before I delve into this shit. You will meet a form of intelligence. Weird is about the best way to describe it

Just make dmt. It's better and easier

DMT is impossible to manufacture. It's present in all life, it's a means of extraction.


Makes me want to try dmt now.

Only a total moron would try DMT unprepared and uninformed

lsd copypasta

the first time is one of 'those' experiences.
you know
first kiss, falling in love, marriage, graduating, death, tripping lsd.

when you do it, you get to pick up the curtain and see whats behind it. you can't describe the feeling to somebody if they've never done it. its like describing a color to a blind person. you can give people a rough idea but its nothing like the real thing. its just an experience beyond words.

its very subjective. and very intense. people say if you're anxious don't do it. i'm anxious every time i drop. its scary. this is the most powerful drug i've ever done in my life. its playing with fire. its fun but you gotta be careful or you'll burn your whole fucking house down.

i've had bad trips. smoking weed causes them for me. some people like smoking weed with it because it 'steps it up a notch' but for me it takes me to a whole different plane. i've talked with god. i've experienced death over and over. i am every person on earth. when somebody is murdered i am the killer and the victim. when i die i experience another one. i've stopped smoking weed when i trip, but even then, the bad ones don't ruin it. nightmares don't make you stop sleeping.

start slow. i prefer taking half a tab, now a days. its a shallow experience and you can snap yourself back to reality if you really need to.

i think everybody should trip at least once in their lives. the hallucinogen class of drugs is the root of all religion, i think. the mindset it puts you in is very conducive to those sort of things. entheogen means 'god from within.' shamans in south america have been drinking DMT for millennia. i feel really sorry for people who never got to experience this, or never will experience this. its truly something else. once you take it, you'll be a different person. i'm not the same i was before lsd. but i don't regret it. not by a long shot.

So where can average autistic beta fag get lsd?

It’ll change your life. There’s other things out there that “know” about us. I’ve had beautiful and frightening experiences both. Sounds crazy but it seems real. Just be careful

go to raves

Dude i had taken lsd and i was trying to think how god could exist and what i came up with was that god can only exist if we all exist, we are the negative energy and god is the positive.

How would one prepare for this?

So just go to raves and start askimg random ppl for lsd?

Think about the highest you’ve been on acid. Thats about where dmt starts and then folds you into another dimension about 10x as far

Bc positive energy kills millions of ppl

Thats cool. I remember when everything merged i want to go baxk and see it again

Let's say you have extensive knowlegde of chemistry.... you'd still need way better lab eqiupment than some pots in your kitchen. You will never be able to make LSD at home.

Start with small doses and work your way up. You won’t break through the first few times most likely. But when you do you’ll know. Don’t focus on it or force it. Let it do what it’s gonna do. I thought I killed my self the first time I broke through. And I was perfectly ok with where I was

don't be a fucking skeeve about it. if you've got friends ask around.

i think growing mushrooms is pretty easy. i knew a dude at my dorms back in college who grew some in his closet.

just do some research on it. it'd probably be better to go the mushroom route since you'd know where they came from and how pure they were.

mushrooms are like pastel and round and soft.
lsd is like electric and sharp and neon.

mushrooms are like sitting in the passenger seat of a crazy journey, LSD is like driving the car.

Nooo. We are the negative so it just happens to us. We cant stop it. Its not god killing us.

Anarchist cookbook

google "nomans tek"
very easy method

This is why god isnt here with us because god cant be. We are the negative relfection of gods being.

To get the precursors is quite difficult and the manufacturing requires certain atmospheric pressure. It's also sensitive to light, temperature humidity, and time.

What exactly is this?

Dick cheese

>don't be a fucking skeeve about it. if you've got friends ask around.

Not trying to be skeeve about it
I just wanna do drugs but don't know where to get them bc of my autism

>Does anyone here know chemistry? I'm curious if I could make lsd just by learning it


Dude. That image. I would love to spend time there.

I disagree . It is quite obvious he IS stupid enough to consider doing this.

The number of people stupid enough not to know how much they do not know compared tto those who have some smal inkling of how much they do not know is stupendous. One of the marvels of humanity, even in the information age, or more specifically a phenomemenon of the information age is the number of people having a opinion on something they know nothing about.


dmt is much better anyway from what I've heard

Check your local laws to see if 1pLSD is legal, if so, you can acquire it online legally (identical to LSD + it is made following regulations and you will have a precise dosage). If not, go the deep web route. Not sure of any active websites, though they are there.

>t. sold Nbomb while seeking LSD. Don't have trust in word of mouth

I guess you would be the expert on stupid

Presumptuous cock hole

Has an opinion about something he heard about .. maybe even watched Last Exit ..WTF man !?! .. Do you even cognate !?!

Extracted dmt

Anyone here have experience with mescaline? Been planning a trip though the thought of 1 foot of cacti is intimidating

You are the kind of asshole who ends up on a morgue slab on Sunday morning ebcause .. retarded.

And I see lots of those.

best wishes .. the presumptive coroner.

The chemicals and procedures used are extremely hard to work with.
A lot of stuff can go wrong and you might not get the result you want i.e. not acid.

Also from what i've read it takes a shit ton of time.

Also synthesis is quite hard to do, you have to be really precice.

> (You)
>I guess you would be the expert on stupid

Suck on my dork, fucktardo. At least I know what my limits are, and labbing acid as a hobby with zero experienced is not something op or myself should try.


Even a talented and hardworking Chemist like ALexander Shulgin had problems with product purity, this is why he wrote his two book PIHKAL and TIHKAL .. to show experimentally how even a narrow difference in chemical composition could and does show drastically differnt experiences and compounds.

Did you even read my comment ? .. It was exactly the opposite of what you think it was .. don't choke on that irony son !