Name ONE (1) time he was wrong

Name ONE (1) time he was wrong.

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Why are there age limits?

Parable of Arable Land should be 9.5
Person Pitch should be 8

His opinion on gay marriage, kendrick lamar and american politics are utter shit, he reaches so far into empty space in his column about gay marriage

all of them

His Kendrick ratings are fine

To some, everything; to others, nothing.

Can't believe I wasn't aware of his gay marriage argument until now. This is legit the most retarded defense for any political viewpoint I've ever seen

he's absolutely right in everything, only underage plebs and rockists will disagree

His ratings for the Beatles and radiohead are too high. Sgt. peppers should be 5/10. Kid a should be 5/10, amnesiac should be 4/10, AMSP should be 4/10. Also he should have given 9's to the cures disintegration and soundtracks for the blind

Could you sum it up for me or link me to were he talks about gay marriage?

Damn, scruffy definitely wants to fuck kids

Scaruffi is Armond White of music.

pitchfork is armond white of music. constantly overhype dumb pop shit and trashes good stuff.

Plebeian: fantano
Contrarian: christgau
Patrish: The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

This, his Kendrick ratings are too high

which marvel review of his hurt your feelings?

Ryuchi Sakamoto ratings desu


umm....oh shit, he's never been wrong. fuck!

two consenting adults of the same gender being allowed to get married legally will result in old men being able to marry underaged girls legally

that time when he lied under oath, and said that he didn't rape all those newborns. he was wrong then.

so i assume hes all for gay marriage then?

He is. He actually voted against gay marriage because he thought the law should have included alternative relationships like poligamy, for example. Other user's a retard who didn't understand what he wrote.

I always wondered why in that article he puts scare quotes around "gay" instead of "marriage".

>Steve Harwell of Smash Mouth being one of the greatest singers of all time
>Aqua getting a 7/10
>Korn being on his top metal albums

The first five Korn albums are all decent to great though

he definitely sings really well and is charming
not defending that one
korn is good once you get past the superficial edgyness of it

literally never

>Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12. Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Most heroines of classic novels and poems were underage by today's laws.
>Today incest is illegal, but it was common in ancient times (all kings and queens of Egypt married their siblings or mothers): why is it illegal for two siblings to get married and why does incest disqualify a couple from adopting children?
>To start with, i disagree with same-sex couples having the right to adopt children, until the day that i read enough literature; and the literature i read so far seems to imply that the "traditional" family that has become the norm all over the planet is the result of a "natural selection" of possible forms of family. Before we tamper with it, it's worth pondering the consequences. Most empires collapsed not because of economic or military factors but because they tampered with the structure of family. If there isn't enough literature, then i am opposed to experimenting on children. Homosexual couples can do a lot of good by sending money to poor families and institutions in the third world, instead of "stealing" children that the biological parents would probably not have given them.
>In fact, for the first time in my life, i am worried about the fact that children might be "brainwashed" in schools throughout the country to "tolerate" homosexuality, which may turn out to be an encouragement to 1. uncritically approve gay marriage, and 2. become gay yourself.

He seriously thinks that legalizing gay marriage is the same as incest or pedophelia, and that teaching about homosexuality in schools might turn kids gay

Has Scruffy ever given out a 10? Or a 9.5? What are his 9s?


He's given out serpveral 9s, especially in 60s music. His 9.5 is Trout Mask Replica and that is his highest rated

How is everyone saying he's right if he gave Trout Mask Replica a 9.5? Come on...

>Nature is more true than what can be analyzed by the scientific method.
>The critic is not the real artist.

It's inhuman to never be wrong.

it's one of the best albums ever dude

but scaruffi is awful because
he admits to rating albums without finishing them
he thinks music critique is an art
he's painfully contrarian about the beatles and won't even acknowledge their influence even if he doesn't like their music
Here's threst of his favorites. He seems to give ratings with heavy weight on boundary pushing and influence as opposed to overall quality

It would be more difficult to name a time he was right.

hes prob right here tho

people here are fucking retarded and will say anything to seem contrarian and cool. Scruffy gave that fucking Nicki Minaj album a higher rating than fucking Kid A. Yet he's taken seriously here.

Yeah, he gave rocket to russia a 8/10
that's kinda surprising

>>Nature is more true than what can be analyzed by the scientific method.
this is correct though

He rates music not so much on quality but of experimental merit which is probably the most important aspect of music from a historical standpoint

He has three 9.5s, Beefheart, Faust, Rock Bottom

>Starsailor is Tim Buckley's best album, Lorca's third
>Nebraska's fantastic and I really don't get how he doesn't rate it higher
>Bringing It All Back Home deserves better, as do all of Dylan's early folk albums
>Jenny Death and Exmilitary and nowhere near the best Death Grips albums
Other than that I can stand by a lot of his opinions.

I agree, but he is inconsistent with his criteria. Surely the Beatles, Radiohead or David Bowie would have at least somewhat high ratings, right? Scaruffi instead gives them a peak of 6/10

Radiohead sucks, grow up

None of them are experimental in the slightest

listening to faust and it sounds like another meme album kinda like trout.. what a joke

Pierre Scaruffi: Pleb Destoyer

You probably just have shit taste

>meme album kinda like trout
you're a retard lmao

Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, Pablo Honey, OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Low, Heroes, and Earthling all have higher ratings than 6/10 from him though. Really he doesn't have anything particular against the artists you mentioned, he just doesn't inflate his ratings like other reviewers do.

Ok, they are at least more experimental than College Dropout by Kanye West or Illinois by Sufjan Stevens, which each have a 7.5. I'm not saying they are bad albums, but if he's just judging based on pure experimentation, there are inconsistencies
Sorry, you are correct. I remembered only several of his ratings and didn't look up the rest

>Likes TMR and rates based on influence
>Rates the Beatles that low
H y p o c r i t e

Having Creep by Radiohead in the best songs of all time